The British Foreign Secretary on Assange


Attached: JermeyCunt.jpg (639x426, 131K)

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Hunt the cunt

>He has hidden from the truth for years
What was it again those Soviet dissidents said about the true purpose of propaganda/blatant lies enforced by an authoritarian state?

What a time to be alive lads, what a time to be alive.

What an absolute faggot.

>What was it again those Soviet dissidents said about the true purpose of propaganda/blatant lies enforced by an authoritarian state?
remind me

>president Lenin

how appropriate

>firm to Companies House within the required 28 days. Hunt also failed to disclose his interest in the property firm on the Parliamentary Register of Members’ interests within the required 28 days.[230] Hunt later rectified the error. A spokesman for Hunt said it was an "honest administrative mistake" and explained that "Jeremy's accountant made an error in the Companies House filing, which was a genuine oversight." In response, a spokesman for Downing Street agreed with the Cabinet Office that there was no breach of the ministerial code. Jon Trickett, Labour's shadow secretary for the Cabinet Office, described Hunt's behaviour as "simply unacceptable". The Labour Party subsequently referred Hunt to the parliamentary commissioner for standards.[231] The Guardian revealed that Hunt was able to buy seven luxury flats at Alexandra Wharf, Southampton, with the help of a bulk discount from property developer and Conservative donor Nicholas James Roach

>Amid global outrage over the murder of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, Hunt rejected calls to end the UK's arms sales to Saudi Arabia, saying: "There are jobs in the UK ... at stake so when it comes to the issue of arms sales we have our procedures."[239]

>In February 2019, whilst on a Brexit related visit to Ljubljana, Hunt caused anger by congratulating his hosts on "making really remarkable transformation from a Soviet vassal state to a modern European democracy." In fact Slovenia had previously been non-aligned.[243]

What truth is he hiding from?

> no one is above the law
Except, you know, my buddies and me.

There's a reason he's called Jeremy Cunt.

I'm British. Hunt is a total and utter cunt. Like most of those in power. Traitors will pay


A half truth is a full lie

>In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
~Theodore Dalrymple

jeremy cunt

But intelligence agencies that plant hidden cameras in pedo ring dens to blackmail MP puppets like Jeremy Hunt are above the law:

How can one man be so poisonous and so wrong?

Time for "Hunt" to be "Hurted"

Goddamn that quote hurts. We really are fucked. I hope our grandchildren forgive us.

Luciferian bullshit. Ask Jeremy "take a punt on that asian cunt" Hunt. Couldn't get a Japanese woman to satisfy his yellow fevwr so settled for a moon-faced ching-chong.

with the power of gun confiscation

Dont you mean hidden from not paying bail. Thats what you charged him with.... remember

this one is going in my "terrible wisdom" compilation

There's more than one way to skin a cat.

That’s a great quote user


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bit hard to skin anything with a butter knife

Can't wait for world of these bureaucratic post 1945 fucks to collapse.

Yes yes we're utterly pathetic and incapable of changing anything and because of that we shouldn't dare do anything. Got any more poison for us all to drink?

Ah yes, Jeremy Hunt, the man who came to negotiate brits rights here, then insulted the whole nation. Britain, you’re not sending your best

>hidden from truth
pot call kettle black

what you gonna do? vote? good luck with that

the absolute state of this clown world

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honestly we should call child protective services and just have him taken away.

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I genuinely fucking hate Brits and i'm glad to see the sentiment growing
people wanna talk about meddling with politics and elections? no it's not fucking russia it's daddy BinthatKnife, it's those pale disgusting jank toothed flabbyfat Europeans tallyho'ing their way to a muslim dripping fucking glass parking lot of a country.
'ate Brits
'ate finger pointers
'hate paleboods
Simple as

>he has hidden from the truth for years
The absolute audacity

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>Dear Lord, how much worse will it get before you come back.
Imagine 30 years from now, when NOTHING is taboo.

Post his home address, his son's school, his wife's work and get /brit/pol shut down for good.

They tried that but since there was so much
>this is a satanic luciferean cult ritual
connected from certain groups, it was dismissed.

>He has hidden from the truth for years

go on then

"Nobody is above the law" unless you're an elite pedophile. Then the state will bend over backwards to protect you.

Attached: UK deletes pedophile database.jpg (645x1657, 376K)

Whoopsies we did it again

Attached: UK deletes pedophile database2.png (650x2148, 1008K)

I'm British (living in Spain- yes!) and never did a thing without the proper license. Now watch as I post my angry at those guys. But don't expect a 1776 thought, it may disturb her majesty.

We never should have saved Britain from Hitler, we should have let him just bomb the whole fucking thing.

(((They))) are in control now.

Its no coincidence all the jew love on Jow Forums AND major Youtubers being terminated without warning
>CHN was terminated by discord trannys false reporting
It's not a coincidence that right before Assange is arrested 4chans only trusted news source is destroyed!!!

>Honkler video that destroyed faggot libcucks

What timeline is this when Tame youtube channels can get silenced for nothing !!!!
Welcome to 1984 where all right wing anons and journos get gulaged

>the guy who took credit for shutting down CHN
Literal pencil neck twerp trans nigger faggot
Why are trannys so fucking gay !!!!!and spiteful

>He has hidden from the truth for years
I see what you did there kek

The commie piece of sheit needs to be gassed

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What a fucking sicko state


disgusting and shitpilled.
