Brainlet here

So this guy gives away USA secrets but because he helped Trump win, I'm supposed to support him?

Am I getting this right?

Admittedly, I think the rape charges are fake but the real stuff isn't.

Am I wrong?

Also understand I'm rarely bipartisan. So I will side with my party whatever they choose.

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Jesus Christ just walk into traffic you utter fucking retard, retards like you are why the democrat-republican dichotomy still exists.

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Faggot. He exposed political corruption. He’s a hero.

I agree OP. Like Snowden, the morality of their actions aside, they still committed treasonous acts. And should hang with pride.

>but the real stuff isn't
What real stuff?

Morality of their actions? I think the Snowden case is different because he was exposing Obama actions against the American people

Snowden is a globalist

Sooooo...rooskie bros?
What do you think he values more, ratting you out or the rest of his life in prison?

>I will side with my party whatever they choose.
And therein lies the problem with 90% of the world hivemind.
Any actual independent & critical thinking here on Jow Forums has long become a thing of the past.
Just look at all the threads like:
>"Please tell me which Jow Forums approved books I'm allowed to read cuz I wanna be one of the cool Jow Forumskids."
>"Tell me Jow Forums, should I support [_fill-in-blank-here_] cuz I really wanna be one of you guys."
Yet, the "NPC" meme gets thrown around here all the time now to the mindless exclusion of even an ounce of self-awareness.
It's fucking pathetic.

There is nothing wrong with exposing the crimes and wrongdoings of the US government/military/"intelligence".

There is nothing treasonous about exposing government kikery that is being committed against its own citizenry.

Oy vey, that's anti-semitic!

I really don't care.

Anyone who writes this much text on something that could have taken one sentence deserves to be ignored. Learn to be efficient or leave.

That's what NYT and WAPO do for a living.

If you jail reporters for leaked information, great, let's do it for all of them.

Why didn't you just call me a "discord tranny", "kike" or "shareblue"...., which is what substitutes for any actual, sourced debate here on Jow Forums anymore.

>So this guy gives away USA secrets but because he helped Trump win, I'm supposed to support him?

kys retard OP

I only use the term "discord trannies" for the yangang retards, and not because I don't want to deabte them, but rather because they don't want to debate ME. Moreover, when they do engage even slightly in a debate and are proven wrong, they just default to whatever retard shilling they were doing before. Honestly user? There is a lot of critical thinkers within this board of peace, but if you want us to take your shilling and slide threads seriously, then go post on reddit, as they aren't able to see the bigger picture as we are.

Instead, just do what gov agencies and powerful individuals scared of this site have done and will keep on trying to do: shut us down.

>I love when the government keeps secrets from me
You really are a brainlet.

>obvious tranny who's apparently only been in shill threads
>what i've seen is Jow Forums now reeEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
unironically jump infront of a train and join the 30%
also fuck off plebbit

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What a well-reasoned argument in order to defend an OP who freely admits in his post to not being capable of independent thought.
Thanks for proving my point about the absolute state of nu/pol/.

Imaginary friends don't get to have secrets.

>giving you serious discussion
>thinking that you'd ever go deep enough to be able to understand the serious discussions we have even if you did find them
>also thinking that the main point of pol at any point was to discuss bullshit
user i...

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>I will side with my party whatever they choose.
He wears the fact that he will go along with whatever (((they))) tell him to think as some kind of badge of honor.
It's pathetic...., and so are (((You))).

Still no actual argument.

>calls himself a jew
what did user mean by this?

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Keep proving my point...., moron.

i don't need to argue against your bullshit user, you're entire arguement is
>pol is one person
which is obviously bullshit if you had stuck around in any non-raid thread for any period of time
also i'm not argueing for or against OP because he's obviously a shill who doesn't actually believe any of the bait he puts out, either it's a slide attempt (likely due to the assange threads) or it's a general shill trying to change the opinions of those who browse Jow Forums and have weak minds (like yourself)

This exactly. I have a feeling this is going to get messy

Look here you retarded fuckwit. Assange is not an American citizen. He is literally LITERALLY L.I.T.E.R.A.L.L.Y LiTtErAlLy incapable of being guilty of treason against the United states. I hate how fucking stupid you people are, and how ignorant you are of the United states legal code when it governs your life. There are legal definitions for these things and you fucking retards are so fucking dumb, you are incapable of grasping the most basic concepts.

