What are some Jow Forums approved sci-fi/fantasy novels

What are some Jow Forums approved sci-fi/fantasy novels.

Give me your reddest genre pills.

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Outlaws of Gor

Nothing personal kid.

The original.

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Why are you doing this on every thread faggot? Fuck off.

The lord of the rings. Literally a book against mass immigration, not a single shitskin besides the Orcs.

Book of the New Sun aka Shadow of the Torturer

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Hollow Men

A lot of Lovecraft stories are redpilled

I could take that guy as long as he not on PED's or anything.

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Stranger in a strange land.

Heavy Time
Downbelow Station

A brave new world

Childhood's end


I can't get more than a few chapters in.

Anything by H Beam Piper, but especially Space Viking and Uller Uprising.
Conan obviously.
Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser by Fritz Lieber.
Starship Troopers. Any of Heinlein's earlier YA/cadet rocketship fiction, before he let his freak flag fly. Stranger in a Strange Land is a classic but arguably marks his turn away from the red pill so I wouldn't include it in this list.

is it Jow Forums?

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Souldrinkers Omnibus


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Ive heard the Xeelee Sequence is pretty based

Harry Potter. If you make Voldemort a zionist shit all makes sense.

Every poster so far is a kid that knows nothing. Try all of Philip K Dick. Know he was harassed by the US government until eventually he left the country. The farnham Freested, by Heinlein is extremely racist by current standards.

And then... there some you need an /x old fag for, books that let slip the true nature of reality. Sadly the internet has robbed me of my memories. I once could have listed dozens of books.

You mean the books with the Desert muslims who end up jihading accross the universe for the new emperor?

Wheel of Time. Amazing high fantasy. Highly recommend. Dune is good, but overrated imo. Lotr and the Silmarillon are awesome. Check out he Deathworld Trilogy. Based SciFi

Harry Potter is meant for children and childless catladies.

Welcome young one.

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The Bible.

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I'm surprised I've never been The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan mentioned on here. Amazing series, highly recomend.

enders game bout killing alien niggers n shit idk fuck immigration murica


If that is all you got from that book you do not belong here.

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All the lucas approved star wars canon

Starship troopers. Its super dark and fascist.

The sprawl trilogy william gibson

Vince flynn for modern govt conspiracy spy action plus clancy

1984 animal farm

Shadow of the Torturer


Red rising series is pretty good too

Galaxies edge, solid military sci-fi with a right wing/ anti PC view while not being as hamfisted as John Ringo.

Somewhat derivative of Star Wars and other classic Sci-fi/ Science fantasy, but that's intentional.

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John Dies at the End

Found the 55 yr old

Its old /b/ edgy

God that series was so weird, everything I've read by Piers Anthony is so bizarre

I read it like 25 years ago and I've never forgotten that part where there was like a human hive underground with a giant fat queen who cut off all the males' dicks, I think about that often when I talk to feminists

Checked for based Jesus.

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Hammer's Slammers are pretty good military scifi
The author based the combat from his own experience in Vietnam
Good book desu


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Appreciate all the classic recs, but i'm also looking for newer stuff.

Pic related. Is it Jow Forums?

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The Forever War

The original Jack Vance dying earth stories

Dune books.

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Is this really what happens? I only read the first one

H Beam Piper wrote a really good book called The Cosmic Computer, I listened to an audio recording of it and enjoyed the hell out of it.

Farnham Freehold has one of the coolest first acts and one of the most hardline racist second acts of any book 10/10

Wheel of time is way better than lord of the rings, in a lot of ways. Maybe not every way, but if you AT ALL are into orcs and stuff like that the Wheel of Time series is like LOTR on steroids- gotta rep the roaming fists of Trollocs

Hammers Slammers is fucking sweet. Loved reading those books- you ever check out The Chronicles of the Black Company?

definitely. Korak reminded me of Kek

This right here is the most heterosexual sci-fi serie you will ever read. The two first books are awesome, if I remember correctly the reviews are full of SJWs crying about evil space patriarchy.

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This! Heinlein books are fun and based. Star beast, starship troopers. In time enough for love the main character gets so sick of thots he clones himself as twin girls and breeds them

I don't know about better overall, but Wheel of Time has much better dialogue and character development than Lotr. And is much longer. Honestly WoT might be better lol

YES I love the Deathworld trilogy

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Pretty much yes for book 2 and 3. In book 4 Paul's son becomes a human/spiceworm AND looks at humanity as a bunch of spoiled nigglets so he.basically enslaves the galaxy to pick space cotton until they learn not to gibs me dat and go full natsoc. 5 and 6 were fun but I don't remember why

I'm the only one that made it to 7th book where it turns out (((they))) were pulling the strings the whole time. Frank Herbert died after that book was published.

1984 and Frakenstein

Not particularily.

Also, only this book is any good in the series, the rest suck



>frodo illegally crossing the borders to mordor
>Merry and Pippin being the niggers of the shire and constantly steal
>helms Deep saved by foreigners
He said redpilled, knife ear kike

Robert E
Conan novels but only Howard’s (((post-Howard))) is shit

Ya this


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Have you seen the movie?

"Sown in the Darkness: A.D. 2000" by William Twiford

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Redwall series by Brian Jacques. Give them to your children when they turn 7-8. Enjoy your red-pilled kids.

Dune read like a kid's book to me, Paul was a Mary Sue
Not sure why its so popular

Thanks for the full cover.

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Might as well.

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Nope, but my friend seen - he did not like it, but because we have similar tastes, I decided not to look.