
Why do you still believe capitalism?
We should support socialism, no more exploitation, no more money talks.
Quit being a faggot, seize your own fate.

Attached: D0BQ2DKU0AAYCY4.jpg (900x1200, 109K)

Exactly, National Socialism is the only way forward.

based alien

Isn't Anne Frank underage?

Sauce pls

how about just ban usury and jews and keep free market

Attached: sick.jpg (1462x550, 163K)

>free market
Jews are the riches in this free market.

Attached: D0BQ2DXUUAAj5nK.jpg (900x1200, 88K)

>fuckin roastie
can u not

It's an Asian model, not an underage. Image searching will find you an album, but not a name.