What were the early 2000s like?

What were the early 2000s like?

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why do you care?


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Pretty cool really. Everything was, then there was 9/11, and then Gamergate....its all been an acceleratory shit show since.
By the time we get to 2030 or so I'll be filing paperwork to be allowed assisted suicide because of how shit the work will become by then....or I'll be dead because the faggots will march all the straight people into camps and I'll get shot resisting arrest.


If you can't remember you should fuck off you disgusting zoomer.

not as shit but still, shit looming on the horizon.

Pokemon was awesome, summers were warmer and sunnier, fingering your girl at the school disco.

High expectatives, no immigrants, no refugees, no feminism, no concept of hate crime, no concept of hate speech, no gender nonsense, a free internet... even CNN was considered a reliable source of information, go figure.

it was a time of calm. before the SJWs, emos weren't quite a thing yet. Gaming was riding high. People like Jack Thompson were basically btfo'd. it was good.

ITT: kids born in 2000

that would be /ptg/

>No subject line
>1 sentence
>Zero substance
>Vaguely political at best

Data mining thread, likely made by the same person or team behind "What were the 90's like?" threads. In before 1 post by this ID and bump limit.

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picture is obviously from mid 2000s

is that retarded millenial playing wow with fucking arrow keys? god damn

I was in high school then. The world felt normal. That is all.

Most people thought Jews were decent folks. Then they pulled the tisha bav shit on 911 and the goyim been waking up ever since

other than our government faking a huge terrorist attack that set up an 18 year global propagation of terror against all of the people world financed by my tax dollars i guess it was alright.

Cool. But it was just my late childhood years/early teens so I guess I can't really tell.


Pretty shit.
It was the start of the acceleration of downward spiral we are in now.

Many loved ones were still alive. I was learning a trade and still had high hopes for the future. Blissfully unaware of the clown world that was bearing down on us. Pretty good, would go back/10.

Ignorance was comfy.

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>most people thought jews were decent
nah, they just pretended to believe that.
feelings haven't changed, people are not hiding their beliefs anymore

>there was 2001 and then there was 2014

canadians weren't as bad, of course they were white back then

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very heterosexual

no zoomers

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More social trust, less degeneracy. Things were just starting to go to shit.


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everyone offered you what you wanted and there was no liberal health advisory. Conservative america was still banking off the profitable 90s now that the 9/11 stock market vacation had ended.

gas was around a buck fitty and actresses like Nikki Cox were still hot.

>No subject line
Remember when that wasn't a thing until after Jow Forumsharbor (12/7/14)?

Best of times.

Everything was better, there was no patriot act & sandniggers was a barley a thing. Not to mention there was less than half the amount of niggers on the planet compared to today

the sucked. it was the beginning of the era we are in now. after 9/11, americans became like brainless zombies worshipping the Deep State.

Shut the fuck up BOOMER

forgot pic related

>RIP nikki

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Lots of war and death


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Felt like an extension of the late 90s up unroll about 2003ish. You really gotta measure the 2000s by technology because of all the rapid advancements. We went from bulky bulbous Pcs running on windows 98/2000 at the start to iphones and everyone having cellphones by the end of it.


a big assfucking

Exactly the same thing as now but way less zogged.

Pretty shit, exponential house price growth and 9/11 bullshit everywhere.

Kikes were exploding buildings and wrecking the financial system.
Trump was probably wondering how he could serve Israel better.

It was a simpler time

Smart phones seemed like a good idea

That list must have contained every Russian with internet back then.

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>msn messanger/ICQ/aim
>far less asynchronous websites so devs loaded all the resources on a site in one go
>I still had a life outside my computer

Technology was at a level of sophistication where it made life convenient without causing the mass social ills that we have to contend with in contemporary society. A comfier time.

The internet was a much better place

>1 post by this ID
>not actual political
ppl still replying. Welcome to Jow Forums 2019

Your day of the pillow is coming boomer

It was shit. Peak normie domination of popular culture, the beginning of widespread forced diversity initiatives. Very artificial, constructed, and somehow awkward. Like an experiment the jew social engineers pushed on us before they perfected it in the shithouse we live in today.

People were overall more happy but 9/11

>politics has seeped into daily life in 2019
>zoomer wants to know what life was like when politics weren’t overbearing

that pic was me and my friends in high school, except it was everquest

Infowars had VHS videos back in 2000.

>What were the early 2000s like?
not good

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Great, less than 10% immigrants, frens everywhere, everyone was nice, no rapes and low murder rate
Jobs for everyone, nice vacations, the military was active, somewhat good artists, hope
lan parties were great, music was independent of the shit industry, so no feminist apathic moaning like 99% of the music today.
Everyone worked, everyone was happy, towns didn't lie desolate and abandened by the government like politicians do today in order to steal public money for themselves. (probably because they stole oil money, but still)
It was actually better times, much better times.

ohyeah i forgot white people like to cage the elderly and not take care of them

The past is very relevant to see how far identity politics has led the world astray.

they were good while they were happening now i look back at them with contempt and hatred.

>white people like to..

