Assange BTFO, time to celebrate, lads

They finally put a stop to this kremlin shill, but the damage is already done, wikileaks spent 7+ years destroying democracy by exclusively leaking data about Western governments while avoiding leaks of countries like Russia and others who gave him protection from the West.

Will wikileaks continue his efforts to spread Russian propaganda and dirty tricks?

In the meantime, press S to spit on the solitary confinement cell of this russian piece of shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

You’re a faggot tho

>being extradited to the us

I remember this was dismissed as a conspiracy theory.


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Listen here you stinking wetback, they are going to use Assange to lock her up, and also Obama. Any day now. Q says stick to the plan.

Russia has a smaller gdp than Texas.

All fields.

found the jew

Stay butthurt, trumpkin, it's too bad that this Russian facilitator won't be around to spin the 2020 election in trump's favor

All you trumpkins can do is jerk off to QAnon fantasies about how trump is going to pardon him or liberate him in secret, lmao.

>wikileaks spent 7+ years destroying democracy

nah Facebook has been doing it since 2004.

Absolutely BASED, I'm truly proud of the fantastic British Police force today. Let's get this rapist hideaway locked up!

wtf i like facebook now

He only told us things about war we already knew.

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Jow Forums? I'm Glow-nigger!

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>Russia has a smaller gdp than Texas
And Mexico has a smaller GDP than Russia, yet, Mexico is the biggest enemy of the United States, according to Trumpoid logic

If he was for reall he would off dump the snuff tapes day 1

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Yes Mexico is considering the cartels have a higher GDP than you mudskins. Also your ppl are a drain on capital resources

Attached: now listen here you little shits.jpg (1080x1782, 74K)

kill yourself cunt

Hola rabbi

Yeah, he doesn't have shit, a lot of these insurance files he dumped whenever he needed some revenue or attention were probably stuffed with the output of cat /dev/urandom, funny how the happening fags who believe in him aren't calling out muh epic wikileaks ded men triggah that's been spammed for years.

Op is not a faggot for once
Hope the kbg rat gets assraped in guantamo for his crimes against western civilization

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you fucking gay, cuckold faggot, you are wrong. now change your opinion or else.

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your garbage people is definitely a problem to the US, disgusting spic

He looks very unchad, ungroomed, unstable, angry. He had time and time to run away but he knew that his government would sacrifice him too. The Russians gave him up, that was the issue.

The statement 'cartels have a higher gdp than [mexico]' is patently false, and I highly doubt that you can provide a shred of evidence to support that assertion, on that basis alone, I'm confident that the rest of your assertions are equally misguided or innacurate.


Why does he look straight out of Game of Thrones?


Ass-ange was just Putin's tool to divide the West even more. Putin wants the West to be overrun by niggers, muzzos and jews.

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where are they taking santa?

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is the cat ok?

they found his hard disk

No fuck off mexinigger

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HO-lee r A r E f L a G if I've ever seen one!! Bolivia bro, rare flag! Very sorry for what we did to you guys in the war but thanks for posting!!

> R A R E F L A G!!!!
> R A R E F L A G!!!!
> R A R E F L A G!!!!
> R A R E F L A G!!!!
> A
> R
> E
> F
> L
> A
> G

what war though
>mfw burgers apologize just in case

More like Ass-anger now! And yes, he simply outlived his usefulness.

I hope so! He's really photogenic.

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Just stopped another 20 Mexicans from being created

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> what war though

yea i know i just like saying that lol

as if i needed another reason to hate you tiny bean bags
i hope you make it into a cartel video

>I'm getting him so triggered with muh low effort gore pics from 2001 that everyone on Jow Forums is desensitized to, teheehee I'm such an epic troll, le old /b/ guard would be so proud
If anyone is a nigger that would be you, my dear, nothing screams niggerdom like recycled /b/ shitposts.

Most Russians cant afford new shoes

>Disagree with me? I hope they put you into a woodchipper!

Don't worry, you don't look like the type of person who struggles to find reasons to dislike vastly different clusters of people, so, this issue doesn't concern me.

You might want to work on all that anger though, wishing violence upon someone because your criminal hero didn't get his way doesn't sound like a sane thing to say.

Hey spic, sucking our cock won't give you American citizenship

Not because you beans are a military threat, because you fucks let all your shit flow into america. Tell your runners to fuck off and that were full -t south texas nigger

>Assange was raised in a CIA-linked child-sex mind-control cult known as the Santiniketan Park Association, or "The Family"
>Kids were tortured, given LSD, MK Ultra drugs, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, sex abuse
>Kids were given interchangeable names, identities, multiple passports...

I have tried many times since Assange first appeared to alert people here and elsewhere to these facts about Assange. They will remove this link as usual, and people will call us shills. Facts are facts.

This is a plot twist that also changes the meaning of 2016. But it's up to you to read the article/listen to the podcast at link. Think for yourself.

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Sooo...rooskie bros?
What do you think he values more, ratting you out or the rest of his life in prison?

>because you fucks let all your shit flow into america
Patently false, ever heard of supply and demand? Americans are breaking the law and compensating law breakers from Mexico, one can't sustainably exist without the other.

Perhaps you simply are too stupid to understand that american morals have changed, and instead of addressing said morals, you place all your blame on the symptoms, rather than the disease.

I'm not saying that illegal immigration is good or bad in this case -- that's not up to me to decide, all I say is that americans break the law everyday so you got to change the law so it's not illegal anymore, or change the morals so the laws aren't broken by americans anymore.

It's unsurprising that you don't factor in americans breaking the law and letting immigrants in with all the extent of your bitching and the way you pretend to care about your country.