Georgetown University YES!

Georgetown university passed by vote due to the student body in favor of paying reparations to blacks, and will begin tacking on a $27.50 fee to students who have nothing to do with slavery to pay for the universities sins

Attached: 448C69CB-D575-4D5E-9AFF-7060B320DAB4.png (750x1334, 174K)

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Where are my reparations for being driven out of my nice comfy white neighborhood that's now been turned into a shithole by niggers?

>back in 1787 blacks were considered only 3/5 of a human
>back in 2019 the worth of blacks was valued at only $27.50

Lol!!!! What the fuck! This is some cuckery.

>nigger school
Checks out. How long until someone challenges them being able to cover that charge with federal studen loans?

Fucking kill me now

Attached: file.png (1200x600, 72K)


Attached: file.png (518x218, 24K)

Where are my reparations for living with niggers?

My mother got her doctorate at TAMUC (Texas A&M Uni) back when I was a child. Now I'm going here for my Masters degree in math (almost finished) and all I can say is "wtf". Niggers blasting their nigger music until 3am in the dorms, niggers blasting their nigger music "grinden" in public at the cafeteria/lunch hall, niggers just doing weird "nigger-pride" shit in the afternoon business building.

IDK what to say gentlemen. It's honestly baffling why anyone would want to be around blacks.

Attached: whatthefugg.png (1200x1236, 239K)

>2541 votes
>1304 votes
>2541 > 1304
>therefore 2541 wins
the brilliant mind of a student

This is honestly just a managerial mismanagement from white knight SJW-leaning admins who think that somehow everyone must "come togetha" to help a "bruva".