California temporarily lifts 20 year "high cap" magazine ban for seven days, 100,000s bought

So this little article catches my eye. Begin reading, get 5-6 paragraphs in...

>They have long sought to purge the state of high-capacity magazines, arguing that would-be mass shooters prefer them for the same reason they are popular among enthusiasts: They allow more bullets to be fired more quickly without reloading.

>“I think about the numerous shootings that are often stopped when someone jumps in when the shooter is reloading,” said Josh (((Horwitz))), executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. “For people shot by the second magazine, it really matters.”

God damn you Jow Forums. Now I see it everywhere...

Attached: CaliforniaLooksLikeHiCapMag.jpg (1080x1754, 519K)

Other urls found in this thread:łyskawica_submachine_gun

30rd mags are standard capacity faggot

Since I'm not a fag...

Attached: D3hbsOXWAAEogcD.jpg (720x720, 86K)

Any cali anons buy any of these mags? Take one apart, check it for tracking devices. Maximum paranoia here.

>not using drum magazines

It's called a credit card invented by the JEWS to keep you a slave.

That is max paranoia. Always be willing to question your government, however you are giving them way too much credit here. Doubt the state (especially Cali) has the competence to pull that off effectively.

This is a state that never shuts the fuck up about being the world's 5th largest economy, yet there are states with 1/100 the budget of CA that manage to put out their forest fires just fine...

Well they've done it before, the feds that is, to give guns to cartels so it's not without precedent.

Did you not see in the subject line that I put "high cap" in quotations? Well aware that "high cap" is merely a scare tactic term used by the left. I... don't give a damn what anyone calls it. I call it a 30rd 5.56 mag, 33rd 9mm mag, 10rd .308 mag... you get the idea.

You wouldn't be wrong user. All the more reason to be defiant to these retarded bans on the west coast nanny states and the cucked northeastern united states.