>i don't need to argue
That's a convenient out, isn't it?

>only reads the first line
massive yikes at the absolute state of (((you)))

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And if you cannot see that this is NOT about the shill/slide thread faggots, but rather, it is about what Jow Forums has become vs what it once was then you are the one who has only been here for 6 months.


well you're clearly not very used to using Jow Forums's posting system
>it's about what pol has become
pol was always nu/b/, the fact that you can't find any serious discussion doesn't mean it doesn't happen, you're just not really worth the time to try and discuss anything with because of how poor every arguement you make is (also how they're all based off of basic newfag fallacies lmao)

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>pol was always nu/b/
Ummmm...., no it wasn't...., but it certainly is now & that's my point.
The bullshit shitposting of nothingness has become the rule here rather than the exception at this point.
But keep on mindlessly defending your safespace, though.
>inb4 something really clever like: "no u" or "stay mad kid"

OP, you are spot on. His disclosure of the "vault" series made him America's enemy..

What secrets did he give away exactly? He allegedly obtained them, but I don't know what secrets you're talking about, and I doubt you do either, so how could he have given them away?

His vault series came out because the tools got leaked by our own Intel agency, probably incompetence but given all the foreigners bad actors is possible. WikiLeaks was already comped at the time and giving a summary of the leaked tools doesn't make you guilty of leaking them.

no u, stay mad kid
>ummmm......, no it wasn't......,
are you trying to troll me or are you actually fucking plebbit
>muh safespace meme
okay i understand that you have very limited thinking ability and that you were declared braindead on birth, so i'll take it slow for you
if this is one massive safespace for me then how are you here able to shit on that supposed safespace without any reprocussions whatsoever? how did the one person of pol manage to make a safespace when everyone and anyone can come in and anonymously fucking attack their beliefs or the supposed fact that they're in a safespace?

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Thank you for continuing to be my visual aid, newkid.

so you're not even trying to deny it anymore? lmao

To put in onions terms, imagine Assange like Davos Seaworth from GoT. Yes he exposed alot of corrupt bullshit but he still broke the law and therefore must answer for it.

no u

stay mad kid

He gave away useless knowledge that is classified as private because it's probably just embarrassing.

back to plebbit

this retarded


let me get this straight..... this is the level of your cognitive ability and you still haven't ended it yet?


g-guys i think i broke the shill bot wat do

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Am I one of the oldfag nu/pol/ cool kids yet?

Oh...., I forgot:
>ad hom
>ad hom
>ad hom
>ad hom
Yaaayyyy, I win!!!!

no u, stay mad kid this retarded kike, back to plebbit
damn user you shouldn't talk about yourself like that
although it's nice to know that you're going back :)

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He showed that the government was corrupt to the bone. And he will be slaughtered for it.

fuck now you're messing me up i forgot to greentext the first part re

If we absolutely must resort to pop culture to describe this, assange is way closer to Ned Stark. Generally honest individual that saw clearly illegal shit being done by the powers that be, and tried to stop it.

Like Ned, he failed to understand two very important truths.
Plebs don't care about anything but if their basic needs are met. Justice, especially for anyone but them and theirs is an abstract concept they can't understand. And that corruption which has become visible, is just too of the iceberg, and that you better be ready, and able to purge literally all of the ruling class if your goal is to fix corruption.

I'm bored with you now...., you've got nothing.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned & Jow Forums is burning right now.
Keep on playing that fiddle, user.

i thought you said you were going back?
don't leave now user, as long as you're here shitposting with me that's one less shill trying to derail the assange shit :)

But why would you expect the legal system of the US government to agree?

>shitposting with me
I rest my case.
'Bye, faggot.

>i rest my case
haven't you done that already?
>'bye faggot
don't be like that user, if you stick around you might even realize that we're right about allot of things :)

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>"Mr. Walrus," said the Carpenter
>"My brain begins to perk
>We'll sweep this clear in 'alf a year
>If you don't mind the work"
>[Walrus:] Work? The time has come