in this board we bring up everytime the master race of humans, but what about the master race of the best friends of humans, also called dogs? i'll start with The Rottweiler

>Alpha as fuck
>Protects house and family, making him the perfect defender of white people

the most cucks are the chiwawas by the way

Attached: wiki_pd_Rottweiler-Head.jpg (661x523, 243K)

Other urls found in this thread:


they're not dogs, mutt

Fuck Rottweilers
They are as great as pitbulls. One of them attacked me as a child. I still bear the scar on my face

My vote is for either Golden Retriever, docile yet protective, very smart as well
German sheperd for the same reason but they are stronger and have a better bite and I prefer their look.

Caucasian Sheperd

>German sheperd
Ok, Cuck

Not the digs fault yours a pussy and fucked with its territory

Border collie

for hunting :

Irish setter
>pointing dogs
>nice and very friendly with childrens

Labradors a are obviously the royalty of the doggo world

ive got 2 shelties
great dogs

Attached: Pups-Tucker-close-up-350.jpg (350x386, 31K)

Interesting point. You must be formidable in a debate.

Got a great dane mutt.
>120 lbs
>22 inch neck
>Has barked maybe 3 times in 5 years
>Obeys all commands
>Fine off leash
>Not allowed in kitchen, and obeys
>Can chew through a 2x4

i don't know which is the most alpha but the most over rated dog is the dalmatian
don't (you) me

Attached: over rated.jpg (500x749, 83K)

>Frenchman attacked by german dog
>French surrenders

I've had 3 dalmatians too. Very different personalities each. The thing about them nobody fucking tells you is that their fur is barbed, so it gets into all fabrics and doesn't come out. No other dog I've ever had does that. And they shed like fuckers. Plus the white and black makes sure whatever color you're wearing, it'll show.

The Belgian malinois without question


Also it's probably the breed that has bitten the most niggers and mudslimes given their massive presence in police/military work

Attached: BelgianMalinoisSitting.jpg (1138x1687, 773K)

jagdterrier is MASTER RACE

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>Also it's probably the breed that has bitten the most niggers and mudslimes given their massive presence in police/military work

good point

Attached: ee5c_1.jpg (480x360, 41K)

>Play as a 5 years old in my backyard
>Daddy forgot to close the door
>Rottweiler decides he wants to eat a child
>Gets attacked

I am happy my labrador, my american bulldog and my golden retriever were there to send that shit were it came from before it did too much damages

Attached: german_terrier_barn_hunt2.jpg (300x258, 19K)

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Yeah, they're better.

rotts are amazing
smart and strong
and no breed strikes fear in the heart of a negro like a rottweiler. had one as a kid and my mom trained her so perfectly that even when she went deaf she knew when to come home at dusk. it would take a while but you'd see her sprinting down the back yard after calling her to the porch
died at 13 from a kidney issue, and when she did, she walked way out to the back and dropped herself in the woods to be away from us and not bring shame. best friend i've ever had. we buried her on that spot.
there was a time when a negro came over to buy some appliance my mother had sold in a local paper, and they wouldn't even approach the driveway because britta was sitting at top just looking at them

nah fuck that noise. i was walking 4 houses down and across the street from a rotty and it charged ready to kill me until a collie stepped between us. rotties are shit dogs.

>The actual state of german "humor"

You fucked Europe so hard why did you have to fuck up humor as well kraut ?

Rottweiler are great as guard dogs, too many people get them and try to raise them like a fucking pug and then wonder why it's fucked in the head

pit vs rott

dogs can sense shitty humans, you probably gave off a funk that pissed it off.

Basically a retarded german shepard

rott vs pit

>tons of energy
>protects you
>mostly purebred
>unique and easily recognizable

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I also grew up near Rottweilers, really came to admire the breed. The negro fears the rottweiler!

