Why are ((they)) pushing it too far

Is she a kike?

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Because the media is so fucking thirsty for ANY notable achievements made by a woman

this is a shit test for their own cult members, they're "cleaning house" with another blatant bullshit act by ostracizing anyone who disagrees with her achievements as compared to her colleagues.

There arent any tho

>katie bouman did
Yeah just fuck the countless other people involved in this.

Ungrateful fucks, it's not even about gender at this point. Credit should be put where it's due.

Kikes are doing this on purpose. They are lying to everyone's faces to try and push the feminist agenda.

They're pushing it because you should respect contributions made by wamen

based lügenpresse

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""""Dr kate Bouman"""

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I don't want to shit on her as she's obviously a bright girl. I will take a huge shit on the media for over exaggerating her achievment and thereby downplaying the huge collective effort of the entire science team.

I want explore her black hole


Fuck that. This is typical Jews Jewing with this fucking JAP taking all the credit as thrown upon her by the kike media. This is what they do, steal anything good for themselves.

She probably didn't even ask for it, but now she will forever be associated in the internet culture as the likes of Clockmed.

Also checked and praise.

Because she's a nice face for the project.

Maybe the nerd got something in return.

(((They))) always push it too far because kikes lack any sense of self-awareness or subtlety

Yeah she's a kike

Really? Is there any proof?

Look at her nose, fucking towelhead.

Look at her fucking nose?

kikes stealing credit from some white and asian nerds again. Nothing special about that.

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You fucktards CHIRP is her algorithm, she came up with it, her namebis first on the paper that none of you even read. Fucking incels man

as if she did something. she can't write code nor is her brain able to make deep thoughts about her surrounding

No she didn't

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We arent talking about the algorithm here we are questioning the enormous media coverage

Who cares really? Not a single part of this story effects my life with the exception of a qt3.14 on the news instead of some loud mouth nigger describing their apartment on fire. Did she do all the work or none of it? My fap couldn't care less.

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Also, I don't get Jow Forums outrage over this...she's a good role-model for girls.

>first on the paper
>6 different papers

cope faggot

It's a manufactured outrage. Mostly vice reporters trying to stir the pot so they can "report" on us talking shit about her with a few retarded incels joining in not knowing their getting played.

Massive schnoz
Are you fucking blind or retarded from fucking goats?

she's a bright girl goys. she turned in all of worksheets in high school, got a scholarship to MIT like the other pure bloods and can use software created by men.

>A good role-model
To steal credit for work you didn't do

She's a Jew who did virtually no work but take cutesy pics of herself for social media yet the MSM is lying and billing her as the second coming of Einstein simply because she's a Jewish woman while pissing and censoring the other 200+ people including the Nip who actually created the technology and white fag who actually did all the work.

This is just typical Jews being Jews where they steal credit for scientific advances.

Man bites dog

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Even if that was true (she apparently did something), alleged background story is irrelevant to my point. She's a good role model.

I don't want to see any black holes, Shlomo.

>What difference does the truth make

Kill yourself.

>She's a good role model.

Is she married? Does she have children? If not than fuck off you irrelevant shithole...

I'm talking about her being a role model, you retarded fuck.
"Truth" is your own truth, because you hate women and you rage over some bullshit.

Are you? Do you?

>Wants someone to be a role model based on lies

Once again, kill yourself you goddamn sub-human faggot.

And now it's time to prove your allegations. What lies? Did she not participate in this project?

She is a lying fraudulent kike. The only purpose she has as a role model is to be publicly shamed so children know not to be a lying fraudulent kike

>Can't even be bothered to read and has a double digit IQ

Literally kill yourself

Okay, so you have no evidence, you just saw she's a woman and she's the face of the project so you started raging. Cool.

What are you even doing here, faggot?

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She participated, but she's getting all the credit.
Why is she literally the only person to be named on a multinational project?
Could it be some virtue signalling because she was born with a vagina?

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meh just another mindslave

Laughing at people like you.

Black holes are not real

Because she's a pretty (relatively) face. Are you seriously asking why is media shit at reporting things?
Yes it's virtue signalling from their end. But my point is, this is not so bad. It's better for girls to have role models like her, and it's better for people like her to get attention, rather than some random Insta whore or the generic pop singer #643.

Are you from vice? Or huff post?

please explain how heaping credit on this woman for her minuscule contribution is good.

>that nose
i thought muslims had a kike radar

its definitely bad to model yourself after fake reality

>This dumb sub-human can't read the Github

>Arguing an issue despite being too retarded to know she didn't do any work, her contributions were minimal

Just start slamming your head into the wall until blackness envelops you. That's literally the only positive you can contribute to humanity

>cutesy pics of herself

She apparently did something but it doesn't matter if she did because the idea that she might have done something and is certainly taking credit for work done by other people - that makes her a good role model...you're retarded

>“Is she a kike?”
With that name she’s either German or Jewish. By her nose I’d say she’s most certainly a kike.

FACT: It's impossible to take pictures of black holes cuz they don't emit/reflect any light. And this bitch just took out her iPhone and snapped a pic??? Fake as fuck bitch things we stupid.

She's a kike because of the nose, the nepotism of her being there in the first place and the media is pushing her. This is classic Jewing.

No, it's arguably worse.
Some user just gave me some facts.
Here is her contribution to the project.

