That’s it

That’s it

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Wtf I love abortions now!

>that's the whole argument
just dancing around the "murder" part eh?

I could really get behind abortions more if laws were more lax in killing of other useless and unwanted members of society.
The retired and old people that leech off of the working class have to go.
The homeless have to go.
Those college students that think socialism is a good idea have to go.
If you are a death row inmate awaiting death, we can speed that up, and they have to go.

The fact we single out one specific portion of society to kill willy-nilly is wrong and since other groups are not treated the same, I cannot let it happen to babies.

Why do mutts want more niggerbabies?

Based American and agree

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should make you register if your pro abortion or not, so when a random guy punts you in the stomach and kills your baby he will only get assault.

Abortion is an empty platitude without a robust eugenics plan in place.

Lynchings are not for everybody.
They're like niggers, that way.

Its the same with vaccines. The only thing i hate more than antivaxxers are people who believe in forced vaccinations. So if you're gonna force vaccines on people how about sterilization of some degenerates while you're at it. If you're going to go down that path you might as well make a meal of it.

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I don't get it. Who are like children what way?

>Those college students that think socialism is a good idea have to go
Let's start there.

nigger babies and white trash, to be more specific

Having abortions are like having children for the pro baby murder crowd.

We should let them make abortions once but with the condition that they are sterilized. A woman who kills her own children can't become a good mother and shouldn't reproduce.

>get stoned
>write joke

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wtf i hate white people now

You do know that, if we start with the Jews, it will almost certainly end with the Jews

Like in NY you mean?

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with abortion morally and plus it prevents degenerates from being born. But I think if you’re a woman and you want an abortion you have to be a sociopath. Your whole purpose in life is to rear children, and you should do everything in your power to protect it. That’s what all your hormones are telling you to do.

based and eugenicspilled

Based logic, also add in people who take more tax money than they produce

>Niggers, spics, and liberals killing their children
So why am I supposed to be mad again?

This would kill like 98% of all women and minorities

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What the fuck man. You know, I can understand a woman wanting an abortion, I don't want to get into that, but what I can absolutely not understand is the entire "celebrating the abortion". It's absolutely disgusting.