BREAKING: Mueller asked Papadopoulos to wear a wire

Shit is about to get crazy

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In his butthole.


We knew this days ago when the Papadopolous testimony was released.


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heres the context

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Wasn't this released in that hiphopodopolous testimony?

Mifusa also tried to entrap Papadopoulos

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So much effort at entrapment it's sickening. Calls into question every case brought by FBI via DOJ to be honest.

If they'll make up and use fake evidence in this case they will do it in any case

Veselnitskaya and Fusion GPS tried to entrap Don Jr etc It's SICKENING

I ducked keked

And they continue to hide behind "methods and sources"

It is "illegal" to reveal the illegal activity. These fuckers need to hang

We need a real leaker in this fucking government. Not that gossip stuff assainge leaked, I mean a second level, Snowden level leak because it is the only way shit gets talked about and proven.

Can't rely on these politicians and baeuricrates because they all fear of the dirt on them.

FBI/DOJ tried entrapping them through Fusion GPS & Veselnitskaya (who was given visa into country by Obama admin). Lots of soviet jews involved (your 'russians'). Mifsud is mossad. the insurance policy was israeli operation (disguised as a Russian one) used as a safeguard, to remove trump in case he were to get elected.

All comes down to, why??? Why keep Trump out??? Because they have secrets (9/11, etc) that they cant risk Trump (or anyone else) exposing.

Add pedogate to list of secrets along with 9/11

>Shit is about to get crazy
Uh huh. Sure. Been hearing that since 2016.

Get back to me when people are being arrested.

>some faggot on twatter
>no link
kill yourself faggot

Obama's attorney just got indicted a few hours ago.

It might've been from Papa's book on the whole thing.

If you've not read the "DOJ IG Report Documents Robert Mueller's Bribery and Extortion Scheme" sent to sessions and trump from Dr Lesley Sachs you're at a loss. The press didn't touch it. Some of the sickest shit going. Trump knows, do you? Dr Sachs is in protective custody in the E.U. for years after crossing 9/11 FBI director Mueller. Brace yourself fool!

He's been out in front of the seditious coup for quite a while. He's a journalist. Try to keep up.

Gonna need sauce fren

Jow Forums literally reported this several days ago

Go on...

I doubt Sessions read it.

And shit was gonna go down when Imran Awan was brought in. 2 years ago.

Until a household name (not someone tied to a household name) is brought in, nobody's gonna care.

That is the first post I've ever read that actually makes sense regarding Israel's involvement in the operation. And it makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

Any source other than completely random nobody on twitter?

This has been common knowledge to any one that has followed this. This isn't news.

Sperry has been one of the few mainstream reporters to call this what it was - a coup, a plot, spying. I didn't mean he broke this specific story. I meant he's been doing reporting on the big enchilada and it's damn good reporting

I don't think you faggots understand how fucked this is. This is literally a member of congress trying to create entrapment, this is pure abuse of power and sets a horrible precedent for our justice system.

Everyone should be appalled this was ever allowed to happen.

>>Shit is about to get crazy
I love crazy shit

Literally every single English language news site.

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Is there any reason at this point for Trump not to claim emergency powers? Elements in the government literally tried to undermine him both as a candidate and as a sitting president.

There need to be tribunals. There need to be indictments. There need to be extreme interrogations. We need to investigate the entire FBI, CIA, NSA, and Justice Department top to bottom. Trump may need to claim extraordinary powers to do this, but can anyone say it's not justified at this point? We need to know who's loyal and who's not.

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Most of what you read in the news about the mueller investigation and Russian interference is accurate but just replace Russia with Israel and Putin with Bibi netanyahu and you have a pretty accurate version of what the article you're reading should be. Putin called it out a while back when he said it may have been "Jews with Russian citizenship" who meddled in the elections. Israel used Russia as a proxy, just like they used Saudi Arabia & Osama as a proxy for 9/11.

lmao - the absolute state of newfags.

Sperry is one of the few real journalists left.

Nigger what?

Oh and Israel meddled in the election in various ways to help Hillary win and failed.

Too close to 2020. If reelected, he could maybe pull it off. He's got nothing to lose after reelected

>There need to be tribunals. There need to be indictments. There need to be extreme interrogations.
There needs to be public executions.

No. This is known. Try to keep up.

They also tried to get him to smuggle 10 thousand dollars in cash into the United States to frame him, but he was not dumb enough to do it and left the money in Greece. He was arrested at the airport anyway, becausr they thought he would have the money.

I think this is the long-term plan. Bide his time until 2020, purge the deep state and build the wall when he has nothing to lose

Corrupt law firms and federal judges, links to euro child rape gangs, talks of murdering DOJ officials and a certain Harvard professor, possibly Dershowitz and some weird lady author that was a sex toy for the Clinton's and Bush's and the bitch was alleged to have tortured and murdered a child etc...


