Why is the United States the only country whose national government doesn't immediately cuck on gun freedoms for its...

Why is the United States the only country whose national government doesn't immediately cuck on gun freedoms for its citizens because of one dumbass's actions?

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NRA and the fact we will literally try to kill you if you try as shown by our fucked up red flag laws. Also if you want to redpill and entire country make grandpa a criminal and say you will hunt him down.

There are half a billion guns in circulation in the US and well over 100 million gun owners.

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Because of SHALL

more than a billion. those estimates dont take into account old guns bought before NICS or multiple purchases of firearms under one NICS check.

USA isn't some a little excuse for a country like New Zealand or Australia

They do actually, but half a billion is the lowest end of the estimates.

then why is it the only one cited?

ill bet those officers shook his hand before walking him out

It's more than enough to completely destroy any argument gun grabbers make. They're generally trying to claim some ridiculously low number anyway.

Constitution makes it very hard for them to take our guns but they are trying claiming its outdated so only a matter of time.

Canada didn't cuck after a mosque got shot up in 2017, although if Bissonette had killed anywhere close to Tarrant's figure we probably would have.

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Certain people always talk about doing it. All that does is rile people up to go buy more guns and ammunition. At this point they have talked to much with no action. They know people will fight back if they try.

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NRA lobbied for the federal automatic firearms ban, National Firearms Act, Gun Control Act of 1968, and even the new red flag gun laws.

We enshrined our right to legally own firearms in our Constitution, making it nearly impossible to repeal. We also have a culture centered on firearms for sport and recreation; 1 out of every 3 Americans owns a firearm. Most of all, we're vehemently individualistic (even to a fault). We prioritize the rights of the individual over what is perceived to be the benefit of society as a whole.

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It's in our Constitution. It would require an repeal amendment to outlaw which itself requires 3/4 of all states, 2/3 Congress, and the president.

You realize the mosque shooter only killed 6 people right?

bye bye normalfag nationalists

What good has having guns done? You're still ruled by Jews and niggers and faggots just like the rest of us. The only difference is you guys have a quick and easy method of suicide.

You can't make me leave. I'm gonna normiefy the shit out of your board.

We were founded on the basis of armed citizens. You can eat a dick, traitor.

Give it a few years and we'll cuck out just like the rest of them. Once the boomers die off say goodbye to all your guns.

Good thing I as a ZOOMER have the exact same thought processes as a BOOMER. Take my rifle from my cold dead hands, nig.

>although if Bissonette had killed anywhere close to Tarrant's figure we probably would have.

He only got 40 years.


The boomers are about the only thing stopping the repeal of gun control right now. Every generation after them has been more pro-gun.

Because they know it can't be done here, there's just too much redneck flyover country with too damn many guns along with the ability and will to use them. Cleatus ain't letting them go.

Na bro, 29 and armed to the teeth here. We are moving away from traditional lobbies like the NRA(shills) and forming more local orgs now to influence change on the state level where we can potentially tell the Fed to kick rocks. I've even gotten some normies to pick up a rifle for the first time then go buy their first.

μολὼν λαβέ

Give her an AR and she'll be efficiently dispatching in no time.

>Why is the United States the only country whose national government doesn't immediately cuck on gun freedoms for its citizens because of one dumbass's actions?