Early 00s were sick for me. Those were my teenage years. Jamming in bands, getting my first car, banging my first girl, playing Dreamcast and Xbox, high school basketball, I even got redpilled back then. There was a guy who made JQ videos who went by natureb0y420 and he was dropping truth bombs as far back as 2001

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On the one hand - the early 2000's were a cultural ghetto as bad/worse than today's. Today things are shit in a way you can laugh at or get mad about, like all those woke Marvel comics; back then things were just shit, full stop. Excluding a few good films at the start and end of the decade, if you want the period summed up neatly in terms of mainstream pop culture, just watch Terminator 3 (2003). The music was awful. TV was awful. I sometimes wonder if it was by design to basically put people to sleep while America, the UK and Europe cemented the process of turning the Western world into the Orwellian shithole it's become, by feeding them the blandest, shittiest content possible for an entire decade.

On the other - It wasn't until later into the 2000's and 2010's that the full force of the rapid social changes our governments were enacting would become tangible. Early 2000's were like an extension of the 90's, in that you still felt like you were free for the most part.

I was born in 1996, I grew up in the early 2000's as a young kid. From the 1990's up to 2010, western society seemed more homely, white males weren't as bashed as we are today.

women we're still shit but communism in eastern Europe and Russia had fell for over ten years so you can go on a plan and get a girlfriend from eastern Europe or Russia who isn't infected with female infidelity bullshit.

Video games were at their prime as they only required a disc or cartridge and a memory card (ever since the early 2010's, even console games require to have internet and download gigabytes of date for almost an hour).

There was a lot less sjw bullshit and LGBT propaganda.

More people between 1990's and up until the end of 2010 seemed to have more sense and understanding and less retarded and normie ish.

If you want to experience the early 2000's again but like modern technology, I suggest going to Russia or maybe Japan.

Stop data mining you fag.

I dont know, but I miss my old room from 2004.

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1989 Califag here

It was like the last 10 seconds of a roller-coaster where it's still fun, but the end is in sight and you know the best is over. 2000-2004 was fairly comfy but that was it, the end of an era. The end of water gun fights(local stores stopped selling them because muh violence), tree forts, arcades, hikes in the woods etc. The rise of masses smoking weed and talking about social justice began while on the opposite side people like myself checked out into WoW and other vidya. Lawyers, Mexicans, Blacks began to take over and police started losing their sense of humor, they use to be super chill and let me get away with all kinds of illegal shit like riding my dirt bike or paint balling in empty fields.

Many turned to vidya in that time because PC culture was rising and it made being social AIDS, concepts like forced equality and the inability to speak the obvious truth had taken root, DUDE WEED was now everybody instead of just the loser 'stoners' and politics was starting to drip into daily life. Even though it was still in it's early stages, social culture started to suck if you weren't Chad or Stacy.

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this, most of the trash tier people and lower class still didn't have constant access so the quality as a whole was higher

>*gets grenade headshot wallbounce around corner*
>"roger that"

Is that asmongold?

>Your day of the pillow is coming boomer

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Comfy. I remember downloading dbz movies on kazaa which would take all day so I would go outside and play, come home play some vidya and watch dbz with friends. Perfect mix of outdoors and indoors. Shit started going downhill with smartphones and social media. Now everyone (including me) is addicted to the Internet. Nofap has been going great so my next goal is to cut out my Internet addiction (Jow Forums). Internet is too damn fast and accessible now so kids growing up are getting fucked out of a childhood by their phones. Can't imagine how bad people's postures and attention spans are going to be.

I remember watching tv show about computers on warm Sunday morning and then there was segment about new game called World of Warcraft.

Yes, people like you didn't have access

>I was born in 1996
WOW total 90s kid here people .......


>What were the early 2000s like?
If you don't know you're too young to post.

>a meme flaggot dares to open his mouth

Would explain why he felt it was important to blur names like diana and anika

Fuck, are the early 2000s *already* retro?

Bretty good up until 2008 as far as the internet is concerned. Bretty bad up until 2001 as far as the world is concerned...you know it in your hearts to be true, anons.

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This post is so awesome I thought for a moment I'd actually written it. Kudos.

I wanna lock Dakota in a room with this guy so, so badly.

Idk why, but that looks more magical than an anime fan room today.

unstoppable force? good mace right there

Fuck you, zoomer.

1992-2001 pre 9/11 was peak western civilization

>cage the elderly and not take care of them

they were glorious
gaming wise but also in general. The early days of the internet when it was actually free (I remember those times)
The bush montages on early youtube always gave you a funny half an hour.
even pop and rap was actually better.
No radical libs yet. The phenomenon was actually very much in the background.
Even the feminists were not as rad.

Good times

>Video games were a lot better
>Tech was cooler
>Internet was less gay
>World was less gay in general
>Music and tv wasn't absolute garbage

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pc vidya was great

I'd call the beginning of the shitstorm. The Matrix was just a sign of things to come.

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>then there was 9/11.
>then there was gamergate.
kys zoomer.

>but zoomers are extra retarded! So based!

Nice early 2000s picture. I came here for some comfy nostalgia and instead it's a zoomer infested cesspool. Fuck this site.