The superior aryan doggo

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dogo argentino vs rot

What did you expect? You are french,
German dogs can sense fear and stench

best most alpha off all breeds

St. Bernards are great if you have little kids

Attached: saint-bernard-ap-1fjqfu-645-x-380.jpg (645x380, 81K)

Man I really have to stop phone posting

this is actually nice

Dalmatiner are shit tier

Not because they have bad natures or anything, but because genetic diseases are fucking rampant in their breed, about every fifth dalmation is born deaf and they very commonly have problems with their bladder

pit vs caucasian shepherd

Be careful Schlomo I don't want to joke about how they teared down your grandma when she tried to flee from the camp

caucasian shepherd vs pit

Rotties are nigger dogs and you are a nigger for liking them, just like those pitbull mommies who are fucking numbskull idiots.

bull terrier vs caucasian shepherd


Ovcharkas are fantastic dogs, but they hardly ever become older than 8-9 years

Tibetan Mastiff will absolutely shrek any and all dogs and their owners at the same time, and then allow only their master to access the carcasses.

Attached: tibetan-mastiff-facts-cover-1.png (730x370, 128K)

it's not fault of the rottweiler if the niggers like them

what's wrong french bro? rottys aren't bad dogs, yes you had a bad experience but that doesn't mean anything

only the ones that havent been mutilated by the breeders and had their hips mutatated to uselessness.
fuck these fucking breeders. the ones doing this should be gassed.

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Rotweilers are literally the friendliest dogs and one of the most intelligent. You can train them to be assholes though, and Rotweilers LITERALLY do fuck with people. They have that sense of humor where they'll hump weak people just for fun, you can see it in their eyes. They'll also nip at people who are afraid similar to pitbulls but in a far less aggressive manner. You can easily train that out of them though because they listen really well.

Anons are right, you are probably just a pussy bitch.

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huskies are god tier but as someone that lives in the desert i would feel cruel owning one :(

pit vs tibetan mastiff

That's a demon georgios

File brasiliero

Dog made by the european portueges slave owners to keep tracks of their negro slaves

The dog could smell escaped negro slaves from 1km and kill them / bring them back to the owner

Dog is overly protective and would die for his owner

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Why would they do that ?

pit vs tibetan mastiff

Once I killed a German shepherd that was attacking my small dog. Gave him a kick so hard that broke him in half.

English springer spaniels are actually the best dogs you can have:

>When you shoot a bird, they'll get the mother fucker for you.
>When you throw your beer, they'll get that for you too.
>When you throw your wife, they'll kill the bitch.
>Cute floppy ears

Any other answer to the question makes you a homosexual.

Attached: EnglishSpringSpaniel.png (634x476, 681K)

boxer, same as all you said but playful and funny 99% of the time
GOAT dog

Huskies are bitches

>I don't give a fuck about my master
>Somebody with masks and torches in the middle of the night camed to my master's house, what could go wrong?
>wtf is territory
>if i don't have a big garden i can't pull the imaginary sled that i have in my head
>I need big garden

police use German Shepherds for a reason

Breeders think it looks better

I think it looks fucking retarded and the dogs that have that have big problems with their leg joints when they're older

and is stupid as fuck, but I still like rotties. He qt, loyal and would b8 the shit outta every Zigeuner in my neighborhood.

Border collies are the most intelligent dog there is. Good call, Froglad.


I like Giant Schnauzers.

Attached: GiantSchnauzer_Grass.jpg (1280x853, 958K)

pretty based, i didn't know existed this kind of dogs, schlomo

>not going for chad dobermann

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My dad used to be a veterinarian and he worked with pitbulls and even became a vet in the army he became caporal and only had bad experiences with rottweilers

I wanted to pet one later on when I was around 12 and it bit me until my arm bled. I think that breed hates my family lol

because of their bite discipline, what's your point?

Pit Bulls are the niggers of dogs, try controlling one

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>police use German Shepherds for a reason

Except they use belgian shepherds more

this desu

Boerboel is the best.

they're nice and fast, the only thing that i don't like about is that are too skinny