Why did you do this to us?

Was it all planned from the start? I just don't understand

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if by "you", you don't mean "the jews", kys.

It's Hitler's fault. He shouldn't have started WWII. Should've just stopped after Sudetenland. Would've kept America out of Europe and prevented the EU/open borders.

>He shouldn't have started WWII
>Israel Flag
Interesting thought shlomo, I'll be sure to take it into consideration.

God damned japs

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Did hitler ever approach roosevelt?

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The Jews infiltrated our government and many others same as yours. Around the same time even.
Only your people were smart enough to kick them out but with our capitalist system they were supposedly too beneficial too us.
When the Germans sent the Jews to the camps, the more elite Jews in government organized ways to pull the US into the war.
Because of our extreme military tactics we ended up bombing supply lines that you were using to keep the Jews alive in the camps.
The Jews fooled us into thinking you starved them deliberately.

They played us and continue to do so. If only we learned from you, our fatherland we wouldn't face the blight of modernity.

I would gladly pay the Nazis and Imperial Japanese reparations for our families unjustly killing yours. However you've never been one to play the victim like others have.

Anglos planned it from the getgo. They gave up their empire over Danzig

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quit whining like a bitch du spasti

>t. made the rothschilds a royal family

she enjoyed it

First post best post. If anyone thinks America "won" WII, then just look the fuck around and tell me what exactly it is we won.

They Jews destroyed our country just as they destroyed yours. We didn't win the war either.

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it probably was considering most of America's founders were freemasons

Germany did this to us, we are the victims, America wanted to stay out of WW2, Americans as a whole 90% wanted nothing to do with Europe after the shitshow that was WW1. What did Hitler do? He supported Japan, the gook slant eyed mongoloids when they attacked us, he declared war on the US not the other way around. The American people did everything we could to avoid war and Hitler dragged us kicking and screaming into the war for no reason other than to please a bunch of fucking Mongs. Millions of Americans just wanted to stay out of the war they joined the American First committees and pledged to never support another foreign war. And then Hitler ruined it all and declared war on us.

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Hitler could have just not declared war on the US and FDR would have never been able to drag the American people into the war. Fucking Hitler.

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There were other Jews in the world you didn't account for. That was your major fuck up, Hans. And we blame you for letting the bad guys win

Cordell Hull and the FDR administration provoked the Japanese and made them believe and American attack was imminent (not far from the truth, the FDR administration desperately wanted an excuse to go to war even if the American people were adamantly opposed to it). Issuing an embargo of exports to the Japanese and them demanding they cease war against China, give up their colonial empire and Kow-tow to the United States is hardly good diplomacy unless you want to start a war.

>American attack was imminent

The fleet was literally thousands of miles away in Hawaii, the Japs could have taken Indonesia (and therefore all the oil they wanted) without a real fight.

>Issuing an embargo of exports to the Japanese

The US had it's own colonial empire in the Pacific with the Philippines, Guam, etc of course there was going to be ill feelings, but war didn't need to happen not even over oil as the Dutch East Indies had plenty. It was only the pointless and aggressive Japanese sneak attack that started a war that FDR could simply never have dragged the American people into without the Japs acting first. On top of that Hitler was not required by any treaty to side with Japan or declare war on the US he alone dragged the US into the war in Europe which could have been avoided otherwise.

All of FDR's schemes would have been for nothing if Hitler had simply done nothing and even the Japs could have taken Indonesia without the Americans firing a shot. It was only Japanese paranoia which made them think that Americans had any real desire for a fight, which simply did not exist until Pearl Harbor.

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The jews turned out to be more powerful, they always do. I am sorry.

You exploited us way before
Took entire generations as "immigrants"