US has regressed to developing nation status

The ABSOLUTE STATE of amerimutts. LMFAO

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How so? Did shitskins from abroad start reproducing a ton here?

the new Brazil

>middle class evaporated after 2008
>education is shit
>0 opportunities
>rich get richer, the poor get poorer
>politics are a joke

For sure but Spain and the UK have nothing to brag about
Also >2017

How progressive.

It's gonna be a real shock to white liberals when their toilets stop working in a few years.

I've been telling burgers this for years, I kinda feel bad that it's a reality now.

But I mean that third world education, healthcare and infrastructure was bound to catch up with you eventually.

>the paki subhuman says, as he leeches of off Europe and runs it intro the ground

Not really. What happened is the government policy of replacing it's white population with a horde of over a hundred million unskilled, uneducated goblins with an IQ below 80. This is how it is going to be now. A small elite ruling over hundreds of millions of retarded slaves.

I for one welcome our old friend to our company once again.

Yes, yes, yes, millions of white Americans losing their houses/pensions/money in the GFC has nothing to do with it, its all just those beaners amirite?

>anxious about job security

Fucking why. I'm a complete retard and started multiple, successful businesses. The first was a commercial/industrial cleaning service I founded while in college. I'd clean other local businesses at night. I sold my business to Merry Maids. I used this money to start a gourmet soup company (I was in culinary school at the time) and it was purchased by Unilever for a hefty sum. I did all of this while still attending University. With the Unilever payout I opened up my wine/liquor shop. I decided to open my shop in the town my Alma Mater is in. Huge tourist population.

Wines courses are MANDATORY at culinary school so loads of students are always lined up at 9am waiting for me to open up. Vassar is a few miles away, so is Marist. Life is fucking amazing. I'm not multimillionaire yet, but will be by the time I retire.

Entrepreneurship is completely dead in America. Very few people even try, and those that do nearly always fail. A classmate of mine saved up his pennies and opened a Dunkin Donuts franchise in the same town, he now owns 4. Doing very well. 3 others opened a pizza shop, now they have 10 spread out locally. Doing exceptionally well. The average person in general, across the planet, lacks the intelligence and business acumen to be/do anything other than work for others.

the problem is nonwhites, always was. our education wasn't bad pre mongrelization. Even after de-segregation it didn't get bad until decades after. Biggest reason in my area is almost every middle and high school was majority spic, how can your educational system produce great minds when the average IQ maxes out at 90


>yes, goy, what do you need healthcare for? You are not a commie, are you goy?

What a fucking lie, America is one of the best places in the world to live.

Wait a minute? I thought national status was just geographic happenstance and history. So how come as america becomes more non-white the politics and economics become non-white quality?


Yeah it's really bad here. And no it's not because of the nigger jew spic kike nigger feminists or whatever the fuck the stormfags say it is.
>muh firm handshake
Shut the fuck up, Boomer
>Tooth ache? Deal with it, fag

Corruption became endemic to our political system as a result of Citizens United v. The FEC. There are no political solutions to our problems. We've had a good run.

Hey buddy, meet up at the bar in 20 min? Drinks are on you this time.

>What a fucking lie, America is one of the best places in the world to live.

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Whoah cool it with the antisemitism.

It kind of sounds like you're a talentless brainlet. That's cool. I'm 35, not in my late 50s or 60s. Don't project your insecurities about failure onto me by calling me names, figure out why everyone dislikes you, then make positive steps every day towards remedying that. If I can succeed, anyone can.

As someone who lives here, no it is fucking not. Stop pushing this America is such a great country narrative. It's an ugly, disgusting, low intelligence shithole that justs exists to be a puppet nation for Israel.

>It's da jooos
Predictable and pathetic. Fucking retard.

This but unironically.
If you get sick, just screw optics and go in.
You will simply reincarnate.


FUCK mutts and FUCK jannies

I really enjoy Wentworth. Good program.


My AMERIKAN brothers, where are you? Let me welcome you to developing world status.

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No, it's not because of the Jews. It's because burgers are retarded and have been brainwashed to believe that letting your people get assraped by corporations is morally superior.

Oooh say can you see!

Only fat retards can't get a job with healthcare. Why should I pay for them?

Either use your money to create biological weapons or a nuclear bomb, or stop propping this system up with taxation money.

>I don't want to pay for the healthcare of a fat retard with a slight tax increase. Let him die

You sure love your people, fellow nationalist.

>the only reason you're poor is your own ineptitude
Exactly the type of condescending psychopathy that dug this country's grave. You put money and material success before morality and society. This decadence is what caused our collapse.

Spain if you live in a glass house, should you really be throwing stones?

