Why does it seem that leftists are better at organizing in the streets and in person...

why does it seem that leftists are better at organizing in the streets and in person, whereas right wing people tend to be better at organizing online and in social media?
is there an explaination for this?

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The last time we had a Jow Forums meeting, we ended up getting drunk and started fighting

Faggots don't have jobs

This. Right wingers have jobs and families most of the time.


Because they are a clandestine government controlled group bussed in and on call.

When there is a place they need to be, the government whatsapp them and wire monero for travel and fees.

There is no left or right. It's you (people) vs your (hijacked) government

Because they also use social stigma as a weapon. I think if conservatives didn't feel at risk of being doxed and slandered they would attend more IRL protests.

Also lefty protestors are usually students and therefore have plenty more time to go around LARP'ing.

because leftist have media at their side. Journalists are 6-8x more leftist than the normal population.
And they have the psychological advantage of being "the good guys" because they are Anti-Fascist so they are good and everything they do has a good purpose while everything a right winger says has an evil purpose because Nazis are evil.

>right wingers have jobs and families so they post online instead of go outside

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yh pretty much m8

>here's my assumption

I believe we're all leftists...... Hear me out, what I mean is, when we're in public gatherings we tend to try and mould ourselves into the majority and what is the majorities train of thought? Well, general train of thought

Now, these attributes are held dearly (and passionately) leftists till the far. On the other hand (I'm not saying rightists don't believe in this) the same Ideologies have taken a different path some dropped completely (far rightists).
Now back to "we're all leftists" why do I say this?, for leftists is normal everyday practice but for an individual that leans towards the right his views aren't seen as a different path to relatively the same goal but as an alien all together hence for their own safety (reputation, occupation and family ties) rightists tend to stay a safe distance from the front lines.

When's the next one? I like getting fucked up and ranting about how shitty the world is.

Leftists have vast support from governments and ngos and media support. So they have essentially free reign to be an enforcement arm of said govt that can claim it has nothing to do with them while it sends them against those who oppose said govt.

leftists get paid to organize
we don't so we shitpost online, for now.

i wonder what is more important
the streets or the internet

if the left controls the streets, does the right even want to be there? or can real change be affected through the internet alone?

Left terrorists have government backing/condoning them and they know it

Leftists are not afraid to be public because they sort of represent the status quo and thus have no bad consequences when people find out about their views.
Right wing people might lose their jobs and reputation etc. so they're forced to be anonymous.

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wut? The right wing usually organizes pretty well where I am from all things considered.

It’s because the left can’t meme.

Everyone organises pretty well where your from though.


Leftists have irl friends.


Because they have financial and logistical support by organizations with deep pockets.

And right wing people do it for free.

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Basically this. Wider society operates on the leftist axiom that nothing is worse than a racist or a white nationalist. Hence we can have multiple terror attacks across multiple European countries where children are blown up or run down while one white nationalist terror attack in NZ is enough to cause a world-wide moral panic.


Because when the right organizes in person, they are no longer fucking around.

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You just aren't in the right algorithmed social media bubble
Also they're paid actors

They're unemployed social rejects who are funded by soros and pals.

>why does it seem that leftists are better at organizing in the streets and in person, whereas right wing people tend to be better at organizing online and in social media?
>is there an explaination for this?
Because those groups aren't real. You can see the difference between organic protests and paid agitators pretty easily. One thing being organic protesters don't have fucking uniforms! The Yellow vests being the sole exception because everyone in France has a yellow vest.

Is it time to start Clowning Around in numbers?
Imagine the shit show in Berkeley this time around.
The black clad hordes against the brightly colored vibrant guard.

They have impunity to do so. Everything is a slap on the wrist. If you’re from the right, they will ruin your fucking life.

You tell me.

>literally have their signs, clothes, and paraphenalia distributed to them by corporate sponsors
>are told what to say and where to be by handlers

Boy I fucking wish I got paid to show up in the streets and bash the fash, I do it for free


Yeah, you’re all fuckin basement dwelling NEET incels that never leave the house.

Ugly and poor. Yes, the true masterrace. Just goes to prove that all this angst is rooted in low self esteem

This. Right wingers are wagecucks how slave away their life for their zionist masters!

In the US antifa will attack you, then you'll get charged with assault and inciting a riot when you fight back.