Why do the Jews keep pushing the "Space is Real" meme?

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Because it's the ultimate conspiracy

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You're the one that created the fifteenth thread on it.

Space is in the Bible. Stop being
Biblephobic and accept the science.

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The Flat Earth and Retards that believe in it. Name a more Iconic duo

>Protip; You can't

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because it god old

How does this model account for variations in the daily hours of daylight? Like how Alaska has some periods of the year where they only have like 2 hours of sunlight?

Jews want people to believe that all sorts of horrors and wonders exist. They fill people with all these wonderful tales of grandeur and hope if you just believe and do the math.

Then, they smack you right in the face with cold reality and despair. Doesn’t even have to be the truth they gave you in the first place. They just do it to watch you suffer. Kinda like pic related

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only thing flat around here is yo moms tiddays

One of the most apparent red flags with this is how complicated the model is. You have these weird paths of the celestial bodies; a conjecture that diamagnetism is how gravity works; yet another conjecture that stars are some kind of signal interference phenomenon. All of this is much less elegant than the mainstream, otherwise universally accepted model of the Earth and astrophysics. This alone doesn't discredit it, but you fundamentally have no proof of any of this. Ultimately it's just a big, complicated alternate explanation with no evidence.

you know what's complicated? pretending black holes exist.

>Space isn't real

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And big surprise... A meme flag...

Dat moon doh...

Because it supports big bang theory and big bang theory is anti-creation and anti-god

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I blame Jow Forumsthe_nigger for allowing 80 year old boomer faggots to infest this board with "muh flat earth" and "my dad had polio but vaccines are worse"

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You're batshit crazy...

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But I wanna be neo...

You had cred until you blanket defended vaccines... It's the preservatives mercury, diamerasol, squalene and God knows what else that's the concern. Also people believe in F.E. because trust and faith in the media and nasa etc is less than 0.

you know what's not the concern? polio and measles

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The otherway around, mentally fucked flouzy.

Shut up PowderKeg

fuckin saved. You my friend are white for a day!


If you really believe the science supporting vaccines encourage those that you recommend them to to go preservative free. That way you potentially prevent the ailment and won't become a drooling, dyslexic mute...

The false flag aliens will have to come from somewhere.

Also, there's no universally accepted FE model. No one agrees on one. This make any sort of experiment wildly inconsistent and skews data.

Nah, it's right the way it is, kike.

To rob your life of divinity and make you feel little, obsolete and worthless in comparison

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earth is flat space is a hoax wake up sheeple

the leading theory of the origin of the universe leaves plenty of room for God though
"God made it happen" is as good of an explanation to what started the universe as anything the cosmologists have come up with.

Ok sure say I buy into it.
Then what are currently living on?
What happens if you travel away from from the [whatever shape you want it to be] "earth" for infinity?
Where am I going at that point? Am I not traveling into space if I am going in one direction forever away from the planet?

Individualism is a joke and humans in general aren't special. People die and the world keeps turning, yet there's more to life than death.

>how complicated the model is
People forget, flat earthers do not have to even prove the earth is flat. Round earthers (or any other kind really) have to prove the earth is round. I have yet to see a single round earth proof stand up to actual science to date.

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Prove it and kill yourself.

Which one though?

>flat earthers do not have to even prove the earth is flat
Why is that exactly?

"the earth is not round"
"the earth is flat"

critizicing the mainstream idea doesnt require proof. an idea which held up for houndreds of years requires more proof.

Ironic, coming from isreals slave state

Because if they earth is round, then there shouldn't be an issue with defending it. At the same time, most flat earthers or hollow earthers etc do not agree what the correct model is. All they know is that the current scientific model doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

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Good goy, keep pushing the (((flat earth))) theory so we have a convenient excuse to discredit any legitimate conspiracy theories

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big bang aka "suddenly everything including life itself simply began"
trying to prove what was "before" the very start of time is inherently unproveable and an eternal guessing game. "God did it from outside time and space" is as good of an explanation as cyclical universes, multiverse theory and everything else at this point

I mean't, which god

The one, you're to stupid to imagine.

nice schizo/pysop thread

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OP is a jewish shill. by posting shit like this he makes us all here look like lunatics

how would pushing flat earth theories discredit jack shit?

ignores north pole "magnetic ring", the north pole landmasses would be much farther apart than that. this is probably the worst map I've seen. The rising and setting up the sun refutes nothing, no more than from a me being able to see smaller objects farther away on a clear day from a bluffline. Also, the sun does not rise and fall "due east" or set "due west" exactly. it is well noted by astonmers and anyone who walks outside that all celetial objects come from the northeast, arch slightly southward until it's directly overhead, then arch back to the north west. your map is shit.
again misses magnetic ring at north pole, which would increase said distances, and does not account for summer/winter modifications. you do not always have 12/12 hours a day.
I like this one. So why can't I fly directly from Sao Paulo to Johannesburg without stopping in europe or india? Flight patterns says your full of shit on this one.
I've measured this personally. On full moons, the moon is larger on the horizon and small directly overhead. This is blatantly false. All it takes is a ruler and an arbitrary distance in reference to your eye to measure this one.
Samuel Rowbotham wrote a book listing multiple accounts of sailors stating that as they went south, the constellations were wrong, the sun between days would appear to rise and fall in the wrong directions in reference to the stars that night, etc. At one point the sun crossed from west to east, while they face magnetic north. These are all sailors, and even some who did cartography for the british navy.

