TDS 427/428

Pls paykings, show us mercy..

Attached: fellow neo nazi.jpg (522x513, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what's the deal with this guy?
he larps against jews and non whites but he's discovered to be married to a jew and has non white relatives.
his wife was attended one of the shows too.

Tds sucks. Exodus Americanus is the best show on right stuff.

le character assassination thread le epic le for teh win!11!

Attached: kuso thread.png (250x188, 17K)


I suppose you would have us believe you were born redpilled.

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>off-topic jewish podcast spam
just report these threads if you're tired of seeing them

Attached: Mike Enoch words.png (1000x1829, 679K)

Jooking for these 2 episodes, but thanks for stopping by with the kike propaganda.

Attached: Fuck outta here.jpg (480x525, 80K)

says the faggot who spams this reply in any thread referencing TRS.


mike was married to a jew, they married over 10 years ago, this is real but it is irrelevant now

You ain't fooling anyone, Dracula.

>thinks facts can't be used as propaganda
stupid nigger

asked for 2 episodes, not for a link to a YT video everybody's fucking seen.

>t. Guy who can’t afford the pay wall

Why did they remove Rebel Yell from TRS? Is it because Musonius was trying to remove the Alt-Right affiliations from the podcast to stop guests from being spooked from going on the show?

Anti-white, anti-TRS shill thread.

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Fuck you love street is the best.

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the "hello fellow white europeans" version is much better imo

Rebel yell is about Dixie identity. While they have solidarity to the alt right, they believe in a southern white American identity, where as the spencerian alt right is about general European identity in America.

Not sure, but with that being the case I'd guess they'd be looking to host the show elsewhere. Not that they'll ever shake the affiliation, tho

>its all joos!!

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appreciate it, you have either of the shoahs though?

It was made by me unironically kek
I love it when shitalians get BTFO and Salvini is a kike loving West Asian looking motherfucker

FTN205 in case anyone missed it earlier

still looking for those shoahs tho

>spencerian alt right
Ugh, I fucking hate Spencer and how he's become a major fixture. I get that they're Southern nationalists and have their Identity Dixie website, although as much as I think Balkanization is going to happen I still wish we could keep all our land.


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