The holocaust was real. Millions of jews, slavs and also disabled germans, including children, were killed to ensure the purity of the race. Why do you guys deny it? Its really well documented. Some of the deathcamps still exist. Have you ever visited one? Because I have! They are real! And guess what? My grandfather used to kill kikes during his time in the SS.He literally told me about shooting kikes in a polish village once.Of course my word has no weight here but just take a look at all the documents yourself. Yes some people bullshit about stuff , like this one story of kikes being pumped full of air till they die, but Hitler knew perfectly well that the kikes are the enemy of the german people and thats why he killed them.Thats a fact.You read "Mein Kampf", didnt you user? Hitler told you all about his plan of killing of the jewish race in the book. Why deny it?
Why do so many of you deny the Holocaust?
cos it never happened
Joseph Goebbels - The Jewish Problem
>The trials were conducted under their own rules of evidence. The Charter of the International Military Tribunal permitted the use of normally inadmissible "evidence". Article 19 specified that "The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence ... and shall admit any evidence which it deems to have probative value". Article 21 of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal (IMT) Charter stipulated:
how many countries did jews get expelled from bros?
I'm consistent and have integrity. Show me 6 gorillian dead bodies masturbated to death and I will believe you.
If a man were tried for murder and the prosecution lied and falsified evidence multiple times, the case deserves to be declared a mistrial and the man found innocent. I believe the mounds of falsified evidence presented at Nuremberg disqualifies the holohoax.
They deny it because they are not very clever. They think it disempowers jews, who use the Holocaust as a get out of jail free card. They think by saying it didn’t happen that will make the Jews powerless.
They are of course exactly and precisely wrong. By denying it they empower Jews, to say “look they deny this and want to do it again, we need more power to stop them”
They deny it because they have no actual historical knowledge or understanding they deny it because they are Nazi fanbois, but somehow think their hero’s didn’t have the balls to do the thing they said they wanted to do, and yet the Internet hero’s say they really would do it given the opportunity
They deny it because they are assholes.
I completely agree with the fact, that the Nuremberg trials were absolute bullshit but there still is overwhelming evidence, that the holocaust happend
Thanks for atleast giving me some proper reasoning
And what is holocaust in your imagination? 6 million dead jews?
>The holocaust was real
Don't worry, we all remember being indoctrinated 12 year-olds. You probably still believe we fough Iraq over WMD's too?
Because the ordinary rules of evidence would rule out any and all material without a technical chain of possession. So a signed order found on the battlefield would not be allowed, even if the handwriting matched.
They had literally tons (over twenty five tons) of documents captured, they could not do the full chain of possession check needed in American courts. This provision was actually requested by the defence team, who were not American lawyers and didn’t like the US regulations.
i don't deny the "holocaust" in a sense it was tragic many people got killed not only jews. Also I strongly disagree with putting people in jail for having differing views on holocaust for being "deniers". I thought my grandpa fought to stop fascism only for western countries to live under fascistic laws.
>how many countries did jews get expelled from bros?
Well basically whenever a ruler needed a scapegoat for anything.
And you are so fucking retarded that you fall for the same fucking trick CENTURIES after this trick was first put in use.
Fucking American HS dropouts need to get OFF the internet
No one claims anyone was mastubated to death, apart from an Australian non Jew in 2004.
Your request is stupid. Not only that it is ignorant of the history. You are an ignorant troll
The holocaust was real. It happened in 1945 in Dresden:
So the defense team was also working against defendants. Very cool, and thank you for this valuable input, meme flag.
why do jews get so upset when they find out the holocaust didn't happen? you'd think they'd be relieved
This is what 70+ years of brainwashing looks like.
Yes I visited Auschwitz twice, and I saw nothing but poor Soviet reconstruction; there isn't a single proof of any working homicidal German gas chamber between 1941-1944, if you want to see how a homicidal gas chamber looks like you have many examples in America.
The Holohoax is a rumor and a hoax, just like Katyn, soaps and lampshades were Soviet propaganda.
>why would anyone ever question holocaust? It happened!
>it's because we know they falsified evidence
>wow you are stupid
AAA+ arguing.
