Moving to Dubai for industrial tech work

Is it worth it? Should i turn my back on this beautiful trainwreck of a country?

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They keep people as slaves and shit. I hope you know what you're doing.

Nothing different from being a wageslave desu.

Go make some money. Being an ethnonationalist doesn't mean turning down a high paying job. Make yourself a nice nest egg. Be smart with the money you make. Don't blow it all on toys.

In that case I guess go be a slave. Probably better weather than the ones in North Korea.

Yeah, support an Anti-White country with your work. Exactly

Very safe, very hot, humid, nice beaches. Plan to be spied on if you go online ever. (from a UAE resident)

If you are young and single and the money is at least 50% more than you make in the States, yes. Over 30 with wife and kids, I would say no, big time.
Good luck OP

I turn 23 in a month and i got this air force instructor selling me dreams of lines of coke and delicious brown chocolate

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absolutely not. Arab bitches will flock to your cock. Enjoy having a harem of four wives OP

Whatever you do, be conservative with your finances. They put debtors in prison, and it's expensive out there.

Breed their women but don't get tied down to one of them. Leave them with the kid and get married to a nice white woman.

im [spoiler]chinese american tho[/spoiler]

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Wow nvm.
Just go there for good.

What’s the problem with taking family?

>an entire city of beautiful women of all races ripe for the conquering
im going full Genghis Khan on this Silk Road

Attached: imagine her with tribal tattoos haha.webm (256x448, 243K)

I work for a construction/maintenance company and I had to go there back in 2009 and I fucking hated every minute of the year I spent there.

Off the top of my head, but by no means the complete list :

It was hard to find toilet paper because the people who live there use their hands to wipe/wash their shitty asses. Interpreter initially got belligerent when I asked him where I could get/buy toilet paper and it took far longer than it should have to obtain the amount needed to last the entire year. I had to do things I'm not proud of.

The streets were mostly deserted and the buildings that we worked on were mostly empty. Rich oil cunts spend hundreds of millions on towering buildings that stand mostly empty because very few people want to invest in some desert shithole with no future once the oil runs out.

The Indians who lived and worked there were essentially used as slave labor, and treated us such, including physical abuse and deprivation of food and water when they "slacked off". I bought a bunch of them lunch once, when I first got there and before I knew the score, and they literally dropped to their knees, thanked me and started crying like I was the fucking messiah or something, they're treated that fucking poorly that even the slightest kindness is like water to a guy lost in the desert.

Men there show each other really fucking weird amounts of "affection", like we saw men sitting together holding hands, stroking each others faces and arms and such. We were told it was a sign of close friendship. We never saw men and women treat eachother with such "affection".

They hold camel beauty contests. We were invited to one and it was one of the most bizarre events I've ever seen in my life. Women covered in head to toe so instead of TNA you've got camels dressed up like whorish THOTS, complete with perfume.

Goes on and on, but you get the point. I'll never, ever go back, not for any amount of money, made that clear to my boss after I got home.

better or worse than singapore?

I've never been to Singapore so I couldn't really say. I've been to a couple of east asian countries though and each and every one of them were better than the UAE, that goes for the people, culture, night life and food.
If you're getting paid a metric fuckton for work in Dubai and you're only staying there temporarily like I did, it might be worth it. If you're thinking about a permanent stay, sweet titty fucking Christ DON'T DO IT.

yeah im thinking of just being like a nomad tradesman, going from job to job, see the world and where it takes me.
[spoiler]Khazar milkers when[/spoiler]

Sounds like a good way to get fucking killed over there, tard-o

>Men there show each other really fucking weird amounts of "affection", like we saw men sitting together holding hands, stroking each others faces and arms and such. We were told it was a sign of close friendship. We never saw men and women treat eachother with such "affection".
This isn’t a bad thing.

yeah enjoy getting your dick sucked by your cousin Ginny while I'm fucking instagram models on the top of the Burj Khalifa

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