I need Help in hacking a facebook account

its about my girlfriend, I think she is cheating on me

Attached: KuroiSH-hacker.jpg (1000x667, 48K)

You don’t need to fucking hack into her account.

and what do you sugest I do, nothing, I was planning on proposing, I cant just fucking sit back and do nothing

There’s easier options as compared to hacking. What makes you think she’s cheating?

You need to break up, not hack her shit.

You already know she is milking other men's cocks with her pink squeezer.

Link to her profile? I’ll see what I can do

teodora.teo.56 I wont let me post the link, that's her account

girls are dumb as bread. Her password is probably a combination of either her name, her birthday or something she enjoys.

My exes password was ...lisa...
just take her phone, use her laptop or something to find out what her password is you dumb fuck.

Social engineering is what "hackers" really do.

Looks like Ms. Teodora Bozan is about to get a message about this thread and what her lovely boyfriend has been up to :)


and what am I actually up to, not making the biggest mistake of my life

OP, you are very stupid. You're lucky social darwinism isn't a thing anymore.

Ah okay almost sent to the wrong one. Thanks Alex Rusu :)
>Nu te teme niciodată de umbre, ele arată doar că există lumină în apropiere

she doesn't use her laptop for facebook, only her phone, and she is always keeping it away from me since about 2 weeks ago, not wanting to see anything that she does, I wanted to install a keylogger but I cant grab that damn phone

yeah that's me pal, but I didn't get anything:)

dude did you actually manage to do something?

What I did was install a keylogger on my own computer and when she came over and logged in my account that was it. I'm not sure how to confront her about how she's talking to her ex-boyfriend without looking like the asshole. Any tips from people here?

I don't what that's got with my post but... if she still talks to her ex, fuck her, you are better of without

Did you manage to do anything pal?

Why not just dump her?

Sent her a message linking her to this thread. I figured she should know what your retarded ass has been up to :^)

Dude, I want to pop the big question in 2 months... I cant just dump her

Fuck you, and i really doubt that she knows what Jow Forums is

>want to propose to her
>also want to violate her trust and privacy because you suspect she's cheating on you
You're vermin, but more importantly, you already don't trust her. It does not matter at this point if you can really 1337 your way into her DMs, the relationship is already dead and this will only get worse later on.
If telling the truth, highly based.

Thinking it might help with your situation if you two share a computer/laptop occasionally. There is a keylogger for phones and that worked for me in the past as well.

You are a woman right?

Just ask her. Make sure in person and read her body language. If she avoids eye contact, sctraches her nose, changes the subject etc, she's definitly cheating on you

>not encouraging underhanded, passive-aggressive tactics
lmao Fuck off, simp.