HER BODY HER CHOICE! What the FUCK is wrong with these GOP politicians?

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I am undecided about abortion.

On the one hand I support it because it is killing children.
On the other, it gives women a choice.

Yeah I don’t know where I stand
I mean abortion kill black babies by the thousands so there is that

Abortion should be illegal for whites and mandatory for non-whites

Oh, it gets better. They are putting in a provision that would allow black mothers-to-be to be exempt.

I'm against it, but the very minimum, where I draw the line, is YOU pay for your goddamn abortion. No tax money should be spent on this. Don't make me an accomplice in your "infanticide for hire" scheme. If you want to live with the fact that you're such a goddamn degenerate that you'd willing kill your own offspring, so be it, but I don't wanna be the one footing the bill for your endless roasting.
Roast on your own dime, bitches.

based boomer

The best part is that most abortuaries are jewish/catholic.

Is 34 a boomer? I don't even know anymore. All I know is that you are definitely ending up in hell, or being reincarnated as an Indian with a goiter on their neck, for killing a baby, that resides in your own body.

What is a better red flag than a fucking child? Just make it illegal, so thots learn how to control their urges.

But don't forget to mention mutts, they are the biggest problem because they decrease the genetic distance between races

I thought Kasich would cuck out.

Was veto proof or something?

John "The World is my Oyster and I will eat it" Kasich is gone, it's Mike "Fuck the Kikes" Dewine now.

imagine laquanda having to actually drive down to mexico to get an abortion. not gonna happen. they will either learn to use the pill or fuck less.

boomer means anyone born right after WWII. its just a catchy insult now that cuck has lost its impact

and libtards
Scientists found out that genetics play a huge role whether your tending to be conservative or not, which means that at the moment a big eugenics program effectively takes place

This is straight out of my amateur comedy routine.

The baby doesn't get a choice.

No exception for rape, incest, health to mother, birthdefects or what race it is?

No I meant most of them are run by jews or catholics. Probably jews pretending to be catholic tho.

those make up less than 6% of all abortions

Something has to counterbalance the Somali birthrates here.

Abortion doesn’t affect black birthdate much for 3 reasons:
1. Home abortions
2. After they abort they just go fuck again. They are constantly pregnant so it doesn’t matter, a cold is inevitable
3. More kids for a black woman = less sex = less getting pregnant again

Abortion should be legal (maybe even enforced) for black women, white women impregnated by non whites. While illegal for white women impregnated by whites, unless proven rape, or birth can causes death of mother.

>oh hey you will die carrying with baby another term
>guess you and the baby can die together

Nah. You get reincarnated as a goat in Muslim countries.

this. Some life isn't precious.

Just like the good old days. bye bye

Get those lips busted up faggot.

>implying they won't just kill the baby sooner or later anyway
>implying femoids aren't a bunch of bloodthirsty lunatics

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I know what an actual boomer is.
But every day on this site, the scope of the term becomes broader and broader, until I feel that anyone over 24 is now a boomer.

Bann it alll together fuck this man

>Her body her choice
Yeah... like prostitution and heroin. Go cry somewhere else faggot.

Yes, this may be true, but isn't it more fun to make them back alley coathanger themselves and go to jail?

How terrible for you, that fewer babies will be murdered in the future.

Abortion becomes illegal = far less sleeping around by sluts of both sex/gender/wtfever

And that's a good thing

Based Christcucks! More Cleveland niggers is just what this state needs!

LOL, do these liberals understand what timeline they're in? The losses will be coming in daily. The shift already occurred. The fun is just getting started.

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link or gay, faggot.

Did that stay in the bill?

Oh no, sluts can't murder their children as easily how upsetting.

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Move to Ohio.
I wonder what their gun laws are like?

pretty based. our state government just passed(or about to) a law to ban any city gun restrictions

It can be much better imagine they kill themselve in a horrible way why trying to kill their child.

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The nigger exemption didn't make it into the final bill.

But her body isnt being aborted.

Does that mean kids get to choose if vaccinated?

based zach braff

how many governmental adoptions are planned? this cost 3k/month until 18. are there tax hikes planned to finance this

yea abortion is killing atheists out of existence. it makes sense for us to support abortion since only the worst of society would do it. wow. im actually pro abortion now i think. anyone who does it shouldnt breed anyway so who cares? but what if the baby was going to be the next genius who saves the world? does that potential change anything? im conflicted bros. luckily my opinion doesnt matter either way

Iowa tried passing the same thing but was blocked by the faggot ass Iowan Supreme Court
t. Iowan

they are on the same hand you shit

Yaaaaasssss queen. Slaaaaay. Stay the FUCK away from dirty ass Ohio!

That joke never gets old...

Just white replacement, kill hundred of thousand of white baby while importing millions of shitskin will work nicely at the end.

but shitskins are doing most of the aborting. its keeping their numbers down more than whites. and any white who would get an abortion is a nigger anyway so fuck em