Sens. Ben Sasse, Joe Manchin praise Julian Assange's arrest: 'Good news for freedom-loving people' -

Nine takeaways from Israel’s historic election -


Trump administration’s new anti-Semitism envoy says BDS movement is anti-Semitic -

ITT: We talk about Jewish issues.

Attached: 12224432221.jpg (303x299, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gas sage and hide

For the love of YHWH don't ever read filthy books like this:

Attached: 15303771213991.jpg (850x1243, 132K)

can you larp harder?

Thoughts on Julian's arrest my brother?

it's funny how all the jews are send to shitpost on Jow Forums and end up redpilled after some weeks lol

here have some tanakh, old testimony.
Daniel 9:25-26
25 ותדע ותשכל מן־מצא דבר להשיב ולבנות ירושלם עד־משיח נגיד שבעים שבעה ושבעים ששים ושנים תשוב ונבנתה רחוב וחרוץ ובצוק העתים׃
26 ואחרי השבעים ששים ושנים יכרת משיח ואין לו והעיר והקדש ישחית עם נגיד הבא וקצו בשטף ועד קץ מלחמה נחרצת שממות׃

What does it say there? The Messiah will appear BEFORE the destruction of the 2nd temple? OY VEY!

jeremia 31:31-32
31 הנה ימים באים נאם־יהוה וכרתי את־בית ישראל ואת־בית יהודה ברית חדשה׃
32 לא כברית אשר כרתי את־אבותם ביום החזיקי בידם להוציאם מארץ מצרים אשר־המה הפרו את־בריתי ואנכי בעלתי בם נאם־יהוה׃

what does it say, there will be a new covenant and it will replace the old?
OY VEY!!!!

lets have some isaiah 53, just to leanr about it it you know....

1 מי האמין לשמעתנו וזרוע יהוה על־מי נגלתה׃
2 ויעל כיונק לפניו וכשרש מארץ ציה לא־תאר לו ולא הדר ונראהו ולא־ מראה ונחמדהו׃
3 נבזה וחדל אישים איש מכאבות וידוע חלי וכמסתר פנים ממנו נבזה ולא חשבנהו׃
4 אכן חלינו הוא נשא ומכאבינו סבלם ואנחנו חשבנהו נגוע מכה אלהים ומענה׃
5 והוא מחלל מפשענו מדכא מעונתינו מוסר שלומנו עליו ובחברתו נרפא־ לנו׃
6 כלנו כצאן תעינו איש לדרכו פנינו ויהוה הפגיע בו את עון כלנו׃
7 נגש והוא נענה ולא יפתח־פיו כשה לטבח יובל וכרחל לפני גזזיה נאלמה ולא יפתח פיו׃
8 מעצר וממשפט לקח ואת־דורו מי ישוחח כי נגזר מארץ חיים מפשע עמי נגע למו׃
9 ויתן את־רשעים קברו ואת־עשיר במתיו על לא־חמס עשה ולא מרמה בפיו׃
10 ויהוה חפץ דכאו החלי אם־תשים אשם נפשו יראה זרע יאריך ימים וחפץ יהוה בידו יצלח׃
11 מעמל נפשו יראה ישבע בדעתו יצדיק צדיק עבדי לרבים ועונתם הוא יסבל׃
12 לכן אחלק־לו ברבים ואת־עצומים יחלק שלל תחת אשר הערה למות נפשו ואת־פשעים נמנה והוא חטא־רבים נשא ולפשעים יפגיע׃

does it really say the messiah will be rejected by his people?
b-b-b-ut the rabbis say that everyone will love the messiah and acknowledge him, when he is there. no matter if jews or gentile.

looks like your Rabbi's abuse their poower and authoritiy and teach you something very else....

rolling for destruction of israel

Attached: 1534524624195.jpg (1024x1024, 261K)

A lot of Liberals and Democrats on this board I see. GOD HAS BLESSED ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE!!!! WE WILL OVERCOME!!!

check digits on previous post kike, israel is doomed

Attached: 1543478476034.jpg (600x572, 160K)

check, Palestinians will have revenge on jewish filth

Keep thinking that mutt. We're a race of winners and will always be winners. We've been around for thousands of years, and will be around forever.