this is why

Gun owners aren't even half the population anymore and all your precious little semi-autos won't stand to anything your local PD has. It wouldn't take the National Gaurd to defeat what pathetic ***uprising*** 1776 wiggatry you hicks try to pull.
Only criminals will have guns? psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ethics-everyone/201803/only-outlaws-will-have-guns
Too easy to get guns: heraldonline.com/news/local/crime/article222897535.html
Gun Violence Medical Costs: chicagotribune.com/news/ct-chicago-gun-violence-medical-costs-met-20170720-story.htmly
Gun in Home increased violence risk: cbsnews.com/news/study-guns-in-home-increase-suicide-homicide-risk/
Suicide and Firearm Availability: rand.org/research/gun-policy/analysis/supplementary/firearm-availability-suicide.html
Carrying a gun increases your odds of being shot and killed: newscientist.com/article/dn17922-carrying-a-gun-increases-risk-of-getting-shot-and-killed/
Restrictive gun laws seems to lead to fewer gun deaths vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/3/2/17050610/guns-shootings-studies-rand-charts-maps
Gun Laws Stop at State Lines, But Guns Don’t: fivethirtyeight.com/features/gun-laws-stop-at-state-lines-but-guns-dont/
Guns aren’t even a good defense: nytimes.com/2007/12/09/weekinreview/09baker.html “if owning a gun was an effective means of self-defense, your insurance rates would go down when you bought one. But they go up, because actuaries have proven that you’re far, far more likely to shoot yourself or a family member than someone attacking you.”)
When the NRA and gun-nuts make GUN SAFETY and GUN LAWS more important than GUN SALES then the 2nd Amendment will be Repealed.
Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Get rid of ineffective State “gun laws.” Make National Laws that are strictly enforced and prosecuted at the National level.

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something something shall not be infringed

This. It's like telling niggers they're going to get reparations if they elect someone campaigning on that. That shit ain't never gonna happen.

Yet they also bitch about it keeps getting infringed already without doing anything about it. May as well go all the way.

But those membership fees though.

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Because the Militia (The People) will revolt against the tyranny. We are well armed, Brother.

Isn't it time for you to go suck off your boyfriend?

there is literally more guns in the usa than people

What's your point?


Nyt, Vox, Herald... You need some better sources cuck.

There are far more gun owners than their are police. If they're too scared to patrol the ghetto, you really think they'll wage a war on a population that doesn't hold a gun sideways?

they make money from it every time something happens people go and buy what the person used

we shoot nigs recreationally out here .

come and take it so i can floss over ur corps fag

I hope..Balkanization be the best thing for this faggot place....But Commies and Metro nigger really think they can self sustain...

You niggers don't even realize Rural American supplies the US and we are the whites as well and overwhelming hate you

I mean the gun ownership in America has no influence on the cultural situation. You're just as dominated by the left as any other part of the western world.

The forefathers had some of the best foresight to protect the future and it's people from tyranny.

And they're all without proper training and mostly own bolt actions or weak semi-autos.
Face it. You'll hand over your guns just like how you pull over your car when they come after you.

Because with usa gun statistics it shows theres a nigger problem not a gun problem. This meana jews would need to ban niggers and will do nothing of the sort.

Valid point.

>so only a matter of time
before the next civil war

>without doing anything about it

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>without proper training

You understand that we've been at war for two decades, right? You understand that competitive shooting is a thing, right? You understand that service rifles are built by the lowest bidder, right?

You're just one big ball of projection. Liberalism really is a mental illness.

Actually, no. Look at all of Western Europe and how much control the government has over their populations. We have the freest speech in the world because of the second amendment. The elites are fucking terrified of what would happen if they pushed too far. That’s why the frog boils slower here

>mostly bolt actions
>the ar15 is the most popular rifle in America
>bolt actions kill you just as dead+have full powered range
Retarded argument

>What is a constitution?
Oh, it’s bait for a response. Damnit, got me

Bolt action rifles are just fine en mass and pretty much everyone owns something that can dump 5.56 or 7.62; those are plenty fine. If your talking about the Police and military rolling through suburbs with tanks shelling homes though, its already too later for the country as it was. I want 20,000 times MSRP for buybacks though; becoming a millionaire would allow me to ensure my safety with a nice big fenced in home and secure my future. 4/10 bait.

>gun owners don’t go to the range constantly
Nigger I live in southern New England and even I know you’re full of shit

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You have to go back.

Nigger I shoot more in one weekend than your average cop or mil dude does all year.

I'm not white and would kill anyone attempting to take my guns.

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we're not pussies

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True. NZ has 4.6 million citizens. Compare that to almost 400 million in US. We would destroy them in a war.

Because we all have guns

Only faggots give money to the gun kike NRA. Ive already paid my fee. It was the price of the gun. Come get it

thats because your already cucked

Spoken like a true poorfag libtard

Got emm