Does Yang have an actual chance of winning or is it just a meme?

Does Yang have an actual chance of winning or is it just a meme?

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The only way Yang can win is if he disavows his huge white supremacist and neonazi following, and we know he's not going to do that

He's literally never polled above 1% in any poll in any state ever. No, he has no chance of actually winning.

>not knowing the answer

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It's just a meme

No because China already owns the Democratic Party, they don’t need a chink to actually run it for them

>It's just a meme
Left comes to Jow Forums trying to appeal to the people they call "nazi's or alt-right" forced meme isn't a meme.

Look at polling numbers and get back to me

Butt happened

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He is a literal who to all my co-workers.

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If he wins or loses he will just go along with the basic bitch globohobo democratic platform like any other democrat because congress and the judges appointed by Trump will stop him. It's amazing that you fools haven't figured this out yet. It's a ONE party system just varying mildly in terms of intensity reflecting nothing but the wealthy. This doesn't mean you are powerless but stop focusing on this retarded circus. Instead put attention to starting a business or an institution or supporting some business or institution that has your best interests in mind. Politics is a distraction.

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Trump supporters are flocking to Andrew Yang by the dozens. It'll be hard to find support for him in places like Alabama and Louisiana but if he becomes the Democratic Nominee then he can beat Trump I reckon.

Foreigners and/or their children aren’t eligible to run for POTUS.

I wish an asian ran for republicans instead. I think out of all the colored races, asians would be the easiest to redpill. I know they're the ones sjw's give a shit about the least

>listening to the polls
hmm where have I seen that backfire before

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lmao that sounds about right

he's gotten up to 3 in some polls

There is a huge difference between Donald Trump, one of the most famous men on the planet for the last 30 years, and Andrew Yang, a literal who that continues to have no presence beyond right wing e-celebs and Jow Forums.

Nobody thought Trump had a chance either.

Personally I don't think he'll win but he might be the last hope for the democratic party reforming itself.

nah I dont think the DNC will allow him past the primaries

The gook needs to be giving out the free gibs naw!

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I think getting pushing Yang might not be too bad. You know the left has a complicated relationship with chinks and gooks, so it could compromise the left again and relieve pressure on Trump for his 2020 re-election. I'm still bullish on the fact that Trump is guaranteed a second term, but other candidates might actually get close.
Yang vs Trump will be the biggest blow dealt to the Democrats.

Is he the ceo of a publicly traded Corp?

>army of angry catladies
>not sexy
it is just a meme
you faggots will vote for blormf and like it

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Trump CANT win

>right wing e celebs

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Nazis get the bag too, boomer.

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We'll never truly know until the debates


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Shill blue forced ass to mouth tier meme.

Anti-yang memers are out-memeing the discord shills now, I love it!

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I'm legit Yang Gang. The sword image is my all time favorite

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yeah he has a chance

The debates in June will be the proving grounds

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Based Yang must just get into the debate where he will BTFO of all the democucks

No chance at all. Barely polling at 1% in an already crowded field. Also brings nothing new to the table, just the same old socialism repackaged with patriotic-sounding labels like “freedom dividend”. Not even much of a meme either really, huge shill campaign couldn’t get him to break 2% plus he’s running against Trump so yeah no fucking chance he wins, even if he does get the nomination

How is UBI not something new? Which other candidate talks about anything like that? Which other candidate does even bring up the issues of mass-automatization?

Yang will be going to the debate stage. He met the three requirements. 1% in a poll, 1% in a poll, 65k unique donors

Yang polled 3% in Nevada and New Hampshire

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>how is UBI not something new?
The government providing money to people to live is like the oldest idea there is. They promise that you won’t have to work (try living on 1000/mo and see how impossible that is when you have to pay rent and bills) and that you’ll have everything your heart desires and all the free time in the world to pursue your passion. What really happens (every single time) is mass poverty and starvation. Look at everywhere that has had communism to see what will happen. And no, putting “freedom” in the name doesn’t mean it’s not communism. It absolutely is

A meme. Israel needs the money more.



scandinavia is communist too, they dont have ubi, but they have better socialism programs than even USSR had, they are starving pretty much last time i checked

There is no issue of mass automation until we actually see it reflected in the employment rate. If libs were actually concerned about this they wouldn't be in favour of endless unskilled immigration, meaning less pie for everyone when said automation hits. UBI has been discussed by leftists in Europe for years. He may be the first to talk about it in America, I don't know enough, but it's not a new idea.

No it's not communism you ignorant fuck, communism means collective ownership of the means of production. This has NOTHING to do with communism nor does welfare. The first welfare state was the conservative Germany under Bismarck.

But this isn't even about welfare. The purpose of UBI isn't that people should leech on the bag, the purpose is to allow more flexibility in the economy, allowing people the security to move, start businesses, studying, developing their careers etc etc. Turns out almost nobody except niggers are okay with being a smelly NEET doing nothing all day.

I've never seen someone be such a shill. Do you even realize how transparent your misinformation propaganda really is? It's so clearly obvious that you spread these sorts of posters to make him look bad. The only person you make look bad when posting these are yang's opponents for stooping to such shallow levels. No one is going to look at that and go "Oh I guess Andrew Yang is a nazi supporter", They're going to go, "Wow, Trump shills really are desperate..."
In your president's own words: SAD! LOW ENERGY!

Man they really got you drinking that kool aid huh? Just face it man, poor people aren’t going to go out and start businesses on $1000/mo, they’re going to use that money to buy even more junk food and marijuana and not improve their lives at all, which is why they’re poor in the first place. As for people that actually work real jobs, they won’t even benefit at all, and will actually be hurt by rising prices on just about everything

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Go watch the ben shapiro ft. andrew yang.
He's the only Democrat willing to have a discussion. I have yet to see a Republican willing to have one either

>rising prices
Ye of course the prices will rise, because there is no way it won't just go straight from the ridiculous amount of capital gains the owners of Amazon, Netflix etc makes.

You're really high on that capitalist neoliberal propaganda. Yikes!

Prices wouldn't rise if the companies who control the prices wouldn't price gouge... Just saying. Why are they allowed to raise the prices just because poor people are getting more money? You only have to raise the prices if the money doesn't hold as much value anymore... which only happens when they raise the prices...

>You only have to raise the prices if the money doesn't hold as much value anymore... which only happens when they raise the prices...

essentially the prices don't ever have to go up, the faggot rich elite decide they want more wealth and gouge the lower and middle class to get it. Then the value of the dollar goes down.

he's literally said it multiple times on different networks

nope. WangBang is "less than one percent" and eoesnt even make "the list" of possible candidates anymore. He's a punch line to a joke.

Yang can disavow Nazis all he wants but how will he stop us from getting our yangbux?

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He's a single-issue candidate that have numerous times stated that he does not care if he wins.
He couldn't even beat Vermin Supreme in a general, nomatter what kinds of gibs he's promising aslong as he's not fighting to win.

Yeah cause Trump lost hard by never distancing himself from David Duke and all his other bad optics endorsements

Jeb has better chances of winning.

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A 1k UBI would anything the nordics have ever done look like an Ayn Rand paradise in comparison.

It's a meme.

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Too bad for you that its going to work anyway. Every time Yang is featured, he is accused of ties to the alt-right. Even if he denies it every time, the connection is already established. You overestimate the common guy.

That is another good point. I've seen him mention that his primary goal is to get UBI in the spotlight, and 'if Joe Biden becomes president and implements a UBI, thats perfectly good enough for me'.