Is it just me or does it feel like the Grand Finale of the Deep State Saga is coming soon?

Is it just me or does it feel like the Grand Finale of the Deep State Saga is coming soon?

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Is the poo stuff real?

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Based if true

Based brown wizard.

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It's not the grand finale, just the next big match.

Yep the End is Nigh

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digits gonfirm

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Hold the fucking phone
>idols will speak and move about
Assange, the idol who has been silenced and trapped for so long, will finally have something to say

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We will see if Trump has been truly cucked by his neocon (((handlers))) by how he treats Assange.

Assange literally knows who hacked the DNC and can turn the tables on the deep state in epic fashion, but Trump's justice department and administration is full of establishment and neocon hacks who hate Assange and wikileaks. Does Trump have any balls left to stand up to them? I have my doubts, but maybe he will surprise me.

Just you.

dude it happened Black Hole Israel Crashed the moon and Elon showed us the truth

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fuck off glowie

I’m trusting the plan. WWG1WGA! White squall. They have the source. Worse than you can imagine. We have more than we know.

Yes, hopefully, the deep state is going down soon.

We will see whether q user is real.

At this point, I think he is very likely to be real.

I need to see more proof to be 100% sure that he is real. Something that cannot be pulled off by a hoaxer or pay op magician, for example, if he comes for me with a US military fighter jet plane or something similar that no one can fake.

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It just feels to me like the timeline has shifted again. The last shift was when Barr exonerated Trump, and it shifted again when Barr said there was spying and Assange got arrested

This, pretty much. Assange was a tool of those who sought internal regime change against the neocons. This is obviously just the next scene in their scripted drama, so we'll just have to wait to see what really happens.

Assange is a good thing they nabbed him before they could watch they are fighting right now it is happening

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It’s nice to see a shill free thread.

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>the black flag will fly above the dome
black hole pics won't you come

Noone thinks its wierd israel crashed a rocket into the moon "allegedly" Black Hole drama and spacex too

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You dont understand, the house always wins, and in this case the house is the deep state, the feels good larp wont help at all,. what have any of you done to fight them.

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I'm not sure what that seeming word salad has to do with Assange. Would you like to explain the connection?

What is this?

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it is happened

not the ball of light nab the booster

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complained on the internets

dude its happening the end is now bro they are going to strike all this shit happened did everyone miss it this board has been slid for days

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That perception you're feeling is the beginning of the end. A nuclear Holocaust is coming soon. You may want to take a vacation or get laid or maybe experiment with drugs or something quickly because there won't be any opportunity soon.

They saw they were losing control so they are making a major play for power here. After this they will introduce strict internet censorship.

Well, I never watched Kevin Spaceys TV show on HBO before and am watching it now and find it very odd that in the 3rd season everything the DNC, Obama and Hillary did during the 2016 election was put on display on the show. In the show, Kevin Spacey becomes president through resignation, but during his campaign he lays out his plan= Use the NSA to wire tap his opponents to find dirt on them, just like Obama used the FBI. Weird. It's as if Spacey is being paid back for this info being used in the show, so the deep state has him charged for sexual assault or some shit for some 18 year old faggot that was all over him at some hollywood party. Weird how he makes a point to show the ring and the cup in this video. Wonder what he meant by that?

Barr says treason
Then black hole
then Israel Crashed they didnt btw
then Spacex Assange is goin against the state they are desperate they even found a masonic incel to tie to the black church burning
watch it is happening i have it on good word

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One question...
Has any massive shift in the perspectives of humanity at large ever occurred, without war and mass casualties, before?


>black hole sun, won’t you come
Good fucking song.

Spacey is a fucking useless faggot and only faggots watch his shit.

Man im poor and old.. will i make it?

I don't understand the webm

OP has a point! On a really striking way everything seems to come together now. I mean, if you wrote a fiction roman, of course Julian Assange would be part of the grand finale!

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Is it happening now? i can only hope so

we all may make it yet

it was in response aftert all that Nasa Drama

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Stargate SeaQuest Atlantis dsv

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Genuinely spooped by this pic. Sauce?

Apparently they have cameras in the liquid oxygen tank. Which is cool because I’ve never seen footage of it. Looks freaky.

Its a Leo DaVinci painting mirrored

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I feel like I missed a key detail though because I'm not able to see where any of this is going except maybe an oil crash

>Extradited to the US
>Not a crime in the US
>Released and safe on US soil
Feels breddy gud

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Probably will happen around this time next year. Trump's Jew handlers want him reelected, and they will need something HUGE to get it done. They've got billions of dollars behind them. It's too early to do it now though

But in court things come Seth Rich.

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You know it is going to be a closed doors court, right?
And before that at least a dozen secret courts with everyone gagged


trump extradites assange to the us so he can pardon him?


It's a smear campaign.