Attached: mutt.png (680x512, 200K)

Hello Rabbi

Israel is not that piece of dirt in the near east.... Abraham was not looking for a manmade city
but for a city from heaven, which's fundaments are made by God

hebrews 11:10
כי חכה לעיר אשר יסודתה נאמנה ובונה ומכוננה האלהים׃

btw who doesnt have the son, doesnt have the father either (jews reject the son)
1 John 2:23
כל המכחש בבן גם האב אין לו׃

Do you like revelations?
here have some revelations 3:9
הנני נתן אנשים מכנסית השטן האמרים יהודים אנחנו ואינם כי כזבים המה הנני עשה אשר יבאו להשתחות לפני רגליך וידעו כי אני אהבתיך

Attached: ChristReplaceJew.png (1084x656, 283K)

Assange is /ourgoy/ and the Trump administration is a fucking retarded kushner shit show that needs to end. IF YOU YIDS WOULD HAVE VOTED FOR ZEHUT WE'D END US GIBS TO ISRAEL BUT NO.
Same with Trump, got elected by retarded boomers, will get reelected by retarded boomers, is a retarded boomer himself

Yea you look for a worldly Israel, a worldly Jerusalem and a worldly Messiah.
You don't teach nor learn the Tanakh anymore but replaced it with the Talmud, Kaballah and lies.

Maybe it's time to turn around, repent and start reading the law, the history, poetry and the prophets as God intended and not after the tradition of man.

leaf is practicing 4d chess, interesting.

just stopped by to tell you how much I hate you. I could chop your heads off all day, peel the skin, strangle ya with yer own guts and burn ya'll alive 24/7 year after year.
I could die happy man indeed if I knew there are not a single creature with kike DNA and every scrap of Talmud is destroyed.

Kikes hate him! See how a bunch of professionals exposed jewish secrets on this incredible website:

Based. Fuck Jews. We are the true Heirs of Ìsrael

There are many ways for angry individuals like yourselves to get help:

And for those in Europe:

>implying we believe this dogshit

best therapy for my hate is
slice off fingers, one by one and cauterize the stumps with cigarette lighter. make a mexican cravat, but do it without touvhing any of the major arteries. put an IV as needed. eyelids off, ears off, kneecaps hammered, benis und gonads off, fry some of the excess meat and force feed it to the subject, make a practice for acupuncture.

Attached: Bait got me.jpg (600x603, 19K)

Why tf would I care about some fucking cave Aussie cunt that’s been a feral child in an ecaudorian embassy for the past several years?

It’s Shabbat.

Lol and I’m just over here enjoying challah.

I’m going to my gfs for Shabbat tonight anons. What’s a good thing to bring besides flowers? Want to change it up a bit

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>We are the true Heirs of Ìsrael



Halvah of course.

Attached: feels guy hugs pepe.png (500x332, 48K)

What anger are you talking about.... Teaching you some truth, is not anger but it might drives you angrily ;)

Israel is just a piece of land, just a piece of dirt.
We are waiting for a new world and a new Jerusalem, created by God.
This old world and manmade Jerusalem might burn, it will be replaced. It's of no value.

Revelations 21:1-2
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

and we do not need a third temple either, nor do we need sacrifices.
Jesus was our sacrifice and he sacrificed himself. Ever additional sacrifice would be an insult and would mean, that his sacrifice wasn't enough.

1 corinthians 3:16
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

but the devil will take seat in the third temple, so that is why we arent permitted and allowed to support that either.

2 Thesssalonians 2:4
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Well, I know that the old testimony after modern judaist teaching is only "fables and stories".
Which, this statement proves, that you have rejected God already and indicates that you have replaced him with someone else.

Attached: Jewslam.png (909x923, 703K)

Smart post by a smart poster.

Greatest ally!

Attached: 1542827167738.jpg (588x715, 164K)

should have made clear the difference between the immaterial temple and the material worldly temple.

we all know, but the thread must be beefed up by the pro-white posts as well

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also is no one going to say it?
fine i will.

Okay let's get back on subject and ignore the anti-Semitic comments from trolls.

Look at this and tell me that being Jewish isn't being AGAINST the system.

Democrats are going after Jews, Republicans are talking about how they don't have a problem with Hitler (and they run most of the government) and Muslims commit the most hate crimes against Jews.

I'm a Jow Forumsitically incorrect Jew and proud of it! Nazi trolls aren't welcome on pol

Attached: judahchan3.jpg (721x1024, 66K)

Jewish collective power is going to be terminated in the West.
Pic related.

Attached: 1_Anti_Semitism_law_USA.png (1584x9520, 3.94M)

For ever Assange you cut off
2 more will take its place...
Hail Hydra

Attached: 6np45.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

All zionists are traitors.

Attached: Theodor_Herlz_meme_zionists_always_traitors_8_4c.jpg (1480x9999, 2.59M)

Jews will be punished in the fiery pit for eternity for rejecting JESUS

Its no coincidence all the jew love on Jow Forums AND major Youtubers being terminated without warning
>CHN was terminated by discord trannys false reporting
It's not a coincidence that right before Assange is arrested 4chans only trusted news source is destroyed!!!

