What went wrong with niggers?!

Serious question, weren't they those happy guys who used to love tap dancing and Jazz? The only thing they wanted was fried chicken, watermelon and equal rights?

What turned them into drugs and degeneracy, is it rap music? Or is it all that "WHITEY IS DA DEVAL" Jew propaganda?!

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You want a big red-pill? Listen to Thomas Sowell talk about the Bronx in the 50's.

Niggers used to be pretty bad, but they have gotten much much worse.

I don’t have anything to add but I’d like to see what others have to say.

Also cool picture op.

I’m having a hard time finding anything, could you give me a link or two?


Even in the roaring 20s, niggers were extremely violent drug dealing criminals. Nothing changed but the Jewish ability to dominate the narrative. Jews were able to romanticize those niggers to get them equal rights, because technological constraints made it possible to conceal the reality of niggers. In reality, the worst thing to ever happen to niggers was the barbaric and cruel practice of abolition.

Yeah they used to be outstanding citizens, just look at Bill Cosby

I've heard they were already into gambling and theft, but nowadays they have gone off the limits!

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Lack of discipline

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Niggers were always shits
In WW1 they stabbed out the eyes of our soldiers and cut off their ears and dicks off
That's why they weren't taken POWs but were shot in site

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The same thing that happened to white people. You just suffer from cognitive dissonance and you're not thinking straight. Hatred rots the brain, pal.

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They've always been inferior animals.

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Niggers belong in the savanna where they can chuck their spear and kill the animal to feed their tribe, they are happy there, they are on their own turf and can manage pretty well.
They dont need to farm or herd animals because mother Afrika gives them everything, after the big rain, the plant fruits fall on the ground and all they have to do is pick it up and eat it, the animals are abundant and they have meat, the water is also everywhere but even in dry areas, niggers know how to get water.
They belong in Afrika, God made them for Afrika and in Afrika.
They dont belong in a civilization, especially someone elses civilization. They arent supposed to be civilized, they are unhappy and cant fit in the civilization of another type of man. Once you civilize them, they breed out of control and have way too many numbers and you cant keep civilizing the new numbers over and over again.
Its like nurturing weeds, or trying to modify rats to be like dogs, rats have their place in the world where they are happy, in their own group where God made them for, a rat wont be happy elsewhere.
Niggers cant function in a civilization, its not for them, they are unhappy as fuck.
Most of them need to starve or get hunted by an animal that eats them.
After their colossal numbers have been thinned out, they should be returned to the place they can be happy, the savanna

this is kinda poetic and powerful. And true.

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for got the put my text on this.

they were going to revert to their genetic lows eventually. it's what their genetics mean

Their DNA it doesnt matter what a groid wears he will always be a feral subhuman.

it's social welfare.
gangsta rap popularity started after 1st generation raised by single mothers on 60s welfare reached late teens and early 20s

Like so for women.
Beat the whores into submission

Your a europoor so shut up you dont know shit about these animals.

Niggers are a savage race that were conquered and domesticated by Jim Crow Law.
Under Jim Crow, niggers achieved their greatest potential. They even exceeded their white peers in stability of marriage, parenting, job performance and ethics.

Democrats gave single mothers welfare as an incentive in the 1960s.

The rest is history.

The question is why are they like this, what's their problem with Civilization?!
Isn't it easier to live like a normal person and have a family, rather than go out and steal, kill and make a jungle out of anywhere they are?!

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Niggers were never domesticated dumbass they still raped/killed and robbed each other by ludicrous rates durimg Jim Crow.

They were given liberties. Simple as that.

Blacks are communist in their brain. This is why decades of billion dollar handouts have not worked. Every time someone gets something they gotta "share" it with everyone they know until there's nothing left.

Nogs have behaved this way since Neanderthals dominated Europe they are just a feral hominid species compared to us humans.

welfare? subsidizing of fatherlessness? just a thought.

Iron poisoning, liek everybody else.

Tfw abos didn't even have mud huts, or pottery.