Have we reached peak degeneracy Jow Forums?

Have we reached peak degeneracy Jow Forums?

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Nah, can’t legally fuck children yet.

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It'll be here very soon. The jews have been slowly slipping a "P" into LGBTQP. When somebody asks, they lie and say it's for pansexual.

They'll normalize the P in there and then gradually change the meaning to pedosexual

not degenerate enough

Minor Attracted Persons is the newspeak.

>black girl
>stolen strap on
Wouldn't be realistic if she had actually purchased it, OP. Gotta keep some things grounded in reality.

I prefer "Oven Fuel."

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Stop asking this. You know there's always one step further.

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And just like that for no reason people were stuffed into ovens


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What was that Hillary email about a rag left at the house with a MAP on it or something?

Thinking now that's what the map stood for.

They should call them what they really are, Pedovores.

Everyone behind this movie...everyone that approves of it...should be exterminated.

Its already LGBTQPIAK

Shit. It's coming isn't it.

Aldous Huxley may have been a liberal idiot, but he tried to warn us.

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It wasn't a warning, it was a roadmap. Huxley was on board with (((their))) agenda.

Made me Kek

he wasnt warning shit, he was writing out the playbook

so, in this fictional world, the black girl is still a thief? kek

You're a retarded moron who hasn't read Brave New World and probably couldn't even read a comic book.

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read it in his voice

I’d say five years until peak Weimar.

Only thing to look forward to is Wiemar solutions for the Wiemar problems.

This. Lol

Oy vey! You're gonna cause anuddah shoah!!

realize this, all lurkers and old anons, when/if this does come to pass, that is our cue.

though i'd prefer preventing it, i still give the normies the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn't allow it. for now.

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It's in the pipeline. (((They))) are working feverishly behind the scenes to "normalize" it. They all do it, and they want it to be "legal" when the cat is finally let out of the bag. Because if it's "legal", they can use the (((justice system))) against those who would rightfully want to lynch them for their crimes.

In the meantime, any such incidents that do leak out are swept under the rug. Similar to how #MeToo lost a ton of steam when it turned out a large chunk of the "targets" were part of the (((club))).

To be honest, Swedish men have to be taught how to be real men...

you can try and normalize it, and I can still lynch the faggots that do it

Oh come on, we could always Lynch pedo supporting judges. They are weak, they'd give up as soon as their own asses were on the line

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Why are you so sure it will be 1933 Germany and not 1917 Russia or 1949 China?

Oh what wonderful sights you are set to witness.

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True. Cher admitted she screwed a 13 yr old boy. "But everybody was doing it back then." She should be edited out.

Alan dershewitz will represent the Pedovore when the trial comes.

But what if you are in the religion of peace?

Unless you are part of a muzzie rape gang

Not yet. They can't legally buy, sell, and eat aborted fetuses yet.

You say "Your dog can't legally fuck your incest trans children while your live streaming this on Facebook... "

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I was wondering exactly how they plan to legalize incest and decided that they’ll probably just do it quietly at first (as an extension of rights granted only to Muslims), which will then set the legal precedent for homosexual incest. “After all,” they’ll say, “there is no chance of children, so you don’t have to worry about birth defects.” Then they’ll just expand it to heterosexual incest after a local court ruling. By then no one will be having kids anyway.

>stolen strap on
... niggers

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Not even close to the peak. They'll be showing this to kindergarteners before long.

Porn is OK, fuck off moralfag.

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It will depict kindergarteners soon

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We're reaching levels of Weimar not thought possible

The peak is only reached when the inertia suddenly shifts down the other side of the mountain.

and the power and speed of the initial descent is impressive

>"what it really means to be a man...
>”and a woman is gonna show you..."

mf clown world!

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You know, each time I think we have reached peak degeneracy, they surprise me with something even more sick and fucked up. It seems like some kind of contest to see who can hit bottom, and then continue digging even deeper.

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Yeah, imagine drag queen story time with convicted pedophiles is just a whoopsie Nothing to see here moment

>In Texas
Instead of remember the Alamo it should be remember the trannies.

Human depravity has no bottom

Sweden is no longer an actual country because it has willingly submitted to the same leftist ideology that is trying to supplant the core values the United States was founded upon.

Sweden is now just a place. It is a place where up means down and day means night. It is a sad pathetic place full of willing victims.

protip to all the zoomers out there:

when a girl says she wants to fuck you with a strap she actually wants you to get angry, pin her down and ejaculate inside her asshole

So they specifically mention that she stole the thing. Shouldn't niggers be mad at a nigger being portrayed as a criminal?

Also, since she stole it, that likely means she's not giving her "boy"friend much say in the matter of whether or not she uses it on him. And that sounds an awful lot like...you know.....rape.

So a degenerate film a bout a degenerate nigger sow stealing things and raping her cuckmate.


What it means to be a swedish man is that you get fucked by niggers? yeah, that's true.

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Every time we think we've reached the lowest point in the degeneracy pit, some transfaggot goatfucker of color comes along with a backhoe and starts digging.

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Stealing a dildo, how typically negro.

She was wrong to think that such act defines "what it means to be Swedish man." I'm not sure what being Swedish means, but probably not this. Your best bet is to read through a Swedish dictionary or encyclopedia, maybe.


Well its what they are doing, fucking the entire indegious population right in the ass and they are asking for more. Sweedistan is gone.

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Peak Sweden, Yes


Very true.

The movie Idiocracy provides the ultimate, which the movie in this post is closing in on. Idiocracy has the movie of the year as 'Ass'. Just 2.5 hours of an ass. On occasion, it farts. People laugh.

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that was us

(Hitler intensifies)

I no longer wonder why the Nazis came about. It's inevitable with this kind of stuff.

Fire up the furnaces already

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Was it used? Actually, I don't want to know.

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10/10 use of backslash