You created a monster Jow Forums
>being set up to run for office
>the left hates her as much as you hate AOC
>she radiates leadership and strength
>she will be the first female president
You created a monster Jow Forums
>>she will be the first female president
I'm okay with that.
Stop shilling this idiot
she's fucking arrogant, and nasty.
And just like AOC, she's a retard.
t. toasty roasty
You mean empowered and on a warpath. Based niggers are a critical stumbling block for the left so I support them. They can have Louisiana to themselves when this is all over.
who lol
I'm ok with this as well.
would berry/king arthur
calling them niggers isn't very nice
I would be very happy to vote for candace for president
If I was an american I unironically would, the country is fucked anyway.
As long as she is fucking over the left she gets my vote
She's a Jew puppet. Absolutely not
Candace is standing for our great president!
She has more balls than most men.
Liberals quit calling her names,
you racists fucks~
>hates AOC
It's like a crazy ex who insists you are always thinking about her when you'd forgotten her name till she started stalking you
How could I hate the best lolcow in D.C. since Biden?
She also encourages her followers to go shoot up mosques. I don't think there is room for white supremacists like her in what is basically a mutt country
Imagine the triggering on the left.
I'm okay with this too.
>She also encourages her followers to go shoot up mosques.
I used to just like her, now I love her. I didn't know she did that.
I like her, I would put a spit shine on that pussy.
I've never heard her say anything interesting, everything is extremely cold boomer takes. Dems are the real racists is as good as it gets for her.
Fuck, that's actually a good choice. You forgot to add - first black president, too.
shes sassy!
>she will be the first female president
> for white supremacists like her
You sure can't cope with reality.