Why do south korean "men" unironically wear chokers?

why do south korean "men" unironically wear chokers?

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Maybe they are gay?

They look gay when they do.

why do you care about South Korean men at all, faggot?

'cause that's what asian girls like

Made of plastic too

if you have a short dick you are actually a cunt. checks out.

>muh dick
Austrians are truly nigger

You're Australian so you should know the answer to this, What is a faggot?

What the fuck. Why would they wear this?

That isn't a choker it is a collar. It is to show off that the wearer is owned/claimed or spoken for. The little bell is the give away.
That type of woman is usually very fun and eager to be domesticated..

South Korean "men" are made for BBC

Because they have black belts in blow jobs

Why did European "men" unironically used to dress like this?

Attached: Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg (933x1509, 407K)

>be drunken potato nigger
>not knowing S.Korea is degenerate Korea

jews did it

>That type of woman is usually very fun and eager to be domesticated.

OP said men are wearing these

girls like androgynous men

Androgynous men are basically girls with dicks for closet dykes too afraid to openly smash that fish taco

to show off how wealthy they are you dummy

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Most likely
You'd think men would evolve a bit after a couple centuries.

>OP said men are wearing these

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Asian men are perhaps the most effeminate, and lowest T of the races. Which is why we should breed them out to expand the white empire

I know that the U.S. is degen America too but I don't expect males to go outside wearing a cat collar.

Maybe I'm not paying enough attention, but I haven't seen that yet.

>don't expect

do you know what year it is potato nigger?

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I was in Korea a month back and didnt seen a single person do this

No, that is just kikery. Imperial Japan was not low-T and the only reason that South Korea is a faggot is because America exported it's clown world to them.

I don't think you even have room to talk, take a look at your own country's men; half of them actually unironically vote democrat

>males to go outside wearing a cat collar
sounds good to me

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How many Americans have you seen wearing cat collars in public?

Louis XIV was the most based king (maybe after Louis IX/Philippe IV) we ever had though.

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I would assume that was a woman if I saw it in the street.

All the boy band groups in East Asia are overly feminized. Think hair metal bands from the 80's but in streetwear and devoid of sexuality. Makeup, chokers, feminine behaviors, lilting voices, faggy clothes - these are all the rage for said boy bands and for a certain demographic that seeks to emulate them. It's their version of hipster meets N'Sync. Japan has this problem to a slightly lesser degree but Korean dudes are completely emasculated.

the state of koreaboos

Attached: male-kpop-idols-who-ooze-sexiness-black-chokers.jpg (1440x825, 194K)

>Korean dudes are completely emasculated.
Must be all that Christianity

because all chines korean and japanese men are gay 2 inch dick faggots unlike us white males

Make women feel empowered.

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I would destroy her ass

How could they with their fat necks?

Nah but doesnt surprise me I always think Asian men are bit on the fruity side

because it is the most pacified country in the world, even more so than britain... believe it or not.

that's not a her mate

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There is a difference between not caring about dick size and having what amounts to a vestigal appendage, mini satan.

Megalia control, they want a heavy female majority state and every small dicked men will be treated like animals or killed.
I support it, gets rid of the small dick genes.

These are basically females

would breed her
even better

to each to their own

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Literally a woman

Because asian men are a bunch of beta faggots

This webm. Everytime i see it its like a blackpill suppository. Jesus needs to hurry the fuck up.

Asians only have one gender.

Only a couple of faggots in Seoul do. 99% of Korean men don't do that.

they also look gay when they don't, what gives

Because most of these "Men" are a bunch of emasculate androgynous beta faggots. Femininity runs rampant in South Korean "males".

This. Faggot grade.

It's not a choker it's a dick sucking black belt

>0 relevant images have been posted

I knew a Korean while in college. He was a big guy. Played sports and I was genuinely scared of him. He did have a strange fetish, thoguh.

Because they're faggots. South Korea is an abomination and needs to be nuked into powder by based Kim.

99% of Korean men look like fags with or without chokers.