I've got some for you, if you want to defend your round earth theories. Even some smoking guns.

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>how would pushing flat earth theories discredit jack shit?
You can lump any conspiracy theorist in with flat earthers, just like YT did when they censored 9/11 videos

>Also, the sun does not rise and fall "due east" or set "due west" exactly
It does on the equinox, retard.

>your map is shit.
Provide a better one then

>why can't I fly directly from Sao Paulo to Johannesburg without stopping in europe or india
Avianca offers direct flights

>I've measured this personally. On full moons, the moon is larger on the horizon and small directly overhead.
No it isn't. Provide your measurements, you're full of shit. Even if that were the case it wouldn't make sense as the moon is allegedly "further" at the horizon and would appear smaller.

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>Samuel Rowbotham wrote a book
Samuel Rowbotham is a fucking retard, why do you trust his word verbatim?

Disney did it better 10 years ago

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Flat earthers should be stripped of human rights and worked to death in mines or something. You are wasting our oxygen by existing.

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That's wrong though. It just better explains the mechanisms God used the create the universe.

We still have no clue what caused the big bang, so "God did it" is a perfectly valid explanation. If God caused the big bang, then he created the universe and everything in it.

Greeks already did stuff like this. People believing in flat Earth are simply mentally ill. Or government agents trying to make all conspiracy theories look retarded.

It was staring us in the face the whole time.

True, you can literally photograph the curvature yourself with a bit of altitude on a cliff using the method here It's willful ignorance at its finest

so in other words, the moment one decides any of those theories are true, whether 9/11 or flat earth, the other ones are more likely to be accepted. I see no problem here. If anything it makes it easier.

you've ignored how far the landmasses are around the north pole, and have excluded the north pole ring. Furthermore, even during the winter, the sun travels the path I described, just farther south. If round earth were true, the sun and celestial objects would come from SE and return SW. We are also closer to the sun during the winter, but thats a different topic.

>provide a better flat earth map
I don't have to. Time to defend your round earth.

>What creates the magnetic field that keeps the harmful solar winds at bay if iron loses its magnetic field when heated or molten as it is under the earths crust?
>Why does the sun still arise out of the northeast and set northwest during the winter?
>Why do airplane flight paths from south america to africa take trips to europe first?
>Why is Eratosthenes constantly promoted as proving round earth, when it in fact also proves flat earth as shown here?
Avianca offers direct flights
>have you or anyone you know every taken one, ever?
>Why does all nasa rocket launches curve over the ocean, and is considered a success if it goes past the horizon, where no one can say whether it did or didn't fall in the ocean?
Hold up your thumb or a ruler at arms length and eyeball it on a full moon. It's not fucking micrometers, its blatantly obvious.
>Why has no one to date refuted Airy's Failure experiement in regards to the fact the he discovered it was the stars moving, not the earth? A Smoking Gun
every flat earth shill on every flat earth thread responds this way with this exact post dating back before 2016.
>"trust his word verbatim?"
I trust british naval cartographers, who he directly sourced and quoted. Fuck off.

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This model is retarded and can be proven wrong by flight durations alone.
A flight from Santiago de Chile to Melburne takes 15h and a flight from New York to London takes 7h.
Yet according to that map it should take 5-6x as long as the flight from NY to London. Doesn't make any fucking sense.
Similarly a direct flight from Sao Paolo, Brasil to Johannisburg, South Africa only takes 10h, almost the same as NY-London.
Yet according to the map it should take 3-4x as long.

you're iq is either 160 or 71

>What creates the magnetic field that keeps the harmful solar winds at bay if iron loses its magnetic field when heated or molten as it is under the earths crust?
Dynamo effect
>Why does the sun still arise out of the northeast and set northwest during the winter?
Why wouldn't it?
>Why do airplane flight paths from south america to africa take trips to europe first?
Economic reasons. I already provided you with direct flights which are impossible on a flat earth, why haven't you addressed this?
>have you or anyone you know every taken one, ever?
Not an argument.
>Why does all nasa rocket launches curve over the ocean,
1. To get into orbit, you don't just fly straight up
2. They fly over water to ensure debris doesn't fall over land in the case of catastrophic failure
>Hold up your thumb or a ruler at arms length and eyeball it on a full moon. It's not fucking micrometers, its blatantly obvious
Show your measurements, in angular size please.
>Why has no one to date refuted Airy's Failure experiement in regards to the fact the he discovered it was the stars moving, not the earth? A Smoking Gun
No he didn't, he disproved the ether.
>I trust british naval cartographers, who he directly sourced and quoted.
Why don't you trust any other cartographers who knew the earth was round?

