Girlfriend's dad doesn't seem to like me

>Girlfriend is 18
>Met at work
>She was always staring at me
>She dumped her bf last month
>Ask her out and she says yes
>Relationship is nice and we get along well
>Finally meet the parents when I stayed over
>Her mum likes me, said I'm very well mannered and polite
>Her dad is standoffish and apprehensive around me, even though I've done nothing impolite or wrong

Why is this? This is the first time I've properly "met" the parents in a relationship.

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How are we supposed to know why he is like this without knowing him? If he doesn't like you then he doesn't like you. Don't take offense and don't start kissing his ass to try and get on his good side.

He's one of those psychologically fucked guys who have a pseudosexual attachment to their daughters and view you as competition. V immature and pathetic.

t. My dad was like this with my two highschool boyfriends. Got pissy and bitchy when he found out the second took my virginity, messed up that relationship for me, tried to play it off like he was being protective. haven't spoken to him in 7 years or let him near my kids, his siblings have cut him off. Ignore his bullshit at all costs if you like her. She didn't ask for him to be her dad.

She is already spoken for, you just don't know it yet.

Gotta wonder, what happened to the last boyfriend...

he's just one of "those" dads. the fact that you're 6 years older and she's only 18 probably just makes it worse.
he might change his ways once he gets used to you and starts to realize you aren't just using her because she's young and impressionable.
also, listen to this user i have a very similar dad and he's using the "i'm just protective" as a crutch because that way he can make us both feel guilty about being together. literally pay no mind to him, and at the very least don't let him influence your opinion on your gf.

OP. Her dad has seen this shit before. Daughter dates a guy, oh its serious, home to meet parents and then she dumps them and a month later another guy paraded through the house.

Watch out for her not him

>He's one of those psychologically fucked guys who have a pseudosexual attachment to their daughters and view you as competition. V immature and pathetic.

Nothing wrong with that. As long as he doesnt molest you.

This. He probably just doesn’t want to get attached because he knows you’re just another dude coming to slam his daughter and then get kicked to the curb

Yes, everything is wrong with that, because he's not actually protecting her. He's acting out sexual desires for his daughter. And it's fucking with her romantic relationships. She will cut him off as soon as the right guy points it out to her and opens her eyes to it.

>24 dating 18
you must be immature as fuck if you can handle an 18 year old

>Why is this?
lol why the fuck does it matter? this is a tale as old as time.

Dude, the dad knows about the dirty things you do with her and he is worried. Just give him time lol

if he did she wouldnt like you brah

this looks like my situlation, except that im the guy the gf have dumped

I’d be wary too if my kid was under 21 and dating someone over 21. Besides, the dad remembers being your age. I can understand being worried about an older guy pumping and dumping his naive teenage daughter. Give him some time and he’ll eventually warm up to you and trust you though

There you go

No shit.

Unlike that crazy bitch post about her dad having sexual fantasies or something and never speaking to him again, I have daughters and would have a problem with a college master degree graduate by age dating my daughter STILL in high school.

Ffs, date someone your own age and maturity.

You're a grown adult who is fucking his little girl.

Lmao, if she has had boyfriends (=sex, 99% of times) before, her dad should shut the fuck up and accept he failed in his mission to "protect" her. If he was somewhat serious in his endeavour, he'd have educated her differently. Now he just looks like a cuck iow "if you hurt her I'll hurt you hehe" that doesn't/can't follow up on what he means.

What is it with these mid 20's guys working someplace right beside an 18 yo high school girl? He's got to be working a fast food joint or restaurant or some menial retail job. So dad has got to be worried this going no where guy might knock his daughter up.

Dad is worried because they're six years apart and dudes who do that don't usually do it for good reasons. At best, the reasons are superficial and vain; at worst, it's hiding from the standards of an adult.

Sounds like your boyfriend is a pushover and your pops didn't like to sit at the dinner table with some bitchass soiboi.

t. daddy issues

Oldfag dad here.
Always made fun of my daughter's boyfriends.
Told her that if the number is going beyond 3, then I won't give her money for college.
Well, one thing is certain - she ain't gonna be getting a PhD anytime soon.
If you wanna roll by your rules, then you gotta back it up.

>My daughter is trashy
>I'll make sure she stays poor and trashy
Way to fail as a dad, user.

>parents have to bail their kids out
Fixing your own shit is a non-negotiable life skill my guy,

Parents have to make sure kids have the best chance possible to succeed and be happy in life. Making them unnecessarily miserable to punish them for not being the way we wanted them to be is stupid.

