This guy was a fucking visionary

This guy was a fucking visionary. I hate this shit we have to contend with.

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Soon they will be coming for you user, soon

nice thumbnail, faggot

angry discord trannies

take your estrogen pills cocksuckers. then go get aids and die

Is visionary, user. Is. And soon to be owner of the Nobel Peace Prize too. Otherwise yeah, literally only living person to look up to.

Fuck shills and schizos too.

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Not a tranny, but can't even tell who it is.

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2/10 try. Cherrypicking and taking out of context is top tier brainlet way of shilling. Why don't you post rest of that answer, especially last sentence?

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What part of "no" do you not understand?


he actually did something. my hat is off

This idiot didn’t accomplish anything other than make the world hate whites more.

gg asshole

>m-m-muh optics
Neck yourself you cowardly effeminate trash.

low res shit

So what are you planning to do then tough guy? I'm all ears.

How is it out of context when he ended that sentence with a full stop and not a comma? Are you an anti-Semite? "No." It doesn't get any more black & white than that.

>there is no sentence after it
>there is not a huge monumental IF about subversion
>there is no extra part about expulsion of all jews from Europe
How retarded can you get.

I this that's a good pic, that's for sure.

If he was an anti-Semite he would have said "yes" but he is not an anti-Semite so he said "no".

Also expelling the Jews from Europe would do absolutely nothing. They would still rule the world trough America just as they do now.Tarrant was an imbecile just like you.

>>Also expelling the Jews from Europe would do absolutely nothing
This is your brain on hardcore shilling. user, you are an absolute drooling cretinous fucktard. Stop making it even worse and worse with posting more turds.
>They would still rule the world trough America
That is why he put that sentence about subversion there you lobotomized spastic.


>you are an absolute drooling cretinous fucktard
Wow! So angry just because I don't support your gay little Zionist terrorist. Are you a Jew by any chance?

benis LD

About as low an iq take as those that unironically think he was radicalized by Milquetoast Owens.

lol it's there in black and white!

>Are you an anti-Semite

lol the mental gymnastics required to think that means "yes" must be astounding!

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Not angry mate, just stating obvious fact. Lack of any arguments from your side only prove it further - it takes a special kind of retard to basically debunk your own claims as you did.

There has never been a more Jewish event than Christchurch.

>Le 56% face in a country with an Anglo supermajority
>Cowardly attack on people while they are practising their religion (which I'm skeptical of, but it's their religion regardless)
>Mong Manifesto, doesn't cohere
>Another case of "I decided white people didn't have access to the political process, even though I've never tried and every other interest group advocates for their rights. Rather than standing my ground, organising and doing as well as they do, I'll cede that territory and go down in history as a Brazil nut.
>If Jow Forums thinks he did something great, he probably set back Nationalist causes generations. Because Jow Forums - look at what is happening with that Joaquim P capeshit movie - loves to identify with the 'baddies.' to them Nationalism is Hitler, Hitler, all day Hitler. Not from when Nationalism was young, energetic and constructive, like Michael Collins or Ataturk.
>TL;DR - fuck you, you massive fucking faggot

Seething. Kvetch more.

Yeah, I am seething. Because Jow Forums doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Nationalism or preserving a homeland for Europeans or preserving European culture. It's just a dump for people who externalise their nihilism. We don't need or want you. Some people actually want to make it.

He claims to not like white replacement yet he mysteriously fails to mention the critical role Jews play in bringing foreigners into white countries. He targets a traditional enemy of the Jews while explicitly denying he is antisemitic.

Case closed. You're trying to claim he is something that he is not and your motive is to smear and discredit white nationalism because you are a Jew.

>Jow Forums
Go back already.

>m-muh optics
Not to mention, Tarrant wrote the manifesto in simple easy language, to be basically retard-proof. Yet still here you are, yapping like an absolute mongoloid, lost in the woods. English is not even my second language and yet here I am, explaining it to you.
>He targets a traditional enemy of the Jews
You are also illiterate as fuck. Study actual history you dumb trash and learn who welcomed, helped and profited from early caliphate raids into Europe, who actively physically defended muslim strategic locations from European crusaders, who led Ottoman finances and profited from their white slave trade etc. You must be a fucking retard to not know last 1300 year of constant warfare with Arabic world in which kikes played crucial role in helping muslims. Old Europeans knew very well that no Jew or Saracen is to be trusted. They are two sides of one shekel and must go.
Not to mention, with honorable exception of Syria, Iran and Palestinians, whole Arabic world still sucks Israeli dick.

Get fucked Amir, you and your friend Schlomo will both get your share.

Oh please.
I could just as easily accuse you of being a shill because everybody outside of here sees it the same. Yeah, let's identify with some unbalanced murderer. That will really advance the possibility of cutting mass immigration.

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Toplel. You really need to go back.

Accelerationism isn't a doctrine for Nationalists. It's a cope for preppers who will never have a reason to be a part of society so instead of making it great, they hope that it can be brought to some irredeemable brink and then magically tidied up by a junta of Poltards. No.

I see you're one of those "counter-jihad" morons who watches endless YouTube videos about Islam by (((experts))). You fuckers are cancer.

>want both kikes and sandniggers gone
>hurr ur kike puppet

Attached: blackestretard.jpg (1294x478, 69K)

You are a retarded gorilla nigger

Topkek, beat me to it, user. Hail Terry.

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I guess I'm more hardcore than Tarrant coz I'm a proud anti-Semite.

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>posts the same retarded image again in the same thread
Can't get more obvious that this you smooth-brained turdling.

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What an ugly, balding little manlet. Looks like something you'd see in an episode of Seinfeld. Imagine that being your hero lol sad.

You wanna suck his dick don't you. That's kinda gay.

She'll never exist, why do I even wake up in the morning?

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American fucking lunatic spreading fucking bile.

what a surprise.

He JUST HAPPENED to take all eyes off of israel's MAJOR war crimes they'd JUST committed
>pic related

Attached: convenient_timing_israeli_air_strikes_and_christchurch_shooting.png (1029x2202, 1.35M)

>People who point out newfag thumbnail posters are discord trannies
Fuck off, Tarrant is a saint, but OP is still a retard.

Why are Germans so cucked? Oh that's right, its illegal there to say bad things about Jews so they just go after Muslims like the weak faggots they are.

How many of your wives did you lose at Christchurch, Ahmed?

i mean no one really cares anyway, right?
you have a few articles about human rights violations, but no one with power will come down hard on them for this. It's impossible to punish israel without being successfully branded as an anti semite

>14 posts by this ID
>All of them are triggered comments about St. Tarrant
He will get the Nobel Peace Prize, Shlomo.

kinda looks like a Bob

Attached: Propaganda_from_1985.jpg (798x1024, 492K)

who are you mr. Czech guy? why do you shill for a guy who killed a praying little muslim girl and defamed White Nationalism world wide? is it because you are poisoning the well? are you being paid to do so?

I... I just dont have a PROBLM with what he did. Fuck it. There were HUNDREDS of islamic "attacks of peace" and thousands of deaths from them. Fuck it. You just CANT legislate me feeling BAD about what he did, fuck it.

Not really, he was just a white high school drop out who worked dead end jobs and was an incel. He talks about defending his people when he couldn't even get a white

all liberal democrats and minorities ALREADY hate white people. nothing was lost on THAT front.

fuck you czech nigger
fuck you for what your shitty country did to my grandparents you slavic subhuman kike
the sudeten germans will have their revenge

nothing. (smiling...) I am looking for a political solution. (smiiing more)

ha ha. Like people go watch Pewdiepie, then go out and shoot shit up. fucking hysterically funny take on it.

Out of all the normies i have shown the entire uncut video to? only ONE had a "problem" with the women and children innocent shit... and even THAT one admitted, yeah, islamics killed women and children too. The rest? either giggled or laughed.

That "ugly little balding manlet"?? SURE has your asshole puckered, for you to be shilling THIS hard. heh heh heh... Islazm been DOING it to the WEST for years. ABout TIME someone gave them one little jihan BACK... fuck it.

he was married to the three year old.

if he was such a "weak incel" why are you so WORRIED about him and what he did? eh? change your pampers and quit crying about it.