This was ALWAYS going to happen

As the world becomes more advanced and communications/travel become faster and more seamless, the world becomes diverse and multicultural. Homogenous societies are an anachronism and cannot be sustained, no matter how many walls you build and how many people you deport. And you do not have the stomach to kill tens of millions, and even if you did, you'd be miserable for the rest of your lives after doing it. So why not just let it happen? Why not embrace clown world and see what becomes of it? This was always going to happen...

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>this was always going to happen
its been planned for atleast 6000 years, read the jewish holy book and the talmund



Ooooo I misspelled something, therefore my point is invalid. Fuck off.

No you used the opposite word of what you meant to use, thus you are a retard.

No I didn't. Retard. Try reading again

The Jews want you to give in so that once everyone is mixed race, they can rule over you.

Homogenization is the opposite of separation.

a homogenous population is a "of the same kind; alike." aka a race

however to Homogenization is an act in order to make a population homogenous, the way one would do this with a multi racial population would be to make them race mix until they exist as one new mutt race

homogenous and homogenization dont mean the same thing
since homogenous means the same and homogenization means to make the same

> And you do not have the stomach to kill tens of millions,

So when you are finished homogenization what do you have? Something that is homogeneous...

>And you do not have the stomach to kill tens of millions, and even if you did, you'd be miserable for the rest of your lives after doing it.
Top fucking Kek. Do you know where you are? We would do it for free just for the lulz. Kill all of your leaders. The fire rises!

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>Give up. It is inevitable.
t. Every super villain ever

As soon as they pass red flag laws in my state I am doing t start ambush killing cops, prosecutors, judges and legislators in the streets and in their homes.

Pro-tip: they're trying to pass one in my state now. Soon. Real soon.

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He’s right dude, the homo prefix literally means same

Honestly OP I’m starting to feel the same way and I think a lot of other honkers out there too, hence the meme itself. I’m starting to just say fuck it and let this this world delve into insanity just for shits and giggles. The only thing we can do now is hope their clown shoes step on our toes and give us cause to send the death squads.

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Uhhhh, FBI? Any of you glowniggers here? Find this guy. Quick.

Come at me niggers.

He should have said heterogeneous .

Heterogeneous societies = different societies.

As in, "not mixed societies". Multiculturalism = mixing societies into once society.

No, I meant homogeneous societies (which Jow Forums wants) are not sustainable.

Already on it.

Its not organic
Its being pushed because it harms us
Yes, us
Youre the useless idiot. The useful idiots are doing better, thays why youre hear

It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself, part of the fermi paradox

Damn you guys are fast, top kek

yes you do but homogenization is a process where as homogenous is an observation of current reality

a race is homogenous
race mixing is homogenization which results in a new homogenous race and destroys both of the old ones

Thats because red flag laws circumvent due process and thats unconstitutional

Fuck the police

you're weak, doesnt mean china and poland are.

> no stomach

we've done it many times b4

> you'd be miserable after


Do you mean "here"?

He is the glownigger dummy


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>Le inevitability maymay.

Having millions of unwanted, low-IQ, ugly brown human trash flood into our countries illegally or as "refugees" and subsequently lower our living standard and national IQ averages is not inevitable or desirable. Not to mention the fact that jews are using them as a bullwark against whites and training them to hate whites.

Fuck off kike.

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doctors giving test injections to 8 year olds thanks to california laws

>Jow Forums will eventually manipulate glowniggers into killing glowniggers

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>Already on it.
Tell those niggers I said hello.

The state of you two

I can see that happening in Western advanced countries. But the 3rd world is still tribal, and uncivilized. Even 2nd world countries are like this.

And the more people they bring from these countries into the 1st world, they don't become 1st world people---it becomes tribal. Separation is inevitable and so will be tribalism.

Fed Posting

Soon they will know true power.

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We are miserable now, whatbthe fuck is he talking about

How so? Explain the mechanics.

I got teh big dum

Shills are traitors

why do you think aliens are gray? over millions of years of interbreeding a "race" of people no longer exists. a homogeneous people is the obvious outcome. characteristics and features of specific peoples will diminish as interbreeding ensures the mixing of so many genes as to create one dominant type of genes which all on earth will inherit. there will be less variation in height, eye and hair color, skin color and intelligence. like the grays, in 1 million years one person will look nearly identical to the next

This is a shit argument. It actually takes effort to come up with a world this clownish. 99% of the population want business as usual.

Clown-posting is a shitty forced meme psy-op designed to demoralize and trivialize Jow Forumsacks in order to prevent them from getting truly angry at all the bullshit being flung their way.

The clown meme is a feel-good embrace of defeatism.

Hate will set you free, not laughs.

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You are right. Things will never improve. I surrender

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>"you'd be miserable for the rest of our lives".

Speak for yourself faggot. If every non-white on the planet was killed from my decision, I'd be the happiest man on the planet.

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Where can I get this book?

OP is more right than he thinks. Also all ywhite countries are already online. Most coloreds are still not even online. The internet and vidya and world will only get more and more diverse.