Anything that is made illegal to question is typically a lie that exists for power and control. No other genocide has 500 movies, 1000 memorials and criminal laws around eve asking questions on its validity or historical fact. None. I don't doubt there were crimes committed against Jews, but the way Nazis have become satanic super villains is nothing more than Jewish academics and media creating a good story that has served them well. It got the Israel, didn't it? How convenient! Jews love the Holocaust, it's held the entire West hostage for nearly 100 years now and made them victims of the Universe to be pitied and unquestioned in anything they do.
The Greeks never got so many benefits from their genocide. Neither did the Chinese, Cambodians, Ukrainians, and so.
>shrunken heads
>shooped photos
>bogus lampshades
I thought jews were supposed to be good lawyers? If you were on trial for murder and the prosecution presented falsified evidence, do you believe your case should be dismissed?
sure kike.
i wonder why we never prosecuted muslim minority for ritual murders of newborns while whole jewish villages were sentenced to death by king's court during the times when you were protected personally by our king
Dresden bombing really was a tragedy. I still dont get why everyone considers germany the only bad guy. Every party of WW2 commited horrible war crimes
Dont mistake the brainwashed for the brainwasher. He knows hes lieing.
>They deny it because they are not very clever.
ad hominem
>They think it disempowers jews, who use the Holocaust as a get out of jail free card. They think by saying it didn’t happen that will make the Jews powerless.
false dichotomy
>They are of course exactly and precisely wrong. By denying it they empower Jews, to say “look they deny this and want to do it again, we need more power to stop them”
false dichotomy
>They deny it because they have no actual historical knowledge or understanding they deny it because they are Nazi fanbois, but somehow think their hero’s didn’t have the balls to do the thing they said they wanted to do, and yet the Internet hero’s say they really would do it given the opportunity
guilt by association, reductionist fallacy, ad hominem, appeal to ridicule.
>They deny it because they are assholes.
ad hominem
Thats obvious american propaganda, but just because those things are obvious bullshit the rest doesnt have to be a lie. The Nazis wanted the jews dead and thats why they killed them. How can you be a nazi fanboy but ignore the fact that they live up to their word?
Answer the question.
It reminds me of some discussion I had (yes, I screencapped myself, but that was quite laughable)
>we lie a little but most of it is true
Checked, I wonder how they cope with the fact that this place leaves their pilpul gaping and their knees wobbly?
>supports the memeocaust
ay tone, this is why you call op a faggot
Probabaly because there is evidence to suggest it didn’t. Not that that evidence is factual beyond circumstance, but it is out there
>Look at all these lies
>But why would we ever lie about anything else?
>Surely the Soviets, Jim crow era Americans, and the crumbling colonial powers of England and France who were still enslaving the third world would never lie and use propaganda to support there efforts
I appreciate your honesty. And for being a good example of how jews cannot assimilate into their host nations.
My #1 reason honestly is because people are not allowed to discuss it. That's a dead giveaway for when you are being lied to.
Can you backup your claim?
>Women gets stabbed
>Person suggests that women was also raped
>disprove the fact that women was raped
>Women didnt get stabbed
Thats your reasoning
See this article and others in English from Robert Faurisson:
Died last year - RIP
Survived several assassination attempts, one of them left him permanently injured in the face and he suffered all his life from it.
In France a kike voted a law in 1990 especially because nobody could refute his arguments about the Holohoax.
>4) In 1979 thirty-four French historians signed a lengthy joint declaration in reply to my technical arguments aiming to demonstrate that the allegation of the existence and functioning of the Nazi gas chambers ran up against certain radical material impossibilities. According to the official version, Rudolf Höss, one of the three successive Auschwitz commandants, had confessed (!) and described how Jews had been gassed at Auschwitz and Birkenau. According to that very vague confession, when the victims appeared to have breathed their last gasp a ventilation apparatus was switched on and a squad of Jewish prisoners immediately entered the vast room to remove the corpses and carry them as far as the crematory ovens. R. Höss said that those Jews went about this work nonchalantly, while smoking and eating. I had pointed out that this could not be: one cannot go into premises saturated with hydrogen cyanide gas (a poisonous, penetrating and explosive compound) whilst smoking and eating and then touch, handle and take out, using all one’s strength, thousands of bodies suffused with that poison and therefore untouchable. In their declaration the thirty-four historians answered me thus: “One must not ask oneself how, technically, such a mass-murder was possible. It was technically possible, since it happened” (Le Monde, February 21, 1979, p. 23).
