Why don’t zoomer girls find white guys attractive anymore?

Seems like women of all races prefer light skin niggas or Hispanic guys, why is this for GenZ?

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They don’t. You simply believe so because it confirms your bias. Stop spamming these shitty threads

[citation needed]

>1 post by this ID

If you're white, you have to be wealthy to get girls. If you aren't wealthy as a white man, then wtf are you doing??

Because you keep posting this pathetic thread.

Literally this. Shills keep posting this bullshit 10x a day, fuck off already.

>Pajeet in England, again.
For what I'm sure won't be the last time, white women will never choose you. Even the fat drug addict coalburners that fuck niggers won't. The roastiest clubsluts that bang sheiks and rappers for champagne won't. It's not going to happen. Transition to a trap as best as you can and move to the Congo.

because back then, white guys were their only choice

Why do they choose to look so freakishly similar.

Im a 18 year old zoomer with a trimmed jaw and physically fit, blue eyes, dirty blonde..

And as a white guy with a literal 9.5 blonde gf, let me tell you this..


Fake larp

Absolutely based. Fellow 18yo zoomer here, Jow Forums with a good face and blue eyes but with wavy brown hair, wish me luck in the search for a white gf of my own

good luck, your encourageble faggot

White women love the darkest ugliest most violent ape they can find

Based, in a similar situation as you, but my gf is a literal 10/10 and is 5 years older than me. Feels fuckin' good man.

Sure beats being a depressed piece of shit, good luck to you too user, the future is bright

>A why do XX post
>A memeflag

This honestly

You're clearly a pedo spic. No zoomers don't like shitskins. Even your own goblina women are thirsty for the white cock.

this thread again? You're ugly. Cope.


Cope harder doomer virgins

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>still waiting on a citation

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I see this thread 3 times a day its getting old just go back to posting bbc why dont you

28yo, 5'11", 210lbs, 11%bmi, green eyes, brown hair, getting paid to go to school.
No problems here either.

By bmi I mean body fat %

Cut the bullshit and go back to white bois can't compete pls

fuck off you double nigger

The reality is the exact opposite.
Stop shitting up this board with your concern trolling copypasta

they all look gross and like they are running a slight fever
even the one with the nose ring

fake news

Nah new reality

>why is something obviously not true actually true?

There not sending their best shills anymore

>more defeatist spam

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>surely..... OP...... will return..... with the citation....

HA ...good luck

Whats your motivation for posting this same thread multiple times a day every day?

Spread the truth

and of course that high IQ Jewess who rendered the first image of a blackhole is surely inferior to you, blond-haired, blue eyed prince.

hey tranny

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You don't feel like a loser doing it for free?

based and true fellow tall white handsome zoomer

You are literally a cuck dude lmao. I am probably one of the few people that can say they go to a majority black school (state school on athletic scholarship lol) and will tell you being white is still the top tier of the dating ladder, maybe not as great as it was a decade or two ago but still the best. Every race wants to fuck white guys, its ezpass if you are tall and good looking, you wont believe me but there aren't many other white people in my area (yes it's a shithole guess which city) so when they see a white guy its exciting for them. Women actually just like outsiders, how about that, because of evolution, they are all whores. Btw both my parents were eastern euro

Sorry not "see", rather, when they think they get the opportunity to date/fuck a white man

That slumpig goes for 20euro for half&half around here, no offence.

This is such a gay larp. Everyone is embarrassed to be with you pink dicked white boys. White girls would rather fuck a light skin nigga instead and ethnic girls hate you. Haha

It's a new shill, probably a new leftypol convert.
He doesn't even know the dialectic, much less how to use pilpul.


Because White guys are dicks.

rootless parasite, u mad

You might be retarded if you think normie white girls are not entirely more interested in white men. It's literally in our blood.

girls (women) are attracted to 1 thing, success and your physical traits are a manifestation of your capability to achieve that. Figure it the fuck out, systematic racism = systematic bias.

Demotivational thread posted by a memeflaggot. Suck a dick you fucking kike.

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Nah they are all aboard that woke shit. It’s not fashionable to like white boys. How do I know you’re not a real female?

Am darker Spanish

The real cuties are hwite. They always go for blue eyes hwites. If you aren't an albino looking onion boy you're at the top of the pecking order.

Maybe just not you because you're surely a faggot

Look at the thousand cock stares on those walking Arby's billboards.

Same thread, same memeflag, the replies keep rolling in, people forget to sage. It's all so tiresome

Nah they want med boys if not that. Then they don’t want white

Skinny pale mentally unstable chicks are my jam. This looks like heaven.

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Sexual relations before marriage are degenerate. Its the root cause of the degeneration we have today, and all of you are partaking in it and crying about it afterwards.


Seems like OP prefers choking on dicks, why is OP such a faggot?

The woke girls are a minority that everyone hates in person. The female socialization is hard to shake for some women, which is why these types try to enforce themselves on others (insecurity). It's already changing as the older zoomers are realizing they want money, love, and a good life, not rebellion. I know many other young white couples who will have children after marriage.

you arent wealthy, the only true wealthy people on this planet are few... around one percent I hear and Id bet you they dont come here.

You’re not a girl so you wouldn’t understand. Most girls go with what everyone else is doing. Being woke may not be for everyone but being socially aware means that dating white boys is extremely unfashionable. Copeing in this thread is pathetic

>The female socialization is hard to shake for some women, which is why these types try to enforce themselves on others (insecurity). It's already changing as the older zoomers are realizing they want money, love, and a good life, not rebellion
Read this again, but slower. That is exactly what female socialization is and what we call this group mentality when we critique other girls for doing certain things.

They look like they overdosed on Billie Eilish.

maybe it's because most zoomer guys are tranny faggots.
And desu most zoomer and millennial girls are butt-ugly feminists.

Because they're smart and know white men are inferior in every way.
>tfw superior nigger

Jewish propaganda has for years made white men look dumb and evil and non-whites smart and funny and succesful and desirable.
It has one good aspect though: The dumbest bitches only get mixed up with niggers and arabs now, so at least they are not bothering white men and making white babies. Their inferior genes will pollute the gene pool of coloured people.


i'm 24 and i have dated 18-19 yo wahmen since i was 20. I'm average looking and all the girls were out of my league.

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