I absolutely love you guys

I absolutely love you guys.

Thanks for everything, thanks for the chaos, thanks for the enlightenment, the meme wars, and the truth seeking. Thanks for the "conspiracy theories" which have been an enormous asset in opening the minds of such people as have a natural tendency towards controversy.

We need the controversy. It is not that common sense is always wrong, it is that common sense is sometimes and often wrong. We need people who are willing to take the damage to their popular image and ego in order to discuss ideas that are contrary.

Chaos is my life's work. It is my ultimate goal to stir chaos from within my own social network, in order to therefore stir change and stimulate creativity and growth. Stagnation is when you no longer feel comfortable exploring what is uncomfortable-- it is that meta-state of imprisonment, where you finally come to the unconscious understanding that imprisonment is the ultimate feeling of "security". Security does not exist until you are caged.

Thank you for your disruption! No doubt most of you have been told all your life about the necessity of order, sitting still, listening, and staying out of site. While these things have their place, for some of us it is not in our nature to do so. I think many of us are attracted to this board because of the freedom it allows us, to question everything, to imagine the best and the worst, to be as loud and disruptive as possible. If such a thing gives you JOY, then continue to do so! You are not bad for seeking this kind of pleasure and have never been bad. Follow what gives you this joy and laughter, even though it goes against what you are told should give you joy.

I love you all so much.

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