The only excuse i heard was
>If we legalize free speech holocaust will happen again
Some 4d lever slippery slope shit
This. The truth dosnt fear scrutiny. If it actually happend they would be taking the tell to actually prove it. But they cant so they just make talking about it illegal and brand anybody who questions it an anti semites. Its so fucking obvious.
Freedom of speech is truly fucked in the EU and especially in germany
That's your warped interpretation of his reasoning.
There's no proof of holocaust and lots of confirmed lies related to matter of holocaust. It's reasonable to believe holocaust is a lie from this.
There is a big difference between a roastie claiming you shrunk a head and a prosecution charging you with shrunken heads.
If you need special laws made just for you, then maybe you should just go home.
and why is that Chaim?
>no one gets stabbed
>some suggest there was a stabbing
>no one can disprove it
>somebody must have been stabbed
The holocaust in a nutshell.
Yeah that’s a pretty good one, a lot of this is presented as 100% fact and then even asking for simple verification is an invitation for ridicule
Ok so here is the proof that the Holocaust happend
>Deathcamps still exist
>Mein Kampf , were the termination of the jewish race is stated as goal of the german people
>Several speeches given by Hitler and Goebbels were they talk about destroying the jewish threat
>First hand accounts (like my grandpa, even though I cant prove to you that he exists)
>documents like the one attached to this post
No, they were trying to have the trial done on German legal terms. They were German lawyers. Allowing evidence that was probabitve worked in their favour as well. You could not, in the chaos of the post war era, and given the mountain of evidence to sort through, expect that the trials would be technically perfect. So for instance, they allowed some really whacky claims to be made, but they were totally dismissed by rebuttal testimony, and that was that (atomic bomb tests in Polish village, lasers, that sort of shit). It was dismissed with as much evidence as it was initially brought up.
Otherwise they would have had to wade through days of people proving that Himmler was really in charge of the SS or that Hitler had ever seen an order for invading Poland.
It was a rushed affair, ad not perfect, but no one has shown since that the verdicts were actually unfair.
Also, it wasn’t really about the Holocaust- a lot was about other war crimes. In 1946-47 they didn’t even know half the shit that had happened.
Hmm, German bros please provide translation
If the Final Solution was real, why did they do such a shitty job of it?
Deathcapms were fabricated by my homeland, and they strictly restricted access to them until the fabrication was complete.
Documents can be faked.
Meme flags don't have grandparents.
Your interpretations of nazi literature are largely irrelevant to the topic.
Soap was Nazi story. They stole it from the British in WW1. They used it t freak out jews. It was widely told by the gestapo to Jews to frighten them. It is no wonder it was believed and repeated.
>>Deathcamps still exist
Prove they're death camps.
>>Main Kampf
Only talk about stopping jewish domination by taking back control of one's country.
>>Several speeches
Which ones? Valid quotes would be appreciated, thx.
>>First hand accounts
'In my head, it was real !!!'
Where are the million bodies?
italy is one of the countries too
But the major evidence is clearly not forged or false.
Being ignorant of that is a choice. Why do you choose to be ignorant?
Clearly because it fits some agenda.
the fact that you are here and you (((granpa))) was able to (((have it all real in his mind))) at all is the best proof it didn't happen
Jews died during the war?
Yes, and gypsies, and commies, and faggots and so on.
Muh six gorillions?
Nope, there weren't that many jews in Germany and Poland combined during that time.
Show your flag you kike
What evidence?
ay Tone, that hits me in the feels!
>Should holocaust denial be legal?
finish his bris
OP here who is a german bro:
In accordance to the Fuhrers decision that , as soon as the war ends, all jews will have been driven out of europe, ... basically goes on that they expect a jewish resistance to form in romania, hungary , spain and switzerland, which is why they are going to ignore those countries for now
>think up a super secret plan to kill all the jews
>build a tiny little fake shower room right in the middle of Auschwitz labor camp right beside the fucking SS hospital
>takes 8 months to realize a building the size of your sitting room won't be big enough to kill 16, 000,000 jews
etc etc
Even fucking God knows that the holocaust is fake. When Israel tried to land a spacecraft on the Moon yesterday with a memorial to the "SIX BILLION" it crashed and blew up.
