/po/ is turning into reddit Threads are being deleted despite being on-topic

/po/ is turning into reddit Threads are being deleted despite being on-topic

censorship/hiding is for pussies.




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Paper craft and origami?

That might explain it, he's been posting on the wrong board the entire time.

Imagine you think you're fucking a black chick then you come to discover she's actually asian because you're just that blind/retarded.

Mods cry out in pain as they delete your thread

eh probably the whole site is compromised, but I'm talking about Jow Forums

easy come easy go. I also got warned about complaining about Jow Forums policies lmao

but if a mod is wrongfully deleting threads and violating, then people need to know what's going on. if this place becomes like reddit the core of the site will go elsewhere. careful, you get what you pay for.

I mean that's a pretty low effort OP in the pic. You fags need to learn how to use the title field when setting the topic for a thread, as you have failed to do. Set the discussion as something more than just asking people to type a single letter. This trash belongs on /b/.

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Hey retarded newfag, do you think that a thread being archived means it was deleted?

They are getting deleted because they are duplicates. Sage

probably some shizo boomer

It wasn't my thread, I didn't even post in it. but it was on topic, especially considering the news in the pic, and "press [letter] for [whatever]" threads are quite common on this site. this board is about free speech, if rogue mods can wrongfully delete any threads that trigger them politically, then this site turns into reddit

look more closely, newfag

if you're wrong, what does that make you? pussy liar

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Censorship is justified when you are censoring white nationalists/white supremacists, and nazis. Nobody cares about you peoples' opinions, nobody is listening, stay mad, white boy. Your a cuck who will die a failure. Kill yourself

go on Jow Forums irc and talk to someone

Mods are Israeli terrorists

since when are duplicates ever deleted on this site? they're not. you're full of shit

Israeli mods need to be removed.

This is nothing new. Newfaggot

>nobody is listening


lmao, stay triggered, dumbfuck. I'm not a white supremacist or a nazi, I'm defending free speech, aka the spirit of this board.

The way they deleted the light bulb thread was quite spooky

You also have to make quality threads.
now go back to r*ddit

I hope mods delete this thread too you crybaby faggot

The OP in the thread that got deleted should have given at least a sentence of his own input before typing "press L to laff XD". Furthermore, he couldn't even be bothered to link the article in question.

On this tread you should have titled it "Mods deleting threads" in order to allow browsers quickly discern the topic in the catalog.

The deletion of piss weak bait threads isn't anything new.

umad? lmao. I'm simply spreading awareness. and I have accomplished what I set out to do.

>The deletion of piss weak bait threads isn't anything new.
I've literally been banned for spidey-posting. I was pissed because I was having fun; doesn't mean it wasn't deserved.

Israelis like you will be dead soon. You’re the schizophrenic mentally ill retards. Nobody else.

>scientists turn entire earth into a radio telescope and take the first real pic of a black sun
>400 threads per minute calling it fake/gay
>israel crashes its gay probe on the moon like the failed terror sponsor state that it is
>0 threads
really makes you think

>0 threads
>really makes you think
Yeah. It really makes me think you don't know how to use the catalog.

Then put more effort into your OP if you want us to listen. Mods sometimes delete good-faith, engaging posts because they border on the rules of doxxing or self-promotion. I fear Jow Forums is under heavy pressure from governments and activist group because of its heavy ties to the alt-right. But I'm not angered by the deletion of the thread in question because the OP made no effort to generate meaningful discussion. This shit is why I use double-chan more often these days.

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Lurk more, brand spanking newfag. Bait threads nearly always get deleted

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>Then put more effort into your OP if you want us to listen

I don't need to. you're here, aren't you?

>But I'm not angered by the deletion of the thread in question because the OP made no effort to generate meaningful discussion.

that's just your opinion. it was a simple thread but it was on topic. those kinds of threads are on Jow Forums all the time and are not deleted.

>turning into

Have you seen how easily faggots are taking b8 these days? This place is reddit at this point.

>Bait threads nearly always get deleted

how new are you?

>calling somebody else a newfag