Honk motherfucker

How long before the Feds show up at my door? Should I make dinner or will I get to eat in prison?

The clown isnt funny tho
Thats why its pOweRfUl

Clown world isnt funny, clownworld is mutilated tranny faggits fixated on kids, people in government working against yheir own interest, and retards who think we should all kill oirselves and ket niggers have all our shit.

Clownworld isnt funny dumbass

You will never improve

>The internet and vidya and world will only get more and more diverse
I never leave this place.

Charles Murray Human Accomplishment I think

cont. we have to remember the variation in genes is only purposeful insofar as immunization to diseases and other bacterial threats. once technology has progressed far enough that humans are no longer at threat from disease in sickness, millions of years of sustained uselessness of genetic mixing will phase it out as necessary.

the grays are not telepathic. they are hive-mind capable because each and every gray is exceptionally similar to the point of seeming like clones. their thought and behavior is the same across the board. you will one day be able to know your neighbor like you know yourself, as they will be as good as your twin.

>And you do not have the stomach to kill tens of millions, and even if you did, you'd be miserable for the rest of your lives after doing it

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>why not just see what happens

Because I’m not a dumbfuck like you, so I know what will happen. Once whites are powerless or gone, most shitskins will die off due to the lack of welfare and prosperity we provided them with. Then Asians will fill the vacancy and the world will be full of soulless bugmen with no quality of life or care about the future.

We literally don’t even have to kill them, we just have to stop giving them welfare and child support and the majority of them will die off with time. They’ll chimp out a bit here and there as it happens though and we’ll just squash them like bugs. It wouldn’t be mass executions, it would be armed conflicts with smaller groups that lash out as their people starve and die off

Poland is a trash SJW “nationalism for me but not for thee” country.

>And you do not have the stomach to kill tens of millions
What the fuck do you think pic related means?

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I said kill all of your leaders, not kill all niggers

>s diverse and multicultural. was always going to happen

War is what always happens.
You fucking idiots just put everybody behind enemy lines for a single market - when you thought it was world communism.

Now any shock to the system like a depression, major grid failure, hacking, solar flares, flood, comet strike, volcano... you name it. IT'S GOING TO BE A FUCKING BLOODBATH

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First chance I get to kill with impunuty...

>First chance I get to kill with impunity...

We'll probably just lineup for soup like we did in the last Depression.
Then when the government's soup computer systems fails and we start starving we'll probably just sing koombia and agree to distribute rations of canned food.
I haven't seen Multiculturalism bring anything of value, but I think it will really shine under a collapsing state facing disaster tier scarcity.

>Actually believing this

I wish I could know the prehistory of, what was it, 50,000 years of primitive Whites living in Europe.
All those times the state got to bloated, corrupt and collapsed. The r-selected must have literally gotten eaten.
This is what the darkies are facing. Each winter is a gamble.

2008 could have been a full on collapse.
I think it was the late 1800s the sun flared and telegraph wires literally all caught fire.

Homogenaity is the steady state condition of evolutionary.
Diversity is a transient condition that exists only until sufficient mixing occurs that homogenaity is restored

>sufficient mixing

Like Whites eating Blacks for protein?

Unironically this needs to start happening when they start actually trying to take the guns, NOT SAYING I WOULD EVER DO IT MYSELF MR GLOWNIGGER, I don’t own guns, but it’s a necessary evil

yet the process has been going on ever since humans left their hunter-gatherer lifestyle, which dates at least 17,000 years back


The actual opposite is true due to Kike racemixing attempts. Stupid rabbi, go back to work on your spacejunk

it's silly how ridiculous you are, so having to kill millions would make me miserable, so what it would mean mt kids had a better future ahead of them the one i grew up in, your reasoning is shite only the lowest hanging fruit could take this bait.

Giv potato

The absolute state of public education

The problem with your approach here is that it's internally inconsistent. By telling other people to also just sit back and watch it all burn you are advocating for passively supporting the status quo. If you really don't care then what do you care if people fight it or not? Perhaps heterogeneous societies are the ones that cannot be sustained and what you are seeing are the first sparkles of a resistance that will last centuries into the future. Only the future can tell. Every civilization rises and falls and I'm sure it's always possible to alter the course of history. I mean I'm a honk honker myself so don't get me wrong but if others still believe in the fight I'm happy for them.
Basically what I'm saying is that if you're a nihilist (that's what honkhonk means) stop trying to drag others into your blackhole and try to let them take you out of it instead. You can put a red nose and a bowtie on the blackhole but that's still what it is and you know it.

>many many other countries
I think it's an issue about the west, and mainly about those on the US' sphere of influence, and more mainly of english speaking countries.

>diverse and multicultural
Why would it? Should not non-existant isolation lead to homogenization of culture and achievement of consensus?
Isolation lead to diversity, as we can see by watching discovery channel.
Leftards btfo again.

Seriously considering giving up coffee and boyfriends to join the Mormons, just to live in a homogeneous society. No amount of individuality or pleasure is worth putting up with niggers. It's just not.