Yeah, those assholes were asking for it back almost a year after giving it to him.

Trump must be innocent....


The right will make up fake evidence.

Because if he does that, then you know what happens. (Pic related)

Just think how angry 320 million Americans are going to be when they find out their leaders and idols have been raping babies for decades.

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Not only raping babies, but also worshiping Satan.


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wew them spicy digits lad

>b..but no blue chek
The rake is coming

Also might explain why Barr, as a Bush man, got the nod for AG.... to come in and do secondary clean up or is this his redemption arc? *comfortable grin sipping water bottle*

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mueller report will expose everything

This is the tip of the spear user

Barr is CIA. It's secondary cleanup. He's there to whitewash the spying and shield the agency.

I doubt it. It appears to me that Mueller punted. At first I was a fan of that outcome, but now I don’t know. If DJT has encouraged full disclosure, which I believe is the position he has taken, even after seeing the report, God knows what’s in it. We’ll have to wait and see.


trips of truth

>the gov’t needs to investigate the corruption in the gov’t so that people freak the fuck out and possibly rebel against the gov’t!
But that’s not how you control goyim fren

and absolutely nothing at all will happen


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The reason he won't declare martial law and kill the traitors, is that it would destroy America.

The Lunatic left would claim Trump's pulling a coup (lefties always project their sins on their enemies) and the rest of the world would JUMP at the chance to kill Trump and gas chamber execute ANYONE who supported Trump.

Half the nation (IE liberals) will NEVER accept the truth. Obama/Hillary would be martyred and even if Trump wins the civil war, they will flee overseas and pretty much turn America into a rogue state, the Trump administration illegitimate, and the rest of the world will begger America into a third world hell.

And Russia/China will help them do it, because this would destroy America once and for all.

Trump, for all of his flaws, knows this and he's having to put that aside as probably one of the first truly selfless acts in his life. To protect America from those who WANT to be exposed, so they can dispense with their masks of goody-goody two-shoes and illegally seize power and be dictators from hell

Black cube BTFO

At this point, I’m okay with America dying. All I care about are the 14 words. The crimes are of biblical proportions. These people need to fucking be exposed and lynched. A full on collapse would be good for white americans at this point, they need an almost lethal dose of reality.


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Why the fuck do (((they))) want to destroy him so badly if all he does is suck jewish cock?

Every blade of grass, faggot. Breadbasket of the world to boot. No doubt it would be chaos, but that chaos might well precipitate a purge.

Don’t even fantasize about it lest you summon it, as it appears clear you’d be on the side that gets necked.

>*record scratch*

Any sauce on that?

It's political theater. (((They))) are both his enemies and his friends. They set up his enemies to be fools and say ridiculous things (especially anti white, anti Christian, anti American tradition) this insures that white goyium will follow trump to the ends of the earth. Having the white goyium in trumps pocket the Israelies can utalize the American (((right wing))) whites to liquidate all surrounding musslim nations. Primarily Iran.

This. America doesn’t need our dumbfuck politicians. They need us

oh how i loffed

this is all a big sideshow cleanup
both sides are working together to put it in a way that benefits them both

I’ve been bamboozled for the last time

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Nothing will happen. You’re all faggots

And nothing will happen.


>lefties always project their sins on their enemies
the irony here is palpable.

Liberals just want to raise the minimum wage and have sustainable/green energy. Obama deported more immigrants than bush or clinton, called for more drone strikes on terrorists, and allowed some people to go to the doctor. He was incredibly inconsequential and ineffective for any left or liberal politics. He would be a model republican in 80's. Right politics are so incredible fucked in USA now. Like all the fucking REEEEE over AOC and Omar and praising trump like a fucking god king. I prefer classical conservatives and the constitution.

This is the shit that might trigger Armageddon. Satan's followers getting exposed to the world. He flips his shit in a panic to try and reclaim his supply of souls and everything falls apart.

>he was incredibly inconsequential and ineffective for any left or liberal policies
You know how I know you’re a shill?

Actually using the classification system to hide/ cover crimes is a crime in itself, therefore exposing that is not illegal. Look into it more.

Here's the rating : season 4>1>3>

>Liberals just want to raise the minimum wage
Open borders now!!!

Sounds familiar? Those words are the exact polar opposite to "raise the minimum wage"

Liberals are retarded teenagers, old cat ladies, niggers, and the people that prey on them. Nothing they say has any kind of logical consistency. Looking for it will only drive you mad

Imagine this shit going down at a state of the union in Congress

kill yourself

You’re okay leaf

By letting the Dems be Dems, he is ensuring 2020 retake of the house

There’s plenty of real evidence in case the made up stuff doesn’t work out

wrong faggot

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Hahahahahahah Posobiec gets hanged for treason.