loud jets keep flying in my area usually 3am to 6am but tonight is different
they've been flying the past hour and its REALLY LOUD NOW

what the fuck is up with all these nighttime maneuvers? (in SoCal not too close to any air base and its not commercial this is loud and scary)

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They're just making sure you can't sleep

Time to nuke california.damn finally

dude i mean seriously its getting LOUD
also I saw a P-8 flying around the time of this

honestly I wasn't sure if it was a P-8 a couple months ago but it was in the area of the mysterious yorba linda mid-air explosion and the plane seemed to be making a weird noise like how I would imagine sonar or something might sound... but it was a plane
maybe not sonar but it was like a chime/beacon sound
but this is way louder and farther away, that weird plane I saw in yorba linda was flying directly over at fairly low elevation (I was on a hill too)


the fuck you want me to do?

noise pollution i'm sure they feel entitled to create

Maybe it's korean.make sure to double check it

I suggest this is a good time to start wearing a tin foil hat.

I definitely can sleep I slept thru northridge and I was like in LA/arcadia (back when it was decent)

the P-8 thing was 2 months ago, you mean check tonight? I haven't been able to see anything.

eh just like reassure me and let me know its the eve of ww3 because the white wizard has been taken

dude one of the largest marine bases is not too far, south of there is Miramar the "top gun" school like from the movie
it is probably them but tonight it is louder I don't know why they'd go like 20-30 miles north I guess they need a big AO to practice in, like over the suburbs? I dunno

you're being sarcastic right?

I saw a jet once when I was a kid, but now they're everywhere. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.

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bumping for answers... this has been bothersome for a while I mean, I can sleep fine but when I'm awake it is easy to notice. I can hear it from inside the house with windows closed, very slightly. I step outside and I can hear it quite well it is very strange.
Is it the wind? Really doesn't sound like the wind...




okay time for bed........................

underrated kek

I'm near LA. Don't hear anything.
night night user.


F16s-- not sure what they're doing though.