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Now that I've addressed your retarded points, tell me using your own model at what azimuth and elevation the sun will be in Leeds at 2PM on June 20th of this year.

Because they think we'll be blindsided when we have to answer to God, but he will boil them in excrement for leading us astray. Elite Jews are retarded, that's why they have horrible paranoid-schizophrenia and operate on basic reptile instincts instead of mammalian empathy. Incest tends to do that over a few thousand years.

And no muddying our genepools with their traits did not help remedy them.

Explain star trails and coreolis.
Note: you can't use webm or YouTube vids.

Also explain why things measurably weigh less as you move closer to the equator and then weight more as you move further away as you cross the equator again

>so in other words, the moment one decides any of those theories are true, whether 9/11 or flat earth, the other ones are more likely to be accepted. I see no problem here. If anything it makes it easier.
Fuck Flat Earth but I agree with your main point. I find hollow/cavernous toroidal-hurricane Earth to be more likely. In any case, since elite pedorings, NSA spying, unanimous treason in US politics, etc. have all been proven true, normies have nothing left to apathetically fall back on. They were wrong. Tinfoilers were right. And fuck em for taunting us with their Snopes and Wikipedia articles. Fucking lemmings.

actually a jew would say space isnt real , "stay on earth goyim" and you hide behind a meme flag .....found the jew guys ,its OP

>Dynamo effect
The earths magnetic field is too uniform for this to be remotely plausible.
>Why wouldn't it?
Because during the winter the north pole points away from the sun, meaning that the equator would be pointing above the sun instead of at 90 degrees. This is an irrefutable fact.
>why haven't you addressed this?
I did. You and know one you know have ever bought or seen someones else buy these tickets. Every video to date that someone has shown is video that has come up to "debunk flat earthers" and so are suspect of who is doing it. You can fake a video, but anyone can do common verifiable science experiments outside.
>Nasa rockets don't go straight up, need to fly over water for muh protection
and they always will. you will never see anything to the contrary, not even from spacex.
>Show your measurements, in angular size please.
youll have to wait till next full moon negro. I can't make it get here any faster.
>No he didn't, he disproved the ether
bullshit. he proved two or three things.
1a. The aether is stationary in reference to the earth, therefore the light would stay straight in the telescope even when slowed down, or 1b. it does not exist and the earth is also not moving.
2. The light entering the telescope barrel could not be seen if it was filled with water and the earth was in motion. If it could still be seen with water, which is was, then it would mean that the stars emiting the light are in motion(which we can see, they move across the sky at night) and the earth was sitting still.

Part 1

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Before anyone else says anything more explain why the sun goes below the horizon. Thank you!

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There's plenty of believers who argue that god was the one that made it go bang.
It's not inherently anti-god in the same way evolution isn't.

Because outside the icewall is an enormous set of continents at a lower elevation. The sun gets blocked off by the tall ice mountains when it gets too far away.

t. Devil's advocate

>crepuscular ray argument
it all has to do with perspective

and then where does the sun go if the other continents can see it when it goes past the icewall. Why don't we see it on the other side?

>Because if they earth is round, then there shouldn't be an issue with defending it
You're right, there isn't.

Part 2

>don't you trust any other cartographers who knew the earth was round?
Thomas Winship - 100 proofs The Earth is Not a Globe
"Yes, but we can circumnavigate the South easily enough," is often said by those who don't know, The British Ship Challenger recently completed the circuit of the polar Southern region - indirectly, to be sure - but she was three years about it, and traversed nearly 69,000 miles - a stretch long enough to have taken her six times round on the globular hypothesis. This is a proof that Earth is not a globe."

While that may seem short when looking at the encompassing ice wall on a FE map, the challenger did sail up and down the sides of austalia up by asia then over the the americas which on the FE map would've in fact shortened the distance so that 70000 nuatical miles seems about right.

I have no idea. That's new to me.

Hang on part 3 inbound

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>and was never heard from again

According the the bedford level experiment, it is odd that the man tried killing wallace. maybe he really was cheated. After all, under "Refraction" on the Wiki page, it states that atmospheric condition cause light to bend downward near the ground so that to the eye everything seems flat over long distances, which is why Rowbotham was wrong, and then proclaims Wallace right. If this was true, Rowbotham should have been correct and proved a round earth, and Wallace's would've been considered a failed experiment. So which is it? does bending light make the earth seem flat or is it flat? or is it curved and light is curved? or is curved and light straight? It seems to me that round earthers suffer from cognitive dissonance, and cherrypick the results as they see fit.

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How is a spherical light emitter sometimes invisible in the sky when there is a clear line of sight to it at all times in a flat earth?

Using the light bulb analogy shown in that video, I can still see the light bulb from a distance even if it is not directly illuminating me. You don't see the sun in the middle of the night.