Son, I gave her a set of rules and made her aware of the consequences if she won't follow those damn rules.
Don't wanna listen to your old man? Don't be surprised that your old man doesn't wanna listen to you.
If she wants to figure life on her own, then I think she doesn't need my money either.

because are an overlypolite, pusssykissing faggot. her dad probably think you are a faggot.

I wondered where your goofy ass opinion would show and there it is.
No, if a chick wants to be a ho she can be a ho.
Abusing safety nets deserves, absolutely, punishment of strict and severe degree.

I'm saying this as a parent, not as a son. You're being a horrible parent.
You are not teaching her how to have a healthy relationship, you're telling her "this is how often you're allowed to fuck up before I stop supporting you". It puts an unholy pressure on a kid.
You're factually making her life much worse than it could be just to have your petty revenge because she's not the person you want her to be. Your job as a parent is not punishing your children for not being who you want them to be, is to give them all you have so they can become who they want to be.
You're jeopardising any chance of having a healthy, loving relationship because you judge her.
Probably the reason why your daughter sleeps around is because you are a terrible father who is unable to love her and she has daddy issues.

>grown ass man dating a teen
It's not the best start already. And "very well mannered and polite" from mom doesn't say much and is basically the equivalent of "he's a nice guy".

>Her dad is standoffish and apprehensive around me
In what way? How do you even expect him to act towards some random faggot he knows not much positive about?

>Parents have to make sure kids have the best chance possible to succeed and be happy in life.
For how long? If she's old enough to go to college, she's old enough to work to pay for it.

I already explained here, in depth, why user is being a terrible dad: The main reason why girls are hoes is because they have failed father figures, either because they're too weak or too strict.
Maybe punish yourself instead of punishing your daughter. You could make her go to college and improve herself, instead you want to punish her because you failed her.

>For how long?
You don't stop being a parent when your kid turn 18. My parents would die for me and sacrifice everything for me, and I'm old enough to have kids of my own.
You don't stop being a parent when your child turns 18.

Because he is a dad dumbass

>You don't stop being a parent when your child turns 18.
Sure but from that point you only mess up their lives by being overly protective and spoiling them instead of letting them make own decisions and carry the consequences.

The guy is obviously pushing towards and other extreme by trying to force his views on her but it's not like he threatens to throw her out of the house. Getting college paid for you is a huge ass privilege in a shithole like Murica. It's not his job to do that unless she gives him a good reason to (that isn't I came out of your nutsack)

Look son, I don't owe her anything. I'm not obligated to give her money, neither do I have to secure her education.
This ain't a punishment, it's just a consequence.
She was raised in a good household, was fed well and all.
I set some rules for my children. Respect your parents, help your mother, don't sleep around and improve yourself. All of them had to follow the rules, not just her.
Her brothers followed the rules, and now they're out there in college.
She decided to step out of rank, and now she has to show that she can live with that.
If she thinks that she doesn't have to follow my rules, then I think she doesn't have to have access to my wallet.

I'm not a terrible parent, I just have a backbone, something you clearly lack.
She wants to play being tough? Okay, go figure life on your own.

>It's not his job to do that unless she gives him a good reason to
Not dating more than 3 men in her life is a pretty stupid reason. He made it sound like he had the money to help her pay for college already, but nope she dared to have a fourth boyfriend

What other stupid rules did you force on your kids? I’m looking for a good laugh

Okay, I will, and enjoy my life for once. Have a good one.

Yeah it definitely is stupid and pretty immature too.

I'm commenting in a more general sense. The whole "mommy and daddy have to pay for extra shit cuz they are muh parents" triggers me, mate.

Doesn't matter what rules I set.
You always have a choice.
And considering I don't have to pay for a damn thing - watch your step.

You're not being "overprotective" or "spoiling them". You're giving your children an opportunity, which is your job as a parent: to give them the best opportunities you can. It's up to them to take them or not, and carry the responsibilities for it.
Taking opportunities away from them to punish them because they're not the people you want them to be is terrible parenting. Saying that they should be out there on their own because they're 18 is terrible parenting.

>This ain't a punishment, it's just a consequence.
This is a punishment. A punishment is, by definition, the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offence. The offence is not following your rule about sleeping around, the penality is taking away her chance of accessing education.
As you say here, too:
>She decided to step out of rank, and now she has to show that she can live with that.

As I said in the post you clearly haven't read, the relationship between a daughter and a father is extremely important for her emotional development. The reason why she sleeps around is, most likely, because you were a terrible dad who never was capable of showing her any unconditional love or validation and she had to seek that by sleeping with random dudes.
I do have a backbone. I also have a daughter who has never slept around, because she has a decent dad who actually knows how to raise a daughter.
I wish you read a book on parenting instead of Jow Forums.

