What's with Speedrunners becoming trannies? There is a statistical anomaly here that requires consideration.
What's with Speedrunners becoming trannies? There is a statistical anomaly here that requires consideration
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Those are some well adjusted looking individuals.
now that I take a closer look, you might be right
Dedicating your life to being really good at finishing a game quickly requires this
high estrogen from obesity and lack of physical and mental activity
>There is a statistical anomaly here that requires consideration.
No there's not.
The speedrunning community contains an abnormally high percentage of mentally ill, weak and failed men, perhaps even the highest of any one group, it makes perfect sense that it would be full of trannies.
They are generally autistic, which studies have shown makes it more likely to be mentally ill and think you are the wrong gender.
Autism, sedentary lifestyle, toxic-drama/queen community
this could be true
The number of people who value playing really old games really fast isnt very valued but taking estrogen is him and trendy and the closest thing to a women they can fuck is themselves
>autists ----> speed runners
>autists ----> trannies
>speed runners ----> trannies
social contagion
You'd have to be mentally ill to speedrun in the first place. Speedrunning takes an otherwise fun task, playing video games, and makes it into an endless nightmare grind.
Also, they subconsciously realized that the only way the'd ever have female interaction, is to become one themselves.
Not fucking Miles too. What the actual fuck is going on
Transition any %.
What is it with their cheeks? They have all the same shape.
Fat and bloat from shitty diet, dead metabolism and estrogen.
It's called "being fat". You see it a lot in America.
These people perfectly encapsulate speedrunning.
sitting in place for long periods of time reduces blood flow to the penis and testicles reducing their output as well as leading to atrophy
overtime this leads to low T and estrogen begins to affect the body and mind
They're trying to speedrun life too.
Holy shit
Autism genes.
There are two types of trannies, according to user.
>cute, low intelligence, little gay boys that pass
>abominable, high intelligence artists that will never pass
People with autism are easy to manipulate, and desperate for acceptance.
Tranny comes in and abuses their mental disability to spread their mental illness to others as a means of justifying their poor life choices (if I'm not alone, I'm not wrong).
Speed runners are like 85% autistic (love repetitive tasks, low or no social skills, obvious mental impairment and low intellectual age)
It's the same thing that child molesters do to get children to have sex with them and not tell their parents or authorities, and the term for it is "Grooming".
Look at these abominations, one is even sticking its mangy hair into cola
How much can these fuckers possibly disappoint their parents? It's bad enough that your son is a loser shut-in who plays video games all day, but then he wants to become a "woman" on top of that? For fucks sake!
i know a guy who has such poor success with women that he has decided to be gay. ive also read aboht men with micropenises choose to be gay because they believe they cant satisfy women
i would assume it has something to do with unfulfilled sexual expression. they just want SOMEONE to release that energy
chicken tendies and mountain dew
Yes because that's what being a tranny is: speedrunning life.
You forgot the last step, the best step
It's not really an anomaly: the study from Sweden that got memory-holed suggested that tranny ideology spreads like a virus of the mind. When you get a bunch of lonely kids, typically losers, who gain sudden popularity and are surrounded by other attention-whoring outcasts, eventually one of them will turn tranny for the attention. At that point a downward spiral initiates where all of them will eventually turn tranny due to weak will and a need to belong.
lmao zoomers watch other people play games fast how is this reality is this what white culture has become
they want attention.
Autism combined with one of them being manipulated into HRT
Being a relatively small community they infected each other. Or worse.
It's also that the vast majority of trannies are men.
If you started wearing nose rings there is a chance some of your buddies get inspired to get one themselves. If the environment is right then it becomes a dominant trend.
I mean it can be a fun activity, especially when there's a race, it's basically like watching sports
But this whole "be nice to the trannies or else!" atmosphere is a big turn off
maybe if they actually did some walking nevermind running they wouldn't be fat fucks lol
Genetic defect that causes abnormal development of the face and likely the brain during embryogenesis. Something probably slightly amiss during organization of the 3 germ layers.
Two things
>speedrunning is autistic, autistic people are more likely to be trans
>the speed running organization that hosts these streams GDQ picks the most progressive speedrunners possible even if they're not good at the game
Speed runners have always been autistic freaks this isn’t a surprise
Speedrunning is so goddamn stupid and I’ve not seen a single pro speedrunner that doesn’t look like fedora tippin autistic virgin
Something like this. Were talking about people who play the same game so many times they become hyper efficient at it. This repetitive behavior and obsession can easily be due some some mental illness. The free time they have to do this likely stems from them already being social outcasts. In a since, they could never get the girl they wanted, so they ended up becoming that girl. Even if they look like abominations in the end
which runner is this? I need more of EL
It is an awful niche of esports. Barely anyone goes to actually watch these things. Almost no one cares about you unless you set a world record, and only if you maintain it. This attracts strange characters who are on the fence between normalcy in transexuality.
Just watch that 'Goose' player's confession about the mindset. They basically do this to get social validation, so it it any wonder why some of them transition?
>What's with Speedrunners becoming trannies?
The bad kind of autism. Here at Jow Forums we have the good kind.
>repetitive behavior and obsession
Symptoms of autism
Considering the rate of failed men in the speed running community, meaning men of low status in society and in choosing mates, it's not all that suprising.
These guys usually blaze in popularity for short bursts before their insignificant achievements are quickly forgotten and they bleed attention.
I think a combination of 1.) a sub concious knowledge that institutions will protect trannies and will give you attention even if negative.
2.) because the avenues of existing as a failed man, especially today, is a life of anguish, they transform themselves into a trans person specifically. I think these deluded losers know they'll never pass, but a subconscious knowledge that the same institutions and women who rejected these men will be forced to be accepted because the same people who did cant lose their virtue points. I could be wrong, but I think that the routes for a lot of guys in clown world who arent Chad's and incentives to be a man and participate in a zero sum gain version of society,Become a tranny or do a mass shooting probably look like pretty appealing options.
They are all high level autists. Probably around chris chan level of autism
There may be some merit to comparing/contrasting with the speed cubing community. High levels of autism, but no proliferation of LGBTQ individuals. If anything, the stars of cubing are comparatively normal
40% of them win
making fun of trannies is the only entertaining thing about speed running
Not just speedrunning, fight games too. So many trannies in fight games.
she would be somewhat cute if she lost weight
4:57:09 One actual tranny, fights effeminate looking man.
Turn on the stream chat replay to get the real experience. Fucking hilarious.
>because the avenues of existing as a failed man
Most of them are failed because they do zero efforts to improve.
>the hair in the drink
Games done quick is trash.
if you dont adhere to their policies, you can be kicked out before even arriving.
which is serious if people are paying to travel to the event.
neck yourself, faggot
Come on Hans, why don't you ask one of these lovely young ladies on a date?
"When you can't get a girlfriend, become the girlfriend."
It's just evolutionary psychology. When you're so beta you become a bitch so other slightly less beta, men who also can't get women, will make you their bitch.
people don't care about speed running and they can't live without attention
also trying to be the "nerdy gamer girl" they could never get
Fat absorbs free testosterone out of your bloodstream, you become a bitch.
Don't be fat.
So if all my friend go mental and become trannies I become one too? Fuck off with that shit