>Honkler video that destroyed faggot libcucks

What timeline is this when Tame youtube channels can get silenced for nothing !!!!
Welcome to 1984 where all right wing anons and journos get gulaged

>the guy who took credit for shutting down CHN
Literal pencil neck twerp trans nigger faggot
Why are trannys so fucking gay and spiteful shit
>does not exist .,,,,
Orwell would be proud

>new backup channel and vid predicting this 2 weeks ago!!
This is why they fear the Memetic telepathy of Bellagio Sampler

US Congress is owned by Israel.

Attached: 2_US_Congress_is_a_foreign_agent_of_Israel.jpg (800x4670, 855K)

Judaism is as bad as Islam and neither as a place in the West.

Attached: 3_Jewish_supremacism_post_3.jpg (1384x9954, 3.64M)

Circumcision is barbaric bullshit.

Attached: 4_Circumcision_big.jpg (1350x7352, 1.97M)

There's no way he really says this in the book. Jews wouldn't be that obtuse. From what I read he basically does advocate for immigration but the book is based on "the brief" that he gives American military officers. Are you telling me he straight up mentions that his plan purposefully weakens European countries and makes them purposefully less intelligent? Doesn't seem like he would try to sell it like that even if that's what his intention was. I'm calling bullshit until I see the screen shot from the book or get a page number for reference

I wish we could all be frens

Nigger, zionist cunts have been openly calling for the genocide of Whites since at least 1925 on books. Pic related: "Practical Idealism" by Richard Kalergi.
They are full of hubris.

Attached: Richard_Kalergi_anti_White_Ideological_father_of_the_EU.png (1050x514, 113K)

yes sir

>Same with Trump, got elected by retarded boomers, will get reelected by retarded boomers, is a retarded boomer himself
so where is the better option? we going to write in Rick Astley or what?


Links to archives for the Cabal Global View graphs for ease of sharing (to save the full series of the graphs, go to the archive link, and open the image in a new tab/window, then save it): - #1 version 1.2 – Annex 1 version 0.2 - #2, version 1.0 - #3, version 1.0 - #4, version 1.0 - #5, version 1.0 – Annex 2, version 1.1 – Annex 3, version 1.1

Attached: 5_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11_Nov_2017_Cabal_graph_simple_Soros_40_FINAL_EU_Unit_8200_UN_UPDATE_2.jpg (4552x3424, 3.85M)

Jews are not White.

Attached: Jews_are_not_White_big_graph_4c.png (1080x9999, 3.66M)

Attached: 6_US_court_Jews_race_not_White_1964_archive.jpg (566x714, 60K)

Attached: 8_memetic_killshot.jpg (1200x583, 51K)

who cares what it says, it's all made up same as the whole Bible and the whole of Quran

literally arguing about fairy tales
but i guess that's necessary when arguing with people who believe them

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> hopenothate . org . UK
Hmm, let me see where HopeNotHate got the UK
Yeaaah... I think I'm good but thanks

Islam was created by Jews.

Attached: Jewish_origin_of_Islam_archive.jpg (800x5364, 2.02M)

Jews can't even agree themselves on who or what a real Jew is.

Attached: 7_Jewish_cosmology_of_victimhood_archive_4c.png (791x4127, 3.93M)

What do they actually do? Can they get me a gf? It seems like your average generic charity that exists just to soak up money.

that's honestly more probable than some goatfucker copying the great invention of religion to climb through the goatranks

Israel is an enemy of the US and the West.

Attached: America_stands_with_Israel_kind_off_3_alt.jpg (1296x5012, 1.11M)

He could have a meme flag. And be posting in a cublic in Israel.


Attached: Before_Islam_When_Saudi_Arabia_Was_Jewish_Kingdom.png (647x649, 358K)

He could have a meme flag and be posting from a cublic in Tel Aviv.


Attached: Jews_and_Muslims_against_Nationalism.png (909x923, 663K)

Attached: 5.jpg (800x4914, 1.07M)

Attached: kikes.jpg (797x751, 184K)

Attached: jewmus54.png (1587x773, 705K)

Attached: Israel_Advocates_For_Soros.png (648x1352, 673K)

I am saving those, I had not seen those before.
Thanks fren.

Attached: Hypocrisy.png (1173x1162, 570K)

let's die for Israel!

Attached: 6.jpg (811x779, 149K)

Pls poast moar if you have then fren.
Thanks in advance.