Same things that are happening to America right now happened to us in 1910-1920s. Prepares your anuses.

What system? Capitalism? I'd rather not aide the collapse of the most successful form of economy in human history. The entire modern world exists due to Capitalism. I didn't HAVE to sell my businesses to larger corporations but I did to further advance my own goals. I held out and refused multiple offers each time, making their reps chase me, wine/dine me like a super model before agreeing to sell. The strangest thing about selling to Unilever is they never even marketed or used my line of products they purchased. My end game was to open a wine/liquor shop and sit on my ass all day while my shop kids did all the work. I pay them $14hr and give them premium health insurance. I'm a good boss.


Your only limitations are your personal intellectual faculties. Can't blame anyone other than yourself for that. Either learn valuable skills, or work for people like me. Choice is yours. You're assuming an awful lot about me, truly pathetic.

America is not a nation anymore.
The majority of "people" residing within it are just various shades of nonwhite apes, solely existing to serve Jewish interests with no loyalty otherwise.

Why do Indians and Pakistani folk own all the bottle shops in your country?

>I'd rather not aide the collapse of the most successful form of economy in human history. The entire modern world exists due to Capitalism.
>muh free market
>muh economy
>muh modern world

What are you doing here if you are a cuckservative boomer? FUCK capitalism. FUCK the modern world. FUCK the sterile, egalitarian, economicist shithole of modernity.

Sure the average American couldn't survive missing a paycheck without going into unmanageable debt. What's really important is making the billionaires into trillionaires. One of these days it will trickle down. Trust us. We are wealthy and therefore want what is best for the working poor.

Yes. Developed is just Jew code for white.

That's an embarrassing tantrum. Why don't you possess valuable skills?

Save us rusbro

America is a bunch of people diving around constantly between a few chain stores and dead end jobs with pathetic healthcare and retirement benefits. I know some people are doing better than that but that's the really for a vast amount. I don't know how long this sad wasteful consumerist model can exist or who thinks dumping more people into the mix will help.

There’s currently a nationwide shortage of school bus drivers due to the high demand for CDL licensed truck drivers.

A wizard is going to kill American Royals and usher in an oppressive form of Socialism? Neat.

>import 3rd world
>becomes 3rd world

Okay, merchant. Neck yourself with your favorite brand of Chinese manufactured rope.

>Pay employees a non-living wage so you can sit on your ass and get drunk
>good boss

That's textbook decadence and you're a weak opportunist.

The United States of America isn't capitalist, it is socialist and illegitimate with an irrelevant constitution.
All tax money paid to the CIAmerican government directly contributes towards white genocide, so the richer you get playing by their bogus rules, the more Schlomostein Shekelblatt takes as tribute while laughing at dumb goyim.

You are living a lie.

Truck drivers are a CDL A. Bus drivers are a CDL B or C, so are FedEx and UPS vans. Completely different industries really. Transportation of goods pays more than transportation of people, for some reason. Trucks will be self driving in 50 years, so all the Eastern Euroscum, Indians, and Africans who are laid off will be sent back home and all will be well.

>live paycheck to paycheck cooking nice food for people that are better off
>can't eat when I work 12 hour shifts because I can't even afford the food that I am making
>mandatory overtime every week during the summer
>turnover is so high because no one can keep up, half the staff is on drugs or drinking just to make it through the dinner rush

Good thing I fell for that college meme and got a degree where I can't find shit, and if I do its less pay then I get cooking until I get more "experience" so I can't take them and live at the same time.

This shit cannot collapse fast enough.

No need to advocate violence. Why don't you have valuable skills?

I earned it. Anyway, why can't you do what I did? Remember, I'm functionally retarded.

What a lazy copout. Why don't you possess valuable skills?

You don't taste every dish your prepare to ensure it's properly seasoned? That's... interesting. When I was a working Chef I gained 25lbs in 3 months due to the volume of calories I consumed on an average shift.

My current seafood place is insane about shit like that. If a dish gets canceled or the FoH fucked up and we have like an extra plate ready to go we are instructed to throw it out and write it in a log, we cannot eat it or box it up. Hoping to get out of here ASAP for a better kitchen.

FedEx vans don't require a CDL, actually, only their straight trucks do, like the freight that comes from the hub.

Show us your teeth

If you're near the Hudson Valley of New York I'll hire you. I need a new stockroom guy. Women are incapable of doing the work, too labor intensive. $17hr plus health and PTO.

It's true. Even the most "progressive" high tech states are degenerating. Local businesses and corporate whores alike try to get the most formally educated they can find, otherwise they import mutts from Asia and the middle east to do their dirty work. Full time jobs disappearing with no benefits, temp/wagecuck are turning into the norm, even in some higher end office situations.

