Imagine.. all the time, energy, and tax dollars it took to produce this shitty little image that literally looks like a fucking sprite from Doom95. Science is really make progress in leaps and bounds these days eh? A hundred years ago we were discovering how to harness the power of electricity, today, we're producing shit tier ms paint jpeg's. Fantastic. Bravo.
Imagine.. all the time, energy...
Other urls found in this thread:
Original pic was 5 petabytes and taken in 2017. Some might ask why it took two years to release, but the real question is what does the uncompressed picture look like?
It's all photoshop until proven otherwise.
what does a visual representation of a black hole even do for us??
we can learn so much more by imaging it with the rest of the light spectrum.
this is totally for the 'i fucking love science' crowd
its SCIENCE!!! not Science.
Why did they say a female scientist made the discovery when she didnt even write the algorithm that capped it
>doesnt understand the point of research
why am i not surprised
>what does a visual representation of a black hole even do for us??
Confirm theories with observations. Nothing more, nothing less.
SJW (((journalists))) writing click baits and (((politicians))) tweeting about those articles.
This is literally the shittiest thing I've seen in my life.
Can I get a rundown of what she actually did? I see this bitch shipped everywhere and credited like she's the new Einstein.
>space is racist
>but space is black
what do?
because in lefty science, female contributions are the only ones that matter. it'll probably get her a job as a PI while her peers go on to other fields due to lack of positions.
Ok here are my findings after so long so please pay attention.
Yes she did create an algo and contributed to this project.
But the thing is so did many others. In fact she isn't the first one to create a thesis on the imaging technique. See Honma. Other algos were also used.
So while she did contribute, so did many others. To say only she contributed or played the most important part is really a disgrace considering the massive number of authors in the project.
It's so stupid, it's just an orange circle. It's literally nothing noteworthy at all.
If Kaity Bowmanstein wasn't such an science poster girl, this wouldn't even exist beyond thier group.
Today OP is not a faggot.
wtf? I fucking love science now
Yeah my brother was getting a PhD in physics until he realized that physics is a dead field and there isn't really any more to work on. This is pretty much proof. We haven't even been to the moon in fifty years. I saw an article the other day that NASA was going to 'try' to go back to the moon. Wtf shouldn't it be easy for us to get to the moon now after all the new technology since then? Bunch of bullshit
Checked. They probably just came across that bitch working on this retarded project and decided to make a big virtue signaling deal out of it cause strong smart wahmin
Doom95 looks better than that.
>huurrr durr research is bad
Fucking nigger
There was a guy who wrote about 85% of the code. Got zero credit
I would say the whole thing is a distraction.
probably added her to the team late in the game because literally no one cared and they needed a stronk poster girl to get more kike-bucks for their useless research
ITT jealous incels
>retarded bait
>still works
there is 0 hope for Jow Forums
well he is a sodomite sjw women enabler so fuck him
>A hundred years ago we were discovering how to harness the power of electricity, today
A hundred years ago you would've called electromagnetism a dumb child's toy with the mindset you currently have.
The numbers speak truth man. He really did cuck himself from glory for some jewress. Still irks me that the news is all
>muh wimin
ITT IFLS onionss coping with the absolute dog-state of what passes as science these days.
but im real....
>mfw literal 50x50px quality pic requires multiple racks of 6TB HDD for blurrly blob
This guy gets it
Seething incel lol
because hes a huwhite man
also let the strong jew woman get the credit
>probably added her to the team late in the game because literally no one cared and they needed a stronk poster girl to get more kike-bucks for their useless research
Useless, whaddaya mean? We have this picture of a blurry blob right here, imagine what inventions this will give us...
Its almost like the astronomy version of virtue signaling
>hey look we imaged an object that visible light can't escape from, isn't science great
>zero practical use
I'm a spacefag, and when i heard of this project a while back, even i thought it was a colossal waste of time and money.
nice thumbnail
You are the same type of fag who circlejerks over modern art.
>this red dot on a white canvas is really deep. You are not smart enough to understand its complexity!
>5 pedobytes
Imagine not seeing the obvious clown.
Yep. Mossad totally thought he could get away with it.
Either way, the hoax has been exposed. SLOPPY JOB MOSSAD
The data was largely incomplete. The computer algorithm generated all the missing data based on what we thought "should" be there.
Pretty much a non story. There's isnt much here beyond what we already have done.
But please remember to like and subscribe and donate so we can conitnue to have a job that spends millions of taxpayer dollars on computer art.
The fuck is wrong with your basic education?
That's it i quit , this board is a joke.
Fuck white nationalism a bunch of pseudo-intellects with low iq.
>this is silly, white nationalism is bad right fellow goyim?
whats behind that meme flag?
Best merchant I've ever seen. Fucking saved.
I went to get my morning coffee today and saw that both the NYT and WSJ had the same frontpage headline image of the black hole. Made me briefly feel like I was living in a world where scientific progress and technological innovation were revered and exalted above the usual Mossad back uniparty faux outrage propoganda, designed only to shekel milk me and get me to die for Israel.
It was a nice moment, thank you black hole.
lol dumbass. now we know black holes do in fact exist, shitty quality or not.
The earth is flat.
Complete waste of resources all for the agitprop value of “omg Einstein so smar”. Fuck Jews and fuck Rick and morty.
>Having dozens of scientists around the world, taking in data from 55 million light years away, using many telescopes around the planet to sync data using atomic clocks to put together petabytes of data to construct an image of a universal phenomenon
>"That's the same thing as someone splashing their pussy blood on a canvas!"
This is why no one likes a leaf. Not anyone. Your country, and the people in it are all fucking gay.
good lord shes hideous.
Its 53 million light years away, what did you expect, a fucking 4k close up?
people who are not into cars do not care about souped up cars. people who do not care about science do not care about black holes.
Research labs already get close to nothing compared to other expenses in the just about every nation's budget and mainly rely on grants.
despite this, you and others will still bitch about how science is cancer and is actively bleeding large swathes of cash out of the nation.
same can be said about god and my teapot orbiting the sun.
Also, if the resolution would be better, we would see that low resolution pic already years ago.
the zoom on pic related is 35 BILLION light years away. Nearest black hole is 3000 light years away too. They're hiding something. Skanks of the lowest kind.