The media force this shit, leading women to believe that they can achieve a successful life and don't need or want to breed.

Then reality kicks in and they'll simply never have the autism needed for STEM.

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I wouldn't call it 'pushing it'...

It *IS* probably the biggest advance in human endeavour since Clock Boy invented the clock and altered the course of history.

Checked and keked.

Nigger, society will collapse when no talent pieces of shit women and shitskins get affirmative action jobs in engineering and technology. You are only cheering it's collapse while promoting these people as good role models for the youth. Top fucking kek

We have plenty of evidence that she did minimal amounts of work as one member among hundreds working on this project, then got all the credit from the media (read the headlines, "This is the SCIENTIST to thank for the black hole ACTUAL PICTURE). But it makes sense why they would choose to do this. She is a woman and not a cave troll in looks.
This woman is a great role model if you are the type of person to never question what you are told.
But you will probably reduce all of this to, 'yeah nah, you hate women.'

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It's disrespectful for the rest of the team and it's disrespectful for her as well, as she has put emphasis in the team work. I don't think there's a problem of using this picture as a cute way to show how they reacted to it, but presenting it as she basically went to the black hole and took a picture with her Kodak is very disingenuous.

Where is SHE taking the credit though? Again, simplistic media reporting is your problem here. And all I'm saying is that it's not necessarily that bad. I too wish other people who worked on this project were in the spotlight, but sadly it doesn't work that way.

It's not ME who's taking her as a role model...I'm just saying that little girls will see that some woman did this and that and it will be a positive image.

That's my whole fucking point.

btw andrew chael is proud lgbtqia advocate and looks like a possible trans so this narrative could backfire hard.

>It's better for girls to have role models like her, and it's better for people like her to get attention, rather than some random Insta whore or the generic pop singer #643.
That's true, but they should be encouraged to have children and be good homemakers instead. That should be the emphasis, not STEM. It's just a way to increase the supply of labor which is good for big business and tax revenue, but bad for birth rates and the traditional family.

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When the reporting is this fake, one just has to assume the entire story is fake. This bitch not only tried to take all the credit, but she just effectively killed all credibility for this project and the team members involved.
>Oh you were a part of that fake kike black hole scandal?

Why does the picture I have show different numbers?

>I'm going to move the goal posts because I'm a worthless faggot nigger who lost the argument but wants to keep arguing

Put your fat lips around a car pipe, you worthless piece of shit.


I'm a software dev and I work in a team of about 8 different other software devs.
we have 3 women who work as software devs and none of them is able to handle a project on their own.
its funny, they want to hire another one this year.
Can't wait to get requests by another female.

There is nothing positive about fraud

fair warning andrew chael might have been born with a vagina too.

Women shouldn't be encouraged to go into STEM, technologically savy and ambitious women are an anomaly, when one is found the should individually be encouraged but it's a waste of resources to continually sell it to the whole gender.

>some woman did this and that
You mean steal credit for work she didn't do? Wow what a great model. You sure are a giant retard, nigger

It's really strange how these people need to live in a make-believe world so much they invent news and spin reality to fit their make-believe world. And they must know they're doing it.

It's the same with reporting on crime. 100 different basketball Americans commit violent crimes against random white people targeted by race, not a peep from the media. One white person allegedly says something potentially raycis to a black person, and all hell breaks loose in the media where a nothing incident is spun like it's a literal lynching and not just that but the tip of the iceberg of hundreds if not thousands upon millions of secret lynchings that take place every day.

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pajeetpai speaks the truth

I agree with that though.
Look, you keep misunderstanding my point. Quantity of contribution is not the same as quality of contribution in any case.
I never moved goalposts though, you just failed to understand my point from the start because you're so angry you can't read properly.
They can be both. It's about balancing your life. There's plenty of women who work and raise kids.

Show me some statement of hers where she takes all the credit.

his name was andrew chael

>They can be both. It's about balancing your life. There's plenty of women who work and raise kids.
Not ideal. Kids need contact with their parents.

she didnt claim to be the the sole or the biggest reason for the existence of this picture
the media just likes to make women look better than they are.

That's not lügenpresse, that's literally a community based website. Lügenpresse would be one Jew forcing his employees to push a narrative, this is the complete opposite and pretty much single-handedly disproves the concept of a lügenpresse.

Fuck you nigger.

It's literally on the news you stupid retard. They're giving her full credits for the work of the entire team. If you can't be bothered to look up CNN and WaPo to see for yourself then that's another story and proof you have single-digit IQ

I was raised by a single mother and I turned out to be a fine, upstanding serial killer

Oh jesus, hahahaha, oh man.

The picture is BS regardless. I swear they used this woman to take the controversy off the legitimacy of the actual project.

She's not crediting anyone else either.

Let’s find the black person who really discovered this before it was whitewashed from the history books.

We can designate one just like they did.

People don't work for 24 hours, at least not most of people. You people just choose to focus on the worst examples. Plenty of women successfully balance work and family.
THEY. THEY are giving her credit because they're just simple journalists who don't know shit. It's not SHE who takes the credit.

Why the fuck can't you people read English, it's your native language isn't it?

She wrote the readme file.

>community based website
>heavily censored by Jews
Fuck out kike

i just went back to 2017 on her commits then i found pic related
she doesnt even make the commits in her "account"

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its because they are all jews working to jew us all you fucking jew apologist