WTF Pajeets literally tried to NUKE the international space station. What is the end game of the eternal poo?


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>what’s the game of the eternal poo
oh hans shut up, you’re literally trying to gobble gobble whole of Europe once again we just wanted to see take our recreation of pooing in the open to the next level

People so backwards they still shit on the street can't be trusted with rockets

nice dial-up internet you got there, germ. article is from 9 days ago

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space isn't real
now we get to blame brown people for ruining our fun hoax tho

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Not 2020, but pretty close. But why you gotta mock GB for man. I thought UK and India were bros. Just mock the Germans plz

its banter

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Ban all space guns

This is now an indiaball thread
Post funny polandball comics

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>shoots down Israeli spacecraft
>thinks he can get away with it

We need to be asking why? Not so much why are Indians trying to be able to destroy things in space.
But why do the Indians think its worth the time and effort to pursue this? Who's making space weapons, what's the situation where you'd want to shoot down a satilite?

Pretty sure it's for protection against you burgers.

>forgets India is the largest weapons partner of Israel
As long as we keep sucking that Jewish cock, we’re good. And Modi might as well recognise Israel’s capital as Jerusalem if he win’s the next election (which he will). The entire right wing here loves Israel.

what in the fuck

Mughal-Maratha Civil War followed by East India Company take over

post more please


Its a polandball comic. There’s tons at Reddit.com/r/polandball

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This is just the beginning.
Next we'll nuke this and destroy the universe. Superpower by 2020/2030 confirmed.

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Because a week or so before the test, UN was discussing to put sanctions on anyone other than US, Russia and China to test space weapons.

Now any deal future deal will have to include India as well.


t. Retarded Snownigger

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and you're happy about that poo.
fuck sake

2040/2050/2060/RUN AWAY!

The endgame is superpower by 2020

defending mutts
i hope pakistan nukes you

I wish India had inadvertently destroyed the ISS with all hands lost, and with three huge chunks crashing into the following cities killing tens of thousands:
* Washington DC
* Moscow
* Beijing

Imagine for a moment the world's great powers combining their nuclear arsenals for a final solution to the Poo question.

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this move mimics how they act in Western societies they are very insecure because they don't have any of the physical or facial attributes associated with being handsome or macho so they act cringe AF basically a half billion incels but they get sex because they have arranged marriages

Pajeet memes are the reason I visit Jow Forums

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poolocaust soon

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day of the loo soon

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Slipped in his own shit and gets run over

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We Ace Combat 7 now.

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It’s like those YouTube videos were you want to know how fix your phone and all the videos are off poos in the loos not knowing wtf they’re talking about or doing to their phone

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Poland cannot into space sadly
If India colonise space then Poland cannot into get job in space because there will be no toilets to clean.

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Say it with me:

i ride motorcycles I cannot figure out how he was so retarded to fuck this up.

debris field on earth debris field in space
contribution: shit

ISS is not even in space you mongs, that thing is in a low-earth orbit. Research it, laugh at it and know that the Van Allen belt is real. They can't leave "the dome" area. Why? Because God, that's why.

he wasnt retarded , he was blackpilled , he wanted to die , may he rest in poo heaven

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Your redpill assignment of the day

4th Reich will come in India.

he didnt want to get his sandals wet

The poo gypsies want war badly seems.

They do have the awesome swastika, which I'm sure at some point the Jews will take exception to, even though its is thousands of years older than the Nazi one.

I think a lot of these anti-India posts and news stories are deliberately laying the groundwork for demonizing India because they aren't aligned with the ZOG goals, like almost every other cuck country. Right now the ZOG alliance are fighting the middle east countries, but once that fight is over, I think India will be in the Zionist crosshairs

>Super power by 2020

I miss him, Bros.

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The poo shall flow thru the streets.


poo... in SPACE

Me too
India is ZOG’d though. Look up India-Israel relations. Israel’s largest export of weapons is given to India plus moral support from Indians because Indians think slaying Muslims is cool.

>However Bridenstine said India's test was conducted low enough that "over time, this (debris) will all dissipate," with the ISS and all astronauts on board safe.

Literally spamming CNN on Jow Forums go slide elsewhere shills

lmao this fucker used to say he looked Mediterranean

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that moustache kek

>India is ZOG’d though
Did not know that. I wouldn't trust Israel though, my guess is that they will use India in their fight to wipe out Muslims, then abandon them once they get what they want. Look at how they treat the USA, spy on us,sell our secrets, attack our military, etc. and we are allegedly their greatest ally lol.

First man to shit on the moon.

>steal are your shit
>be bros
why are indians such cucks?

bill gates

>I thought UK and India were bros
I don't get why Indians don't rally against the Brits who clearly looted their country for 200 years. It must be some sort of psychological issue where you are terrorized for so long you begin to empathize or make excuses for your captor.

I'm pretty sure the Chinese and the US have done it, probably Russia as well.

i miss him :(

Their cuntry was improved massively during that time. They probs are red pilled on it


I doubt the British went to India to help a bunch of savages. They went in for loot. They only built trains and roads so they could transport the loot to the ports, and any buildings they built were for themselves so they didn't have to live in squalor. The were many Indians who helped the Brits and they probably did so because this would elevate their status over their fellow countrymen, this happens in all wars and conquests. I think the Brits did the absolute minimum they had to in order to placate the Indian masses and keep the loot and spice trains running.

They destroy us all with incompetence.

designated shitting space

