WaPo must be so fucked.
Jennifer Rubin is heavily implicated in spygate
They're going to fork over $250 million to Sandmann.
when is trump going to execute all this traitors?
Nah they're fucked because they are enemy combatants.
I like how everyone that tells it how it is, is a big national security threat traitor in the eyes of the media.
Because he exonerated Trump after reviewing the special counsel's report he needs to be removed? Lol. I hate (((white))) liberals.
Even normalfags I interact with are impressed with and believe Barr, I think the facade is beginning to crumble.
jesus christ, how long will the press running interference for the DNC last
>Jennifer Rubin is heavily implicated in spygate
She works at the post, so yea, shes a glow nigger pet.
Without repercussions, why would they ever stop?
>"He exonerated the Drumpf from our BS claims, so that makes him a traitor."
Did you think the press was supposed to be impartial and honest? Heh heh heh, that was just a ploy to sell more advertising.
The CIA owned Washington Compost is a dumpster tier tabloid at this point.
>reminder that Sheev unironically did nothing wrong
but they already showed that Trump was spied on during the campaign? Why are they trying to rewrite history?
That's the literal definition of Sedition.
>After Barr's betrayal
What are they saying he did?
It's what the bourgeois press is for.
Is anyone making a list of these fucks for the day of the rope?
Just follow the nose. It always knows!
Oh god it's all culminating so quickly after years of nothing. It's like edging all day.
Fucking Sandwichs
MSM meltdown bump
I was thinking of a giant list of traitors in my locale that when law and order breaks down I know where to find them
The whole concept is fucking stupid. Who is actually retarded enough to buy the "Barr is hiding shit" narrative? If he was, what's their reasoning for why Mueller wouldn't be piping up himself saying the summary is bullshit?
how do people that read this filth actually function?
is it something like
>read article, get hopes up
>hope gets crushed because article was a lie
>rushes to newspaper to get fresh dose of hope
the act of making a list is enough to get your door kicked in, even if you don't intend to do anything
literal definition of insanity
Isn't Jennifer Rubin the summer intern Bezos insisted they hire?
she is a self-identified (((republican))) who seems to side with the democrats on just about everything aside from being 100% pro-israel
it’s all so tiresome
what is barr saying in this image and to whom?
When law and order breaks, (((they))) will be the first ones to jump ship because they know when white people stop playing by the rules, they are the first in the ovens. You won't find them, they will either go to latin America or the UK.
To whomst?
you nailed it and this is the reason
My maintenance of a mirror of the Jewish Daily Forward is for solely academic purposes.
>Giving the WP any credibility
Nigger please...