Explain this one MAGApedes. Trump Rips George Washington for Poor Personal Branding

Explain this one MAGApedes. Trump Rips George Washington for Poor Personal Branding.


This guy thinks he's smarter than the 1st president !

Attached: trump-gwashington.jpg (1200x675, 109K)


Washington was a cuck land-speculator billionaire that did whatever Hamilton told him to do. Trump was a cuck land-speculator billionaire that did whatever Kushner told him to do. They're about tied.

>and today on All Things Considered, we will consider how everything that happens is actually Trump's fault

Attached: jBTxj2zcY.png (1000x1070, 404K)

I wish cock sucking Trump would shut his stupid pie hole.

Trump is a Zionist and Washington was a mason, so...

who gives an actual fuck?

Damn right. I wish bad orange man would stop eating two scoops.

>legal immigration
>4D chess goys

If it makes you feel better, I will still reluctantly vote Trump in 2020, even with the full knowledge that the votes literally don't count in the current (((system))).

Nobody said it was 4D chess but you. Why do keep trying so hard when every time you post you say something LITERALLY this stupid?

>every time
>posted twice

You were readily and clearly triggered by a fleeting criticism of Trump supporting Israel. What alternative explanation would you like to offer?

You're the one up at 4 in the morning on a work day spamming your tripe that has no basis in reality nor any effect.

>no basis in reality
Holy shit, are you serious? Do you really not think Trump is pro-Israel, pro-legal immigration?

I'm not certain of your arguments. Was George Washington like this in some fashion?

Washington was a godless mason, and equally worthy of disdain for any saved white man.

What do you think you're getting at?

>living on the east coast

I don't understand the connection here. What are you actually trying to argue about? Israel and immigration? Neither one existed in GW's day.

getting shit named after you is superior to naming shit after yourself

>I will still reluctantly vote Trump in 2020
If you loved the first half of President Kushner's term, you're really going to love the second when the Third Temple gets rebuilt and the real fun begins. Bibi just secured his role for this staged Revelations so it's game on.

Are you serious unfamiliar with the decision makers involved in the masons?

Masons are run by Jews.

A truly shit philosopher. You should get a job in the Jew Stream Media.

Masons literally are Babylonian Satanists. Now let's get back Israel and Immigration.

>literally nitpicking nothing
Scraping the bottom of the shilling barrel now, are we?