The muslim issue

either side you stand you can not say there is no issue between muslims and the pretty much all other religeons.

but how do we fix this? preferably with as little violence as possible but i understand most islamists would make this a difficult task.

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Systematic Eradication of the Muslim belief and followers. Also Judaism too.

yeah but any solution the masses would accept?

it's all fine and dandy saying that but if you don't have the support you're fugged

We don't. Islam is preferable to our unnatural Western matriarchy, which is 100% unsustainable anyway - without Islam niggers or gooks would fill the void; we simply do not reproduce or hold the consistent values needed to keep a nation together, no feminist nation can sustain replacement birthrates or have a familial structure for more than a single generation.

>waaah muhammed is blowing stuff up!
>waaaah the EU did this!
>I-I mean the Jews did this!
Nigger your fucking population democratically votes time and time again to import these people, it's not the EU, it's not the Jews, it's your fucking women and there's no stopping the roasties now. Enjoy the fall you fucking faggot.

I take issue with a 'prophet' who calls me stupid just because i'm female.

clearly, i'm smarter than him.

make islam illegal
communism, too

yes they are blowing stuff up and they are raping women. black people do not rape like muslims do, neither do asians.

>black people do not rape like muslims do
Nigger you are fucking retarded. South Africa is the rape capital of the world.

fuck off Mohammed, you shitskin muslims are cancer too

>there is no issue between muslims and the pretty much all other religeons.
Yes, there is. Muslims want to kill all adherents of other religions.

>but how do we fix this?
reeducation camps - all over the world

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You cucks can't do dog shit, you can't win fight over Niggas and Jews, you can't win fights against Fags, trans even ur own Woman beat you and fuck up ur system. U wanna fight against us ? Omegalol the chirstcuck/westcuck are the biggest losers on this planet.

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You don't, you simply must kill them when the time comes, which you don't because you're too weak

We cant live with more than one race, white needs to be the dominant power and genocide needs to be enforced on all others

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yes, i agree. i think you read my post wrong buddy[spoiler][/spoiler]

Women are fucking stupid though. Try and deny that feminism has caused every major demographical issue the west faces today. Show me a single nation where feminism has resulted in a sustainable birthrate for more than one generation.

Your gender votes to kill children, they swallow chemicals to make themselves infertile, they vote for left leaning parties and policies and encourage mass immigration and taxation to make up for the fact they choose to work instead of breeding, and because they are inherently less productive they demand more and more concessions weakening the economy.

Because they have rendered themselves undesirable, they continuously advocate for a parental government state, leeching off the people who actually can work to support themselves when they do eventually let one child grow in their otherwise barren wombs.

Femsectoids have clinically picked apart and destroyed the West, not Islam.

>it's not feminism m-mohammed hehe
I'm an Iraq and Afghan vet you McDonalds munching wine sipping dick sucking faggot, unlike you I've actually done more than my fair share to curb the Muslim population.

and see how great that turned out you refugee causing retard. could've kept them all in the sandholes.

thank you for your service though.

kill the nigger fags first

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Woman are dumber then man, History has proven dat many times over. Man invented 90% ppl use nowdays and man are political better leaders. Look Germany uner a Womans rule it falls apart and gets cucked by immigrants. Go back in the fucking kitchen and never come out bitch.

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there's just as many stupid sand monkey men as stupid women.

the point of democracy is that everyone has a say even if it is objectively wrong otherwise everyone suffers, like under mussolini or any of the more insane roman emporers.

Think we didn't have Islamic expansionism pre-Telic or Herrick? LOL what are you, 10 years old? This is a centuries old issue. Stick to dabbing on fortnite you brainlet, it's only noticeable now because women vote for, and indeed force the case for mass immigration and all the brownies they imported 30 years ago grew up and had 8 kids per indentured brown female, something our uncurbed roasties are unable to do .

It doesn't matter how many we kill or how harsh we clamp down on extremism, women will simply vote to bring them in en-masse and legally enforce tolerism and the government has no choice but to comply because otherwise in 40 years time we will have no taxpayers, workforce or even a fucking population.

well at least we have common ground that muslims are bad, i just hope that irl we can put aside our differences at least for the time being to stop this shit.

>there's just as many stupid sand monkey men as stupid women.

You are a KEK/beta fag

>the point of democracy is that everyone has a say even if it is objectively wrong otherwise everyone suffers.
Democracy if a failure and ppl, special the honest and most normal ppl suffer and the assholes live the good life. Look at the USA and thier Democracy and so called freedom.

like under mussolini or any of the more insane roman emporers.
They had great empires who had took over half of the world.

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Ending gibs and income remittance would solve probably 80% of our foreign leech problems, without one ounce of force required.

Shut up you dumb bitch and show your tits.

Support by robotics. Build your own robotic army and take over the world.

Depose your false royals and reinstate the house of Stewart/Stuart. That's a good start.

The only thing that stopped Jow Forums mass converting to judaism were the harsh laws that dissuade conversion. I can tell by this obsession that more conversions to Islam are coming. Maybe Hitler was right, Islamized Germanics are destined to rule the world.


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Moldbug detected. Sorry mate but the rot goes back much further. Keep reading.

Yarvin is a massive faggot. Jacobites are everywhere and should rise together to remove the Jewish house of Windsor.

We convert them to atheism.
I'm working on their daughters.

Which no politician will ever so, since it's politically advantageous to have an imported voting chattel dependent upon the government for daily survival.