/ourguy/ MILO does impression of terrorist and American subverter Ilhan Omar. What a legend. Hail AIPAC. Hail MILO! Hail victory! 2016 commence! MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA!


Attached: 20190411_155323.jpg (82x88, 8K)

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gas the gay kikes race war now

the OP pic is nightmare fuel lmao

made it 29 seconds

What a legend!

I would take 100 Illhan's over a gay british jew faggot any day.

Nuke Israel

He has AIDS now.

Poo anywhere exciting lately?

Lol, yeah, not really sure why he choose those glasses and black lipstick. If he wanted to be shocking and controversial he should have just went all out with blackface. Can't believe this faggot still has a significant fanbase.

Your mother's mouth.