Oiy vey!

oiy vey!

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its not surprising, the star of david and the pentagon are two different shapes.

damn. We landed a guy on the moon in 1969 and in 2019 some countries can't even land a spacecraft on there. wtf.

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>it's real

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wasn't a crash, it was iron dome missfire, fake news

The moon is a nazi. Someone ban it!

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Make that 109 countries and the moon.

Proof Jews don't control media

Meme Magic just got ....

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I know this is a stupid question before I ask it, but are there any videos or pictures or fucking anything? What about the Chinese mission to the dark side of the moon a few months back?


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heh heh

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oy vey moon is antisemitic

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Antisemitic aliens hijacked it and tried to send it to a gas planet. It tried to escape so they crashed it.

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Somewhere, a kike space drone pilot in a cervical collar is lawyering up.

did the 6 million plaque burn up? This is a recurring theme in their religion...A literal holocaust.

You're more careful with things you had to pay for yourself I guess.

Please be Space Nazis.

>spacecraft is literally called bereshit

How do a black jew sound?


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Fuck off MIGAtard

How the hell can Israel have a space program when they collect $3,000,000,000 in welfare from American taxpayers each year?

Nose first landing. Inevitable crash

The star will fucking blow up in the clay

>Deal with it ...

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It was private owned, goyim. Nothing to see here.

Why are you all so fucking dumb ...?

Deal with it

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Werner Von Braun referred to Parsons as the “true father of the American space race”…and who are we to argue with Von Braun?

Jack Parsons (rocket engineer) - Wikipedia
John Whiteside "Jack" Parsons was an American rocket engineer and rocket propulsion ... him of his life savings, Parsons resigned from the O.T.O. and went through various jobs while acting as a consultant for the Israeli rocket program.


When Satan turns against you


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Lol Israel tried to 9/11 the moon to bring the west into more wars.

That's a non issue. Jews know now Amerimutts will be forced to not only build them a full Holocaust Memorial on the moon, Amerimutts will also pay for it.

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Satan did 911

Fake news. The moon isn't real.

Just imagine being on the nazi moon base when Israel tried to send it's lunar launcher to commemorate the 6 million


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They didn't have any nazi scientists
>the Reich is still getting the last laugh

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>The project has cost about $100m (£76m)
Muh shekels!
>Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, watching from the control room near Tel Aviv, said: "If at first you don't succeed, you try again."
Colossal effort to hold back his tears.

The Moon did nothing wrong!

Neither is the state of Israel.

Nazi Moon base is real! Iron Sky was a documentary

The Moon needs to pay!

>"If at first you don't succeed, you try again."
ok bibi, this time i won't use wooden doors.

Trump will campaign in 2020 on war against the moon.

I am sure he wasn't forced to say that at gun point