I honestly can't see how you expect me to agree with you that defending attorneys who helped rush death sentences were not working against defendants.
It is forged or fake, and in addition it's not allowed to discuss whether it's forged. Why are you even doing this?
all I'm saying is the benchvices should be used more often...
Its not a super secret plan. It never was a secret. Nobody tried to hide till they realised they are going to loose the war and will get fucked by the allies for their war crimes
that happy moment alone proves that there is still God around!
The shrunken heads existed. Most likely they were anthropology specimens owned by the camp doctor, but given the horrors of the camps it isn’t surprising people jumped to the wrong conclusion when they found them. This was debunked by western historians in the 1950s (including Jewish ones). Why people still go on about it is a mystery. It is a meme. It won’t die. You perpetuate it.
The lampshade may well have existed. It is at best u proven, but likely true.
As for shopped photos - if you mean the ones that deniers have frequently shopped up to “prove” Jews lie, then... for instance the one of the body being put in the oven? Deniers shopped the body out. But forgot it is one of a series, all with the body, and didn’t shop them too.
Or are you talking about the man in Buchenwald in the barracks. The original had him in. And anyway, he was in Buchenwald, and he lived in a barracks - even if he was shopped in (he wasn’t) why would that be deceptive?
Or do you refer to th sondorkommando photo that was used in a ghost hunter program in the US to illustrate a train wreck that they didn’t have any pictures of? Deniers now say it was the train wreck - turning history upside down - but not able to show why the train wreck has obviously been shopped to take the bodies out...
Ok I’m going to have to call BS on just this one.
I've not heard him say anything about exterminating jews, why link that speech?
it's not German fault that they put commies in the camps... the rest is cohensidence
You don’t know what dichotomy means do you?
Nor ad hominem. (Insult is not ad hominem)
show your French flag, hasbara. I know it's you
All the shit kikes made up about holohoax must be gathered and catalogued, and we should enact it for real when real holocaust finally begins.
Oh god it will be hilarious.
it is, in argumentative discussion. so shove it, kike
Most "deniers", do not pretend jews weren't targeted, enslaved and, many of them, executed. We just want to remark that the 6 gorillion figure, and the whole "round'em up so we can gas them later, instead of just killing them in the spot" thing, are cartoonishly evil. Something no actual government would ever spend on. ALL concentration camps were work camps. Why the hell would you build those prison-cities for jews, if you are going to exterminate them anyways?
Yes, many of them -more than a million- died. "Few" by execution, most due to the bad condition they were living in, combined with various diseases.
We are disgusted by the fact that, governments and mainstream media keep enforcing this obvious hoax, so jews can enjoy both ruler and victim status in our society.
>Tl:dr, gas chambers with wooden doors
I knew something was up when it started to be a reason to remove my freedoms.
"Well, the 6 gorillion, we need to take guns away"
"Well, the 6 gorillion, we need diversity in all countries but Israel"
"Well, the 6 gorillion, we to remove all pickles from Murdoch Chan's food"
and so on and so forth, until we reached the current year
>the end
You are allowed to discuss it.
Just not lie about it with the intention of inciting violence.
Historians question all aspects of it, and debate it thoroughly. They don’t get arrested. Idiots who say ‘it didn’t happen but it should have and will when I get in power’ get prosecuted, but not for denial...
don't worry, brother, we have got all we need for those masterbation machines and holocoasters and rooms with blade floors :D
we're are still working on Zyklon B - not practical to warm that shit up during most f the year in these climate zones... we'll improvise
Thanks for the based post
Based and redpilled.
I have no love for any one human. I love and hate all humans equally. Each is both profound and pathetic in their own way.
Since any document can be faked why believe anything. If the only real proof that the holocaust didnt happen is because "it's illegal to talk about it (despite being able to look up on the internet the proof)" your argument is shit