Fox News' first Yang hit piece

Boomers are SEETHING.

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I really want to like Yang because I actually do think UBI is a good idea, but it's like he picked the single most retarded way to implement it ever.

Literally every economist likes UBI as a replacement for EVERYTHING else. Yang wants to do UBI, and Medicare for all, and Social Security, and existing stuff like food stamps, housing, etc.

Now he says UBI is going to be structured such that you can't claim food stamps and UBI, which will last approximately 5 mins until some democrat brings on a mother of three on stage and says she should get UBI and food stamp gibs.

Plus he has literally 0 strategies as to how he's going to keep the number frozen, zero indications he's going to write in any serious protections into the bill.

Same shit with his VAT, everyone likes VAT as a REPLACEMENT for income tax. He wants to do income tax AND VAT, which means in addition to the something like 1 mil jobs that are going to be lost to the VAT, like $150-$300 of the $1k you get per month is going to be paid towards taxes on you. That's just inefficient.

It's like someone took my dream platform and intentionally figured out the single worst way to implement it.

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Also I still haven't heard from him how we're going to pay for Medicare for all, though in his defense it seems like literally nobody who is proposing that knows how they're going to pay for it so I can't hate him for that more than I hate any other dem candidate.

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This isn't much of a hit piece, my neet

Most stupid thing I’ve read all day.

What kind of retards do you take us for?