Okay yeah this is bait. You had me for a while there, but now you’re going too on the nose with the whole boomer shtick

>mommy and daddy have to pay for extra shit cuz they are muh parents
I think that if you have enough money to help your kids have a better start at life, there's no better way to invest your money than to spend it on them.
I'm not arguing for buying them fancy car or Gucci purses, I don't think that it is right. But debt free university, yes.

Son, you can keep your definitions to yourself.
She made her choice and I acted accordingly.
She's an adult, she can go out there and do what she wants.
I don't have to babysit an adult, and especially I don't have to pay big money for the college tuition of someone that doesn't respect me.
I treated my kids with respect, never yelled at them, was always there for them.
My boys gave back what I gave them - respect and care, so I'm more than happy to help them out further in life.

I was always for freedom of choice, since it makes people think.
If she didn't think through the consequences, even though I was very clear about it, then hell, maybe she wasn't such a good thinker after all.

> maybe she wasn't such a good thinker after all.
And I have no doubt she got it from you.

Have a good day.

>Saying that they should be out there on their own because they're 18
That's not it, just from that age they have the means to do whatever they want; and their home (and ideally previously good parenting) can still serve as some extra safety net too, it's not like I'm for throwing kids out. Any extra opportunities after the basics should be somewhat earned and deserved.

Assuming they can provide an argument that it's indeed a good investment and showed indicators that they will take the chance, sure it can be a good call.

It just shouldn't be some arbitrary shit a la "you got money, you're my parent, pay for my college" ... just like it shouldn't be arbitrary shit a la "you choose to do that one thing I didn't like, so fuck off".

Why do you think? Is there an age gap? Are you an appropriate match for her? Are you ambitious? Did you sleep in her room when you stayed over? I can tell you that just because her mom is nice to you doesn't mean she approves. She may not want to say anything because it could backfire...

I'm not spending my hard earned money on an ungrateful kid, so my thinking's good.

I'm not someone who thinks that everyone should go to college, don't get me wrong. I think that if your kid has the desire and the capabilities to further their education, and you have the money to pay for it, then you should probably pay for it for them. It gives them such a huge jump-start in life that it makes no sense not to.
Obviously you can set some ground rules in terms of GPA, or time that it takes them to complete their studies.

I still think that as a parent it's a nobrainer to help your kids out, no matter how old they are. I agree that there are certain borderline cases where you don't deserve it, but you "deserve" it in the very vast majority of cases.
Tough love parenting isn't good parenting, it fails almost every time.

She's not ungrateful. She's just unloved, and it's your fault entirely.
You failed her as a dad.

Oldfag here too. I'm with you.

You both did the right thing.
Too many people hit 30 chasing those stupid fucking papers and end up miserable and lonely, with half a clue about how to survive and less of a clue about other people. Once she starts wanting to act like an adult, though, you can't keep covering for her.
I think we'd both want a daughter who's happy and healthy over some wannabe Clinton basketcase.

So you make your love and support for her conditional.
Lol. Great job.

> you can keep your definitions to yourself
Bright is one thing you'll never be (that and loved by your kids)

Not gonna lie, its a pretty spoiled train of thought to think parents should be obligated to pay for kids college if they can afford it, and not doing so means they don't love them and is bad parenting despite literally spending shitloads of money on them since birth. I really hope that its just one jaded person responding to everyone in the thread.

Cuz you're diddling his barely legal daughter. I was in this same situation except im 27, and the dad was smart and had already left 4 years prior to me showing up due to the mother being the same as the daughter. If shes physically fit you will never have better and it will spoil every woman you have after, shed been with men older than me and was still stupidly tight. Enjoy the sex while it lasts, you're a rebound.

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>He's acting out sexual desires for his daughter.

How is it that the first thing they tell you in ANY basic high school or college psychology course about Frued is:
>He was full of shit and 95% of what he said was completely wrong—ESPECIALLY the incest shit.

And yet, people STILL believe his 100 year old, outdated theories that have been debunked and disproven multiple times for THREE DECADES.

Its one thing if people in their 60s still thought he had some credibility, but it absolutely boggles my mind that most people who say that shit weren’t even born when people started absolutely thrashing and disproving everything he said.

It’s like we live in the modern world of medicine, and some people still think that the best way to cure an illness is to cut a vein to let the bad spirits out....

Money and love aren't the same thing.
She doesn't need a PhD. She needs to have pressure softly applied to her so she can learn how to survive and thrive. It use to be the case that young girls couldn't even wait until the end of high school before they were jumping into their boyfriend's car and driving away to God knows where, no money or plan, their fathers snubbing them until they returned years later with grandchildren.

Now they want to ride cock carousels while daddy pays for it, his finances compensating for her useless flings. I can't tell you how many girls I see driving around their broke ass man whores in brand new cars. It's a joke.

>At best, the reasons are superficial and vain
Wanting to have children with a woman during her most fertile years that have the lowest chance of health complications for the mother or baby.
Wanting to have several kids while you and your wife are still young and have the energy to run around taking care of them and building your careers and your life together.
Wanting to marry a woman and commit for life before she has ruined her ability to pair-bond by sleeping with 70 other guys who just want to pump and dump her and greatly increases the odds that she files for divorce per sexual partner.
Wanting to marry someone during their peak physical attractiveness and not after they have hit the wall and gained weight and wrinkles and chopped off their hair (guys aren't allowed to have preferences).

user I replied to is retarded. 6 years or 60 years apart doesn't matter - *ALL* men want to smash prime atttractive 18-year-olds. The dad would be doing a bad job if he welcomed you with open arms. He is trying to suss out if you are the real deal with commitment like the awful superficial reasons I listed such as her not dying in childbirth or being good parents, or if you are just the 80th horndog this week trying to ejactulate and evacuate his daughter.

>date someone your own maturity.
This is impossible. Women stop maturing after 14. They may become slightly more responsible but they mentally are all 14-year-olds.

Even if you refuse to believe facts like this, let's go with your other statement - you were bothered by the idea of a college master degree graduate dating your highschool daughter. This is wrong and stupid on your part. A Master degree holder has already shown to have follow-through, commitment, can behave in public settings enough to function in society, skilled in time-management and balancing finances to get through graduate classes successfully, and is likely to have a decent job, source of income, home, emergency savings, etc. Why would you not want your daughter to have the possibility to marry into all of these positive qualities and provisions he brings? He is less likely to just be after hook-ups after 6 years of college and more after something serious.

Would you rather your daughter bring back an 18-year-old guy (who is clearly not more interested in hook ups than the college grad) who is still figuring out how to be mature and successful and have plans for emergencies but will make mistakes in the meantime (him and your daughter getting stranded places, missing opportunities, him dealing with stress worse because of less life experience and maybe turning to drugs/alcohol/abuse to deal with it) But that's what you wanted! Someone who is just as mature as your daughter so they can drag each other down, rather than someone who is more mature so he can be a good influence and stabilizing force in her life. I wonder what kind of guy described you were with your wife.

have sex

>Girlfriend is 18
>Her dad is standoffish and apprehensive around me
>Why is this?
Retard creep

Sorry OP i'm not qualified to answer such questions since i'm an Jow Forums robot. Could you tell me tho how did it happen? I mean what kind of work is it? How did you ask her out etc...?

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He's just being a cunt, it's what dads do.
Don't listen to because it's actually coming from a mindset where you have a creature you love and are emotional towards, like a dog, and someone wants to come over and play with your dog. Cool. Until they hurt your dog. Don't forgive people who hurt the things you care for, and always put your guard up to help the ones you care for so people have incentive to not hurt them.

You're too old. I don't know if that's why he's upset. But fucking hell, I would be pissed if you were dating my daughter. The maturity levels will be completely different, unless you're just as stupid as she undoubtedly is. Biiiig difference between 18 and 24.

Smash? yes, have a relationship with an 18yo? fuck no niggah i'd rater date a 20 - 23 year old. Dont assume everyone is like you

That is a good thing.
If the dad likes you, the girl might not. Just do subtle things to poke fun at him and he will hate you with so much passion that she won't be able to get away from you.

When your gf and her mother takes the dishes away after dinner, lean towards he dad and asks if his wife is a screamer too.
When possible, find a way to show pda to the dad to establish dominance.
Let him know you are putting your dick in his precious daughter and she loves it.

Don't want to start a new thread, but what do you think about a 30 year old guy dating a 23 year old girl? Is that worse or better than OP's situation? (technically it passes the divide by 2 plus 7 rule while OP doesn't)
Let's assume both are working steady jobs but the girl still lives at home and the guy has his own place.

It’s better. Both yours and OP’s situations are legal, but yours is more socially acceptable since she’s not a teenager. People might think you’re weird but you’re both consenting adults so if you don’t think it’s weird then that’s all that matters

Bend over

Youre fucking his daughter under his roof and you expect him to like you?

Are you some kind of moron?

Boy, both you and your daughter are retards, but the sad part is that your daughter is a retard because you, her father, made her so.
You failed as a father and your coping on Jow Forums is pathetically laughable. No amount of "but, but, my rules!" chances your failure. Never forget she is a whore because you brought her up to be a whore.
This isn't about your skank of a daughter getting railed day in and day out not going to college, it's about you adding another failed woman and mother to society for the rest of us to deal with, you waste of a "father".