Attached: France_Jewish_influx_of_migrants.png (1500x1941, 2.44M)

>hebrews 11:10
>1 John 2:23
LITERALLY goyishe fan fiction

Attached: 1554920820512.png (879x813, 374K)

Spreading 'anti-Semitism' is the most rewarding thing in life.

Attached: Jewslam.png (613x826, 507K)

dude weed lmao


Attached: 9463827640.jpg (308x842, 112K)


Attached: UN_Israel_jewish_interest_groups_US_refugee_influx.png (581x664, 211K)

Attached: Ben_Gurion_Israel_prime_minister_bolshevik_communism_jews_Israel_Soviet_article_archive.jpg (551x722, 92K)

Attached: Israel_Soviet_alliance_poster.jpg (622x884, 209K)

Attached: Fidel_Castro_jew_2.png (576x780, 458K)
>and contributed to Soviet Jews being legally able to practice their own religion, as well as emigrate to Israel.

Attached: 702348934.png (644x598, 122K)

kek Israel was going to deport the shitskins back to the shitholes they came from and American "Jews" started kvetching

Israel supports Soros because "muh anti-Semitism" and protects scammers that rob Western companies and individuals.
Those "American" Jews are zionists. Just like Pollard was.
This is why all Jewish collective power in the West will be terminated.

Attached: jews_Migrants.jpg (900x1046, 189K)

Attached: jews_Migrants_2.png (608x1326, 813K)

Another /ptg/?

Attached: Hubris_to_be_paid_for_plus_article.png (1048x1298, 1.32M)

you will be all wiped.

Attached: Jonathan_Pollard_60_minutes.png (800x1033, 213K)

BASED Babs has you triggered!

Attached: a-kosher-mcdonalds.jpg (550x367, 61K)

Revenge confirmed

That quote is not in his book anywhere although he advocates for something similar enough. I just looked it up. I know about the Kalergi plan. I'm reading the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones and I just finished Culture of Critique. Fake ass quotes don't help our cause. It makes us look like easily dismissable schizos. Retards need to do a cursory amount of legwork to research the material before they post such garbage. There's enough real examples of kikery that pictures like that one posted must neccessarily be an attempt to discredit us. We can't be posting shit that isn't verified or is factually incorrect.

Kek, keep telling yourself that zionist traitor :)

Attached: Support_for_Israel_plummeting_tweet.png (548x508, 338K)

Shut up christcuck

based and yarmulkepilled

Not an argument.
Have more verifiable facts.
The picture I posted is all sourced and easily verifiable.
Tell me if any specific part of it does not check out, otherwise don't criticize it.
Like this one.

Attached: 5_GV_Annex_3_5_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11_Nov_2017_EU_Racism_Israel_9.jpg (4552x4376, 3.93M)

I honestly don't give a shit about your conspiracy nonsense. Seeing your posts is like watching animals do retarded shit at the zoo. Portuguese really are just one level above a wild beast anyways.

Attached: Baruch_Goldstein.jpg (216x296, 35K)

What’s the status on that egregious law they’re tryna pass pissing on my first amendment rights?
Pic related

Attached: 0DE9911F-0BA3-4B88-B7A9-E61CCCCFA5FD.png (1040x733, 420K)

Attached: jes7.jpg (780x750, 118K)

Nigger I was talking about The whole time. You came and responded to my post with legitimate and verifiable examples of similar kikery which I never denied. My point was that that post does more to hurt our cause than help it. There are several other images circulating with either fake, unsourced, or unverifiable kike quotes. Dumb Jow Forumslocks that don't do the legwork don't need to be saving and reposting every anti kike image without first verifying it.

can the goyim provide a valid reason as to why white genocide would be a bad thing? It's not even genocide but white population reduction and tbqhfam most whites are shit tier and need to be removed all you do is jerk off and eat food

Its a criminal conspiracy, yes. And genocidal at that.
Nope, its factual and verifiable. I provide the sources :)
>Seeing your posts is like watching animals do retarded shit at the zoo. Portuguese really are just one level above a wild beast anyways.
Not an argument.
Have more facts, zionist traitor :)


"The Lobby: USA" documentary:

>Some scenes:
-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.
-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.
-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)
-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope

Attached: 0_The_Lobby_USA_compilation_1_4c.jpg (1681x9999, 2.6M)

You are right.

Can the Jews provide a valid reason as to why Jewish genocide would be a bad thing? It's not even genocide but Jewish population reduction and tbqhfam most Jews are shit tier and need to be removed all you do is fuck kids and eat pretzels.

Attached: Israel_Pedos.jpg (2047x1582, 558K)