The housing market is a fucking joke, forget about raising a family and living the "american dream". It's a bunch of bullshit. State and federal government filled with angry niggers and wealthy politicians who suck on lobby cock, and while cum drips out of their mouth they tell us they "will fix our problems!".

It's over folks, it can only get worse from here before it gets better, and that is *IF* it does get better.

Pay DENBTS you broke faggots. %1$s

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>A small elite ruling over hundreds of millions of retarded slaves.

Yeah but those hundreds of millions of slaves aren't white and are dumb and impulsive and will flip on you in a moments notice.

Not really the type to be controlled just extremely ignorant and anything they cant have they will just take and kill for it

Depends on the state I suppose. A friend of mine needs one to operate his DHL route. Then again that's a privately held business so the requirements might be different.

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Valuable skills? Why? To serve the parasites which leech off what we produce, all our accomplishments?
I say the most valuable skill today is exterminating Jews effectively.
Not starting your own business, to serve ZOG with economic growth, taxation money, and by extension keeping NPCs placated with bread and circuses.

Treasuring wealth over all else is a Jewish trait.
Maybe you are part kike?

Brother India, please teach me how to poo in street. I can not afford the toiletries paper, please help.

>just build your business for free, don't make a profit
Fuck off, communist.

That's a funny way of spelling Mexico North.

Regulations make it exceptionally hard to break into any business or industry without loads of money. Fuck off you boomer

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user I...

Those are glowposts
By the way it's called National Socialism you amerimutt.

I've been out of the shipping industry for a while, but a CDL should only be required for vans over the weight threshold, which really shouldn't be happening on any step van, because they're held together by tape and dreams. But I do think you're right, it probably varies between states. When I had a few Ground and HD routes though, none of my drivers had to have a CDL,

Also for anyone reading this who is looking for a job, try your local fedex terminal. If you're not a slob and have a good head, you can go far; if you are a slob but can make friends, find a contractor you like and he'll offer you a job within 2 months.

>I say the most valuable skill today is exterminating Jews effectively.
OK, mr. unemployed for life . Hope you like crushing poverty and constant SEETHING lol

I started my own businesses to gain wealth, which I have. What I do with this wealth is my choice alone. That's the beauty of Capitalism, one benefits from their own labor. All humans are covetous beings, that trait will never be bred out of people.

Maybe importing some more third worlders will help.

Either use your money to destroy or weaken ZOG, become NEET, or immediately kill yourself.

Now now don't resort to conspiracy theories and boogieman-posting because you have no valuable skills. Why not utilize this free time learning a new language on Duolingo, or any other free skill building apps? You're not utilizing your free time appropriately.

imagine believing low IQ statements like this

No, they aren't.

America is flying on the inertia from it's past reputation at this point.

So is it even viable to wait for the government to wake up and camp or deport all the third worlders? Seems like nothing will change and not enough people are willing to go out and dylan roof the fuck out of niggers.

>A fucking pom talking shit about health care quality
That's cute

You know there are a ton of white meth heads in West Virginia right? All the factory jobs have been gone and that's definitely a factor. You can't blame everything on the shitskins, idiot.

>import more third worlders
>they open taco shops
>sell tacos to other third worlders
>Profitable first world economy!

^ This

>14$hr is not a livable wage
Have you never lived on your own before?

Tell that to (((carlos slim)))

based and redpilled

>the purpose of life is making money. I love america

Be quiet boomer, go back to Facebook.
You are living in a world which never existed.

regressing to less than 54% white = regressing to nigger tier societies
It's very simple. The more spics and niggers they import the faster it will turn into south sudan tier shitshow,. Some areas are already Somalia tier bad.

Britain and France are next and normies will act shocked.

Always blame a race that isn't Jewish.

The new age Rome is falling
Fracturing and chaos will come to the whole world, as to such extent the power of new age Rome has spread
And a new Rome shall arise amidst chaos, to bring forth a thousand years of prosperity to mankind
Only for the cicle to repeat, and throw us in a thousand years of darkness and misery

Play with the hand you're dealt I guess. I don't really give a fuck, the rednecks are my people and we're all still having babies, sticking together, and have our trashy but wholesome culture.

Though honestly I already see the subversion taking place in the form of Country Rap. Now that I think on it every redneck I know listens to that shit and has been niggerfied in ways.

Shit guys..

>we took all your capital and make stem phds work for 15 an hour with crippling debt from the markets we inflated while doing nothing ourselves but pretending to be kikes.
>it's the youngins fault, they are just pussies.
Boomers like you better hope the revolution doesn't start before you die.

Hey boomer, the twentieth century ended 20 years ago.

Import the third world become the third world....becomes true

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