Have to train a Ugandan refugee at my job. Don't like it, but hey I do whatever shekelberg asks from me...

Have to train a Ugandan refugee at my job. Don't like it, but hey I do whatever shekelberg asks from me. 3 months in and the guy still doesn't know anything. Having a lot of conversations, yesterday regarding his visit to Paris:

> Paris is almost like a African country.
> Paris as dirty as Uganda
> I wouldn't want to go to Paris ever again.

Kek, literal state of France

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what kinds of work do you do? is it a job about "teaching lessons"?

cant be any worse than london

You've clearly never been to Paris. I would firebomb London but Paris needs to be bathed in the cleansing glow of nuclear fire.

London is fine, but stay mad. Get rude and I'll nick your wallet, pussy.

everything west/north of Austria should be fucking nuked.

And before you say it, I'd gladly take one for the team.

Work in tech, mostly hardware. Bosses joined a program which gives them sunsisidies to hire refugees. He does menial tasks here since he can't keep up with even the most basic tech stuff. Most people learn all in a month...I guess he will need more than a year.


What is he seeking refuge from?

Economic hardships I guess

What the fuck
>Don't like it, but hey I do whatever shekelberg asks from me.
Does Mr. Shekelberg somehow gets compensated (by the government?) for losses caused by black guys in a tech company? He gets payed not too horribly too, right?

>He gets payed not too horribly too, right?
The black dude, I mean. You say he only does menial things.

i had fantasies of going to france to join the legion but i was afraid i was gonna get chopped up for kebab meat, so i guess i wasn't cut out for the legion if i couldn't brave these african hordes

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Your shithole has 50 million niggers Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahauahha


Can't handle the truth, mutt?

i shoot them if they attack me though

I own so much property I can hunt and kill my own wildlife venison. Imagine that Europoor and live 400 miles from nearest nigger.

his own people.

>gives them sunsisidies to hire refugees

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Central London is genuinely very clean
Not sure about the outskirts tho

Trust me he will never learn the tasks. Here is what he will learn, he will do less and less work and learn that nobody will care. Soon you won’t be able to find him, he will be asleep in some obscure room on cardboard. He will start not coming in on Fridays. Then will start coming in late every day, will miss Mondays this will progress until he basically stops coming in at all. Trust me.

He got a furnished three bedroom flat from the government and then 5000 EUR. A month later he was asked if he needed more money (by the government) and received an additional 2500 EUR. He then got placed in three different jobs, this being bis fourth. He'll also have a Dutch passport by the end of May. He wanted to come to America initially, but got stuck here.

And, he won't learn shit. I consider myself to be a decent teacher in what I do, had many others come through and seen them pick up the work fully and individually within weeks. This guy still asks me the same questions he did in his first day, and fucks up the entire work flow.

Only reason I don't care that much is because my skill gives me job security anyways. And since I have to train him, I have to do about 1/4th of what I was used to doing.... Pretty chill.

I use to live in Selhurst, the last postcode before Croydon. Literally a total fucking shithole, even 15 years ago.

>when the goyim argue over which one of them is more cucked

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You're not long for this world kike-kun.

So you can get refugee status in Netherlands if you're a broke nigger?

The absolute fucking state


In our constitution its written that if you are not a jew you are a second class citizen

Paris=/= France
all foreigners have to got this point really quickly if you don't want to be dissapointed.
go somewhere else in france but not in : calais,paris,marseille,rennes,nantes.
go visit les chateaux de la loire instead of shopping like pussies.

Jews get the rope and Israel gets the nuke. Neck yourself, kike.

Who are worse the Bergs or the Steins?

Both get the rope

I’ve trained them in SA and the UK. There literally is no point.
I’m not the greatest trainer but I’ve had plenty of slow whites tell me I was able to talk about it in a way they could understand where others could not. With them you break it down as you would a child and still would not sink in. In SA I left the answers on the board to simple questions I’d just gone through and offered a chocolate to anybody who could answer ( the only way they would even try) still could not ever when I pointed at the board.

Fire him. Fire your boss. And kill yourself for being such a degenerate.

Your president would disagree

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