>The Yankee fears the midwesterner >The Jew fears the midwesterner >The Gook fears the midwesterner What are they so afraid of?
>smartest race on the planet The average midwesterner has an IQ of 120 >tallest in the world The average high schooler in the midwest is 6'3" >most trucks in the world There are 100 million trucks in the Iowa alone. Other states dont keep accurate statistics, but extrapolating from that, an army from the midwest would outmaneuver any army on the planet >guns capital of the world Every man woman and child in the midwest owns at least a hunting rifle, a shotgun, a handgun, and a battle rifle >handsome The midwest, at 99% blue eyed and 98% blond, produces the most models per capita of any region.
Now you understand. The world fears the Midwesterner because fear is their only chance of survival.
Dont get complacent and comfortable my midwest buddies. Stay vigilant, uses thevtricks you know to combat the tryanny. Comfortable confidence iscour enemy. Be alert. Be resourceful. Support your gun shows. Keep your armaments clean and your 4x4 battle ready.
Christian Thompson
Bump. I suddenly want to only buy Milwaukee tools now
Jackson Parker
Absolutely. When the civil wars begins, the Midwest will win. We are by far the strongest demographic region in the US, and located in be geographically safest region. The US will never fall because of the Midwest. Proud Midwesterner here, my German/Scottish family traces our heritage back to the mayflower. Missouri/Kansas/Arkansas/Iowa/Southern Illinois will never fall
Levi Cox
Add Indiana in there.
Jaxson Peterson
Show the router prices so I can properly judge you faggots reeeeee
Jace Sanders
Good heavy duty drills for sure.
Isaac Gutierrez
The greater Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes region could team up and cut the coastal fags in half.