>Not too long ago, I realized what was clouding my vision by thinking and talking to several girls about this, which is why I am trying to change my content to be an actual influencer rather than a “model” (I wouldn’t consider myself as one anyway).

>When I started working out and getting into the fitness industry, my “role models” weren’t the greatest. And as everyone (hopefully) knows, you learn from who you follow or admire. I saw how these people posted, how they got to where they were, and I started to emulate that more and more especially since last year. I started posting way more risqué pictures instead of being an “influencer” and got caught up with it.

>The only thing I really got from it, in all honesty, was a bunch of d*ck pics, love messages from middle aged men with wives, and emails of all sorts from creeps. That. is. it.

>As my mindset starting changing, I started seeing the females I used to admire in a different light. I genuinely want to follow someone and have them inspire me, and not just always see their bodies and ads in every post. I want to see a message.
My calling isn’t to post ass pics or cringey videos once a day with a couple of words and be done (consistently speaking like I used to do).

>I want to be authentic, real, and inspiring to women. Yes, I will still post modeling pictures here and there because I genuinely love to feel feminine, beautiful, and sometimes sexy (all women should want to feel that way!). But my true calling is to INSPIRE people to improve their lives not just physically, but spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Just wanted to tell all of you

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jajjajaaj who the fuck cares what the hole thinks?


stop using ebonics you fucking nigger

She still plans to post slutty pics of herself. She is still a brainless thot. She's just trying to be a whore and have genuine respect. It doesn't work that way.

You can freign deepness of personality all you want, but if you still dress like a shallow whore, act like a shallow whore, and do what shallow whores do, you will ALWAYS be a shallow whore.

A thot is a thot is a thot, Azathoth.

Sounds quite toastie op stay comfy

what a cute grill in that webm
i wish i could eat her ass and then she gives me loving headpats/headrubs as a reward for being a good boy


Once a roastie, always a roastie. All that can come from calling them out is making them toastie.
Providing a somewhat robust counter-culture to hookups and thottery will only see results in the would-be thots who have been redpilled into rebelling against the vapid existences of their peers, have patience.

Learn to recognize progress. Behavior shaping requires approximation before perfection.

This is just because her porn got leaked

Does anyone have that photo of the girl dressing the cake and all the roasties are calling her an unrealistic representation of womanhood? That's what we need. Humans have limited perception and it's easier for us to mold ourselves with a goal. We need to push more until there's enough women like that to produce mass influence.

> i want to inspire women

Nice sex tape, you whore.

i nut so hard to their streams one of my fav couples

gib sauce!
she cute

You’re either respectable and successful and have a skill, or you’re a whore. There is no in between. Modern women will not ever learn from this until they actually develop a real life skill and stop putting any time and energy at all and (and self worth) into risqué and nude photos or being an e-thot.
>realizes people only like her for her body
>realizes most people following her are mouthbreathing desperate losers or retarded muscle apes with more testosterone than brains
>realizes when you advertise your body and nothing else people think of you as a sexy wet hole for their dicks and treat you as such
>”I want people to respect me so I’m not going to post as many lewds anymore but when people stop paying attention because I’m not that kind of girl anymore, I’ll post lewds again for a quick pick me up, just so I know I still matter”

She wants to have her cake and eat it too. It doesn’t work that way and it never will.

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That's some loser shit

She already tainted. Theres a video of her getting banged by a fucking paki, and she also has had sex with niggers.

Women that are tainted should be banished and never be allowed to breed with a white man. Anyone that think we can forgive women that have done this are collosal whiteknight faggots.

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The irony is that this will ultimately lead to women losing their rights for real.

Boomer-tier 60s levels of degeneracy were more "fun" but at the end of the day, everyone ended up hitched and birth rates didn't collapse.

But now with girls on dating apps taking hundreds of dicks and men just dropping out of society en masse, the end result will be those groups who put up with this stuff going extinct while the most reactionary and illiberal groups survive and expand at our expense.

Thots are going to send society back into the dark ages when women were basically locked up and not let out of their male guardian's sight.

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Women can convince themselves all they like, and fuck I have a brief look around at my unattached or tentatively attached friends and see the abject wilderness of women out there who have no life skills, no concrete goals, think nothing of abortion, think nothing of getting knocked up and raising a kid single, have a ridiculous list of requirements for men, gawp about emotional labour, pay gaps, men looking at them...and I think that maybe they should be kept in cages.

But the biggest lie they tell themselves is that getting bukkaked in a photoshoot for rent money is no big deal etc. All their noise about consent - and enthusiastic consent - there will always be a part of them that internally dissents against the idea of renting their pussy, whether they realise it or not.

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Guys you gotta work the heavy bag then sucker punch niggers.

He had the right idea with his 6 surviving grandchildren which were also his children


she's a coal burner

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Should we do gangstalking jew shaming too?

I guess not, because you love to suck jewish nanopenises.

Cancer utter cancer.

>getting into the fitness industry
Guarantee you take it in the ass soon if you haven't already.


>gets his head scratched
>gets backrubs
>eats her ass
why am i even fuckin alive

Social shame is the only thing that works on women since conceptual honor is meaningless to them

I’ll just leave this right here.

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So what? She is already a worthless whore. She shouldn't start a family, she should be removed from the gene pool. Her life is already pointless.