Trump and Assange are working together

SPOILER: Trump is playing dumb.

A deal was made, prepare for the biggest deep state exposition ever.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>trust sessions
>trust the plan

fuck off retarded kike boomer

get fucked glowie. that orange turbocunt has thrown /our guy/ under the bus

If it happens we’ll believe you, but until then Trump’s clearly a kike puppet

I gave evidence for my theory, all you have is discord talking points.

Oh, and how fucking retarded are you to think they could reach a deal over the "deep state" when Assange has no witness testimony to give? Assange's testimony would be the equivalent of hearsay.
>I saw some documents
Means fuckall. Qoomers are fucking idiots.

The most likely outcome is that Trump is a dumb boomercon and Kushner told him that if he crucifies Assange, all the Russia shit will go away and the media will love him and he can be the President of all Americans and Israelis and will make America great again.

Lol no you won’t, you’l find some other reason to act retarded.

Look at objectively
WHY is he being tried in the US?
WHY force him out now?
WHY did he give the thumbs up?(reassurance)

k let me know when it happens, so far nothing has happened ever in my life


His testimony will be paramount because he’s seen the alleged leaks.

Jow Forums is awakening from trump enduced slumber

take your meds schizo

Here are the facts
This case is 100% related to Hillary’s emails

You honestly think Trump isn’t going to stick his nose in this somehow? To the very guy that turned the tables in his favor? To a person he has on record praised before?

He is trying to attack those who initiated the Russia Investigation as hard as possible, he cannot effectively do that to completion without seeking out Assange.

Exoneration incoming.
People are going to Jail, but Assange won’t be one of them.

The only thing Trump was good for was stopping Hillary getting elected. but that was pointless, he's been nothing but a zionist puppet and at least if Hillary was elected it would have accelerated the fall of the west and potentially woke everyone up to the clown world we live in.

pretty sure Assange has to do 12 months in uk jail first and (((they))) will do to him what they did to tommy robinson.

Trump won't cave to May. Assange is ours now and the UK can get fucked until they clean house.

>Trump is dumb
>Embarrassing the deep state time and time again

The emails came from Seth Rich.
He was murdered.
Assange was working with him
The emails being hacked is a work of fiction
Once you pull that thread
Everything becomes bare
You can see all the scars all the ugliness
It's something to behold.
Assange has always been the key

I find Trump being mum on this issue, very telling too, user. Knowing what a loud-mouth blowhard he is...having no opinion or playing ignorant is not a typical Trump characteristic.

He’s scheduled to appear in Virginia in the coming months.


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well i hope you're right. may is so spineless she couldn't stand up to america if she tried, and i have a tiny sliver of hope that assange will get a televised questioning in the senate or whatever the fuck it is so he can btfo 'the swamp' and get a presidential pardon or ruled time served.

>m-me no understand

He won't be extradited to the USA. Screencap this.

Come now, user. If you believe it, it will happen. Don't you believe in meme magic?

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Trump absolutely needs Assange on his side. Not just for complete exoneration in the eyes of the public, but because he knows half his base would leave if he screwed him.

None of the 4d chess bullshit has ever come to fruition. Not a single time was Trump ahead of the curve.

He’s already scheduled to appear so wow off yourself.

Stay delusional.

I read the indictment, it is pretty damning. I think the federal government is and has been intent on making an example out of Assange for some time. Short of pardoning him, I don't think Trump can stop it. If some crazy shit like you're describing takes place, I'll eat crow, but I very much doubt it.

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IT’S 540282 CHESS

They’re giving him 5 years max even if the trial actually goes through.

He's only getting hit with a conspiracy charge from what I saw, but not letting it go is the point I think they're trying to make. We'll see in the coming weeks.

I’ll wait for arrests of globalists and subversives, until that, trump has done some SERIOUS Israeli and Jewish cock sucking.

Call this post a shill post, doesn’t matter



Well you can stop waiting because it’s literally already happening. One of Obama’s guys was just charged from a sealed indictment. This came out of the Russia Investigation btw.

Include me too: he gets lee harvey oswalded

I think this is what you want to happen not what you think will happen.

Screwing Assange would be the first time I will waver on my Trump support. Im holding out hope.

>Trump is playing dumb.

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Shills in full fucking panic mode.

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Jesus christ imagine STILL having faith in this guy. Trump could shit in your mouth and you boomer cucks would still support him claiming Trump is playing 4d interdimmensional backgammon

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Megan Mccain hope Assange rots in hell:

>Assange literally says resist the Trump administration
>this means he and Trump are working together.

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The DA represents my district, once I find out which courthouse he is scheduled to appear in I'll be there every day with a pickett sign. This is too important to ignore...

wow 1 guy with a sign, I'm sure he'll let Assange go asap

I'm so tired of these fake cia nigger q posts.

Fuck off

Back to your discord

Lots of Circlejerking shills using shitty overused insults and shitty left-wing “memes” from 2016 today.

Go back to plebbit trump nigger

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It‘s all so tiresome isn‘t it?


>I read the indictment, it is pretty damning.
Sure you did. It specifies a max 5-year sentence and says right in there people usually get less. This for a guy everyone was saying was destined for the death penalty.

>T_D intelligence in geography

because he made a mockery of the US intelligence system and they want revenge

Holy shit i sense major panic in this thread

I think he signed the warrant in exchange for wall funding.
Military want to waterboard Assange to find out where all the leaks are.

I'm not sure how else people expect him to act. If he tweets out something like, "Welcome, Julian, looking forward to seeing you testify about the DNC," people will go apeshit. There will be a whole new round of accusing him of working for Russia and obstruction and anything else they can think of. Makes a lot more sense to keep his mouth shut and let events proceed. He's not a blowhard when he doesn't want to be.

Doesn't matter. I'll be there.

pathetic attempt at Jow Forumsspeak, you reek of troll farm

glad to hear

fuck off you paranoid spastics.

These retarded boomers are the worst. They still believe anything any Jew tells them on TV.

fuck off retarded kike boomer.
Assange would never work with Zion Don.
Trump abandoned him after wikileaks started exposing the Trump administration and not just the democratic party.

>he's been nothing but a zionist puppet and at least if Hillary was elected it would have accelerated the fall of the west and potentially woke everyone up to the clown world we live in.

That is exactly why she wasn’t choosen by (((them))). All of their moves are planned in accordance to best serve jewish interests.

What better strategy then to trick the goyim into thinking they got an anti-establishment nationalist in office. It pacified the whites and at the same time made many regain faith that the system/voting works.

It also diverts the attention away from the (((people))) on top. All they have to do is get Trump to pretend he is for our interests and puts the blame on the democrats for why he can’t fulfill any of his promises. It’s the same ol D&C Jew tactic that they have been using against us for ages. The Jew controls all sides of goverment. Everything is just an act for the stupid goyim. The reality is i’s not the democrat, the republicans, globalists, free-masons or illuminate it’s the god dam Jews that are behind everything. From the mass immigration 3rd worlders into our countries to the constant promotion of niggers and faggots. The Jews are at war with us and want us all dead and our societies gone to be replaced with a asian-nigger mix slave race they can easily control.

Anybody who hasn’t woken up to this red pill after the disaster that trump turned out to be is literally retarded. The fact is nobodies message is ever true unless they call out the (((bastards))) responsible.

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Anons what was in the letters?

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lurk 9999999999999 years before posting

Not genuine

Like everything else, Trump promise to indict the deep state, but instead indicts Assange.

regrettably, i've been on Jow Forums since 2009.

>i put assange before trump
>i'm not genuine
lol ok

This is the reason I cant get to 100% certainty. If we are figuring this shit out then so is the swamp. And if they hadn't figured it out they could just read about it here.

Nah they don't want the white race gone because unlike Asians whites except the guild and thus are more easy to manipulate. They want to reduce the white population but not to get rid of them completely because Asians would genocide them if they pull their kikery on them very fast. Whites are the best protection for the Jew.

i'm getting so fucking tired of /ptg/

Presidents don't influence government policies, banks do, and banks authorities don't have any elections

His name was Seth Rich


Big ol retarded larp, deepstate won, give it up, assange is going to jail unfortunately

Shut the fuck up, retarded boomer, just admit that your orange fat fuck president is no different than Obongo and Dubya, his only benefit was not being Hillary.

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This is gonna make or break Trump.

>The U.S just basically arrested free media for no reason


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>Trump and Assange are working together

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>trusting neocon Trump
>in 2019

Why? It's literally a containment thread inside a containment board

Tick Tock glow niggers

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