>he doesn't shave

Daily reminder: clean shaven is for men, beards are for soibois.

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trimmed buzz is top tier

Nice try gilette

Not at all, is a matter of how masculine you are. No need to either shave or grow a beard. Be yourself.

The man makes the beard, the beard doesn’t make the man.

This is how I roll. I just rape my face with a trimmer. Shaving drives me nuts.


I can't grow facial hair anyway.

Beards are a natural part of human body, why are you afraid of it? (other than hygiene)


^ this user is right.

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Daily reminder: Your personality will ultimately the defining principle of whether or not you're manly, not your cosmetic appearances.

real chads grow mustaches

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Shaving sucks but i need to do it every day or i look like a hobo after 3 days.

what a fucking pussy, people like you are the reason jews run the world

>A reasonable opinion on Jow Forums
You must be new here


Attached: SmileIntensity.jpg (615x219, 38K)

Nah sometimes I go full retard on other topics too.

Low test = best test

High test means you age and die faster

I can grow epic beards but i refraim from doing so because 1) I'm actually handsome and 2) everyone and their brother is growing out their facial hair these days.

How can you from this To this Clearly there is something wrong with the latter.

Very true. It's just why I rock one.

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Beards signal virility and maturity to women. Clean shaven signals trustworthy and non-threatening. So a "soiboi" is really more likely to be clean shaven.

I look way better with 1/8 worth of beard. Can't help it.

People who don't shave seem lazier.

Go back.

I'm glad that I don't have much monkey dna inside me. Go back to the jungle.

Shaving is for after 45 faggots.

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well the men on the left are middle aged where as the soibois on the right are barely 20. the traitorous 18 year old good goys from d day also have babyfaces because of their young age

Only boys and young men unable to grow beards went beardless among Indo Aryans

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beards are a kike fashion statement

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Just look at the Barbeque Pit Boys and compare them to TheReportofTheWeek. youtube.com/channel/UCjrL1ugI6xGqQ7VEyV6aRAg

The Barbeque Pit Boys look like old school bikers with their beards. The original tough guys.
TheReportofTheWeek is clean shaven, and looks like a little boy playing a grown up in his dad's clothes.


Why do I have the feeling that you are a huge faggot on top of that?

wil wheaton (top left of second pic) is 46

>people tended to smile more when they were lower in social status
>fatclaps have permanent fake as fuck smiles with bleached white horse teeth veneers

>brits have crankletoothed gobs and stuff upper lips and dont even make eye contact with strangers

>people tended to smile more when they were lower in social status
>people tended to smile more when they were lower in social status
>people tended to smile more when they were lower in social status

You aren't even white Alfredo

Too lazy to clean shave, shit grows back in a week. I don't go anywhere. What's the point? I just electric razor shave that shit off then back to shitposting on Jow Forums.

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Theres not 1 beard in your picture

guys on the left are handsome ( no gay)
fags on the right are average looking (at best.)

>he doesn't realizes that suit is Jewish New York invention
>he doesn't realizes that shaving is first stage feminism propaganda
Oh yeah, cut your penis too, do everything for rich and women, but don't be surprised when they reject you, since that was their plan. When you are a puppy for them, then they don't need you any longer to steal what you got. No matter how dumb those liberals are, they are unpredictable for elites, they were useful before, now they aren't any longer. What makes a man is not being fat unfit mutt.

t. beardlet

caring about other people's hair style is vaginal

wagies and richfags btfo for being sad niggers

I'm not even sure if you are Bavarian master race or some roach. But yeah you are a faggot.

I usually let it grow until it doesn't look professional anymore and then I go clean cut. Best of both worlds. And hair like the top left pic yeehh

beards come in and out of style every 50-100 years clean shaven was a thing in the 1700s then beards came into style in the 1800s then clean shaven was in style in the 1900s now beards are in style again in the 2000s you faggot weeb

it's the stupid smiles on the right, nothing to do with the beard

None of those are full beards. Those are neckbeards, the lowest of the low

>talking about hair
>defines masculinity based on choices involving hair

Kikes don't need to follow any rules, still come at top, only dumb goyim who follow the rules are punishable. If nobody follows the rules then you get a change, now only few don't follow the rules.

Or busier

Topkek Bavarians aren't white either. Only nothern german with high percentage of scandinavian dna are truly white.

i have something that always in style right here bud

>clean shaven is for men
>posts picture of homosexual Hollywood actors/prostitutes
Real men have mustaches

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Just means you live a long life as a cuck. Better live a short life as Chad.

Yeah but northerns are most turks and greeks, not that they are any different.

My beard grows to my toes,
I never wear no clothes,
I wrap my hair around my bear,
And down wall street I goes

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You need a good head of hair for a clean shave. I m bald.

To be truly white European you have to live by nature and your white community, not by employer norms in concrete city. Whatever Jewish employers say you have to do you shouldn't do, that's how you come at top.

Then damn I’m glad I’m not white. Scandinavians and Northern Germans are the most boring, uninfluential unaccomplished people to ever live. Even the Basque are better than you fucks


You have good tastes in gaming.

Newsflash: It would take way more than a razor to turn the guys on the right into the guys on the left.

This man is woke

Prussian manlets will never be white. Suck my Bratwurst.

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I'm bulking so I need a beard or I'll have a baby face.

If you don't shave daily you are contributing to the fall of our civilization.

>pachy neckbeards
>can't even grow a proper, well-groomed beared
>representative sample

A thread died for this.

>le 56% whites are seething in the present of real whites
Better luck in your next life.

They're also terrible beards which I don't think they should sport. It doesn't seem they trim or do any maintenance to their beards. Some even have neck beards. It's laziness and disgusting.

To "busy" to set 5-10 minutes out of their day for simple hygiene means they can't organize or care for themselves properly or its just laziness.

>not having a well trimmed small amount of beard
clean shaven is gods tier
trimmed beard is elder gods tier
full on beard that is either poorly trimmed, not trimmed at all or just patchy\prepubescent is numale tier
prove me wrong
protip: you cant

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says the jew lol

Yet how often are soibois clean shaven?

>tfw i don't smile yet despite being remarked as handsome and shit my lack of smile is a turn off to women in general.

Mustache man here, involves going clean shaven for the whole face, except your upper lip, something the lazy neckbeard onions don't understand.

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How do I take the hair from by chest/back and get it onto my face? You're greek so you should know.

This thread is so wrong its not even funny. Clean shaven just makes people look like emasculated pussies. Real men let their beard grow, it is a sign of manliness and strength. Beards make men look more rugged and attractive. I knew white people were dumb but damn yall some straight up retarded ass niggas

Those basedboys would look like women with or without a beard.
Meanwhile men look like men with or without a beard.
A beard should not be your crutch, if it is then you have bigger issues to deal with.
Or british jaw-genes.

If Jewish media says Dow Jones is falling because X, then you do that X 10 times more. If Jewish media says there isn't enough growth, you lower growth by 10 times more. If Jewish bosses say you need to shave, you have a beard, if they say you need a beard, you shave. Else you ain't pro-white and your country will surely fail.

You were born spic, you will never grow proper facial hair. Curse god or something.

If you're handsome like me you can rock any look


just look at alex jones

And slaves

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So the correct response to you should be calling you a turkroach?

>Beards signal virility and maturity
Put maturity into context, because most soiboi's have the mental state of a 10 year old when it comes to opposing opinions and their love for childish activities.

I'm gonna blow your mind on jeans too

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A real chad signals those things without the beard and wants the benefits of the non beard look to attract more apprehensive women. Meanwhile the basedboy compensates for his softness by projecting the illussion that he is more masculine. Whats the first thing a woman crossdressing does? Draws on facial hair.



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>You are here forever

Old jeans are the best, they are much tougher than new jeans who tear very easily. Still i wouldn't pay 80000.

Straight up, this how clean-shaven men look fr.

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>le jewish

daily reminder shaving is for transvestites

Fuck degenerate western women, they are all sluts and like to sleep with negroes, anyway.

Yes, that's the reality. If reality was Socialism, then you would do what they tell you, but don't ever do what international capitalists tell you, since they don't work for your country, they don't work for any country, they work for their yachts and prostitutes. Why do cucks care what capitalists want them to do? That means you are cutting your own competition power.

Nice cope baldy but chin pubes will never replace real flowing locks

Are you high or something? Is this a copypast?